Grinding 2NL and 5NL Zoom for 100000 hands
Hi I'm new to the community sort of, but i have heard of twoplustwo since back in the days in 06. Im hoping posting here will help me keep my hands accountable and gain some new insights into how to transform my game. I learned poker back in 06 and had try to go pro before but it didnt work out. Id like to try again so Im starting at 2NL and 5NL with around 15 buyins. My goal is to be bankrolled for 100 NL by the end of the year. I will be playing on the stars zoom tables. Any advice about how you struggled to move up stakes would be appreciated.
6 Replies
Here are my most recent 60000 hands: as accurate as HEM is of course:
I realize I am running over EV and everything like that, but I feel like over the 100000 hands I will be able to show a large profit.
GL in your grind, will be following. Don't forget to share some intresting hands aswell.
Is that the first hem you are using? Haven't seen that in a while lol. GLGL.
Wow long long time since I last seen the first hem, pre solver era, different world.
Thought it wasn't allowed by stars anymore, does it still work?
Struggles to move up. Well, I also started playing from the bottom, learning the game and trying to use the cheapest possible resources (with the idea that how much I spend has to be related to the limit, I won't get coaching til I reach stake x, solvers at y etc). My advice is, don't do it this way, was one my greatest ever mistakes. Reaching 100nl from the bottom if you never beat anything higher than the lowest micros, in my opinion, is hard, and will require study, effort and some talent. If that's your ambition, then do eveything in your power so you can to reach it, including investing in yourself from the start and not being cheap. The moment to invest in yourself is now.
Yup, its the first HEM. Thanks for the replies. I don't use stats to play I just use it to record my results.