A new venture into Spin & Go
Hi all,
I'm back with another Blog & Goals post, this time focusing on my new objective of getting better at SnG.
I've now been playing poker for about 2years and have learned a lot since i started. I've tried live, online, cash and tournaments, at different stakes. I'm showing a modest profit of 3,000$, although i must say that my volume has not been very high, and most of these winnings came from a lucky Macau session.
I have previously tried (and failed) to put in serious volume on cash tables online, but my schedule is quite restricted and i found it tough to really focus for short sessions. Deep stack poker is also pretty complex and i couldn't find the time to properly study at the same time.
I recently tried playing SnG, one of the formats i haven't tried much so far and I like the fact that it's a simpler game and i can dial in for short sessions at a time.
I am investing all of my bankroll into this challenge, and will give up if i bust.
I am playing 5€ expresso on Winamax and taking shots at 10$ on Global WPT due to a 25% RB deal. Volume on this platform will be low due to lack of games, and no trackers allowed which annoys me, but i feel the field is softer.
My goals will be to:
• Structure a detailed study plan
• Increase volume progressively
• Make progress on the mental game
Study plan:
- Act1 - Study preflop 3way - at 25/20/15/10/8BB depths
- Learn BU RFI ranges
- Learn SB vs BU RFI ranges
- Learn BU response to it
- Learn SB RFI ranges
- Learn BB vs SB RFI ranges
- Learn SB response to it
- Act2 - Study preflop HU - TBD
- Learn BU RFI ranges
Volume goals: reach 1,000 spins
Results so far:
- up 155$ in 67games on WPT
- Down 115€ in 83games on Wina
My CEV is looking good for the moment on Wina so i trust in my strategy.
It's a bit repetitive to learn these pre-flop charts for the moment, but I feel they give me such an edge over the field with villains who either call too much or fold too much, so i need to learn where the balance is first.
I'll report with some updates on the study, volume or mental game !
12 Replies
Well spin and go is not a sit and go. First one is with a random prizepool second one is with fixed. GL anyways. Btw you should start with hu because the money is made there. Not in sbvsbtn 3w.
Fair enough on the naming convention.
Why do you say HU is where the money is made btw ? Because more pots are played postflops and that's where you can have a skill edge, as opposed to 3way which is more card edge/variance driven ?
I thought i would just start by studying the first phase of the game, but you make an interesting point.
Can't think of anything better to do with your life?
Gl in you challenge. I also think HU is more important as all the money goes to the winner and many time your opponents will clash early, leaving you HU 25bb deep. Plus improving HU will help you in other nlhe formats aswell.
Got caught up with work and traveling lately, so not a lot of time to put in volume.
But i've followed the advice in this thread, and put in some time to study some HU. I was feeling a bit lost, not knowing how to construct my ranges, so it was good to start with some basics there anyway. Here is my revised study plan:
Study plan:
- Act1 - Study HU preflop- at 25/20/15/10/8/6 BB depths
- Learn SB ranges
- Learn BB response
- Learn SB response to an iso or shove
- Learn SB ranges
I usually don't mind learning preflop ranges, but i want to make sure i understand the heuristics behind it to make it more practical. Focusing on BU first.
What i found so far so far for BU is that:
- When 15bb+ deep, Button will pure raise quite polar, and mix limp/raise with the middle of the range
- This protects the limp range with some strong hands that can call an iso, and our trash hands benefit the most from potential fold equity by raising
- As stacks get shallower, the prospect of raise folding a trash hand impact our stack more, so instead we start to limp a lot more
- we also develop a shoving range from 15bb<
- Below 10bb we stop raising and only shove or limp
- We want to limp polar with strong hands that will limp call a shove, or limp fold with our trash
I am studying BB's response and trying to identify the patterns now.
Volume goals: 203/1000 tournaments
Results: -85€
CEV/T: 49
Study update:
I've been using the range builder tool of GTOw to practice memorizing preflop actions.
I've also setup a few drills to practice preflop 3way and HU, and also practice SB position HU for the full hand
I'm doing 2 tables at a time with timebank for preflop to practice my "reflexes" but one table only and for postflop to take my time to go through the range v range thinking process
They're pretty great for warmup too !
Of course these are only GTO drills, and the important thing is to adapt to villain's profile.
I've noticed at the stakes I play a lot of BU limping 3way which is almost always weak (occasionally AA), and then you have either quite passive players, or players who shove a lot vs a limp in BvB or HU.
Mental game:
Even though we play a lot of all in pots and there is ample opportunity for variance to even out, in 250 tournaments I've already gone through a couple of 20+ BI swings.
Thankfully I'm well rolled, but focusing on the results too much leads me to tilt a bit.
Nothing more frustrating than having villain down to 1bb HU on a big multiplier only to have him double up 3x in a row and end up winning it, right ? 😃
I need to work on this part of my game, and for this I need to have more conviction that my plays are correct, which means practicing more.
I'm using the basic H2N hud at the moment with vpip/pfr/3b stats, but it feels completely useless.
I'd be more interested to know the shoving % of opponents facing a raise, maybe depending on stack depths etc.
I might need to spend some time setting that up, any tips on useful stats to look at for Spins, let me know!
http://www.snghud.com/essential-one.html Free up to 10$ games and has everything you need.
Thanks ImePaskaa for the suggestion.
Quick update:
Winamax are in the middle of doing their .fr to .es migration, and it's been a mess for me.
I didn't withdraw my funds on the .fr prior to the migration, and for the last 2-3 weeks i've been chasing support to sort it out.
They are being unbelievably slow and incompetent, although i trust that they'll end up sorting it out, it's been making me want to play elsewhere for the time being.
As a result I started playing on GG spins, but i like the hybrid flash/regular format less.
I also feel like at the 5-10$ stakes there are more competent grinders who play all day long (a lot of the pool have millions$ of earnings, indicating at least high volume players).
This whole Winamax thing got me a little be less motivated, and as a result study time has suffered.
I hope to sort it out quickly and get back to the grind in the way I like it.
2024 Results:
No of spins: 533
Avg BI: 7.07
Profit pre RB: -44$
Finally sorted the issue with Winamax and got my balance back.
i've been studying preflop more and figured that vs fish you can play very straightforward.
Vs passive weak fish:
Limp your medium hands, raise your good hands, and beware of any sudden aggression.
Vs agro fish:
Add traps in your limp range and get ready to stack off when you make an ok hand.
I'm focusing most of my playing time on Winamax 5e spins, and there are so many bad players that will call a 15bb shove with 69o or donk 3 streets with complete air, so just playing solid and organized should be enough to beat the field.
However i'm realizing that it will take longer than i thought to reach meaningful volume and get some results.
At the moment i play 2 tables, or 3 when i'm feeling focused but I sometimes time out, and it looks like I can only do 20-30 tournaments per hour.
So even reaching 1000 spins will take 50 hours.
May not sound like much to some of you, but when you have a full time job and other hobbies, it's quite a lot!
I'm working on it though, and i'll update my results once I reach the 1k.
I won't increase the number of tables until I can play 3 tables for an hour+ comfortably without ever timing out.
Hello 2+2,
Some updates for June, as i managed to reach some of my volume goals, and I'm about to go on holiday for 3 weeks, so will be mostly putting poker to a halt.
I have managed to push myself to play more in June, partially motivated by the EURO cup promotion on Winamax.
So i have played close to ~650 spins in June which is my highest volume by far.
Overall i have crossed the 1k threshold of games on Winamax so i'm ready to share some results:
2024 Results:
No of spins: 1295
Avg BI: ~6
Profit pre RB: -75$
RB and Bonus: +124$
Net profit: +49$
The results are nothing impressive so far, but I actually feel like i've been playing ok and just need to put in more volume to go through the variance.
I've been tracking most of my games on Winamax, and have observed the below interesting stats on 5euros:
cEV/T: 62
ITM: 36%
And running quite a bit below EV:
According to my calcs, with 7% rake i need to have a theoretical min cEV of 37.6 and win about 35.8% of tournaments to break/even.
In reality it would be a bit more, as i'll never have a sample large enough to guarantee I hit the high multipliers a correct % of times.
What I have learned so far
- Improved knowledge of preflop ranges 3way and HU at variable stack depths
- But there are a lot of different configurations (stack depths, profiles etc) so I need to constantly work on it
- Variance takes a long time to smooth out
- It's super important to profile Villains accurately and adapt, sometimes in extreme ways
What I need to work on
- Refine SB vs BB ranges 3w
- I have a tendency to call shoves a bit tight, because i usually don't credit my opponents with the ability to find as many shoves as GTO. That might be a leak of mine which I need to fix, or make sure I have enough data to justify this exploit.
- My strategy HU is quite imbalanced with a lot of limps with medium to weak hands vs raising the best hands. It works against fish, but i need to adjust vs smarter opponents
Overall i'm happy with how this challenge has started, I have already learned a lot and have ideas of things to improve.
After my holiday i hope to find more time to study and identify my leaks, while maintaining ok volume to put it in practice.
I'm also going to share a bit more about my life to make this blog more enjoyable to read for everybody !
Hey guys,
I'm back from a long no-post break in which a lot of stuff has happened.
I went on holiday, got married, and then when i came back home I got super busy with work.
I work in an investment bank in HK (in trading), so the recent market turmoil has kept me busy.
Poker has a lot of similarity with what I do, in terms of variance of results, decision making, tracking performance etc.
It's probably why I was attracted to poker in the first place, plus the fact that I like the quantitative and theoretical aspect of it.
Dealing with variance is something I'm well used to, so I feel like i was able to quickly adapt my brain to tolerating it in poker.
That said, I can still recognize when i have a session with bad variance and vice versa, I just don't let it affect my game too much.
So what's next for poker ?
- I'm going to continue this challenge and hopefully find the time to increase the volume and keep studying.
- I find that at the moment i'm able to play 2 tables quite well, 3 is ok but sometimes I feel like I'm rushing my decisions. Any tips for improving this aspect, which is key for volume ?
- I've also finally spent enough time in H2N to setup a nice HUD that I feel comfortable using, hopefully this results in some +EV decisions as well.
I won't bother with a results update in August given low recent volume, and I'll target to play 500+ spin until september, ideally around 1k.
Feel free to ask any questions in the meantime