100k Profit at MTT's

100k Profit at MTT's

Hello All,

This is a simple thread. Make 100k profit from mtt's. I got laid off from my job a couple of months ago and ha

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15 April 2024 at 05:54 PM

279 Replies


Just finished 8/1083 in the $22 25k gtd on global. One of the rattlesnake tournaments with a trophy up for grabs aswell as the $4237 bucks. Tilted would be an understatement. Had to make 3 big icm folds. There were 3 mega whales still on the table and I looked down at 77 in the LJ with 10bb. Only the chip leader and the reg next to me covered. I covered the others. There was one 3bb and 4bb stack. I was actually 5/8 with 10bb . Reg next to me snapped with TT and out. So annoying. Felt I had a huge edge on the remaining players but just didn't pick up any nice spots unfortunately. 8th for $487.5

Still in the $33 PLO 10k gtd on ACR. $2,318 up top. 5/8 right now,

3rd for $1235.37

Any winning Sunday is a good one I guess. Need to get back in the lab tomorrow and start studying more. Good luck to anyone playing.

Worst day of MTT's since the challenge started. ZERO CASHES. Just stopping regging now and will call it a day early. Still trying to get back into my rhythm since the live trip. Definitely not playing my A-game. Had a few punts in there today which i'm not too pleased with. Gotta get the confidence up thru proper exercise, diet and study. Just feeling a little shook after losing a few k at the live stop. Obviously it was only like 9 mtt's and easy to happen given the stakes but I was on such an upswing it hurt the pride a bit lol. Had what ended up being a great session last night winning over $1,200 but still felt a little off in a few spots.

Have started to dabble back in some plo cash. I was a winner at PLO 100 over a decent sample a couple of years ago. Was subbed to JNANDEZ PLO mastermind for a few months and enjoyed the game. The games on global poker and chico network seem pretty good so going to add some tables when my mtt tables are running out. If at any stage i'm going very deep in an mtt and want to focus more attention on it, I can always just sit out the cash tables. Should be able to add some EV doing this. Will not be a full time thing but will keep an eye out for some juicy tables and play them when time is right.

Subscribed to the BBZ seminars today. $75 per month. Should be well worth the price. Aiming for 1 hour per day with that.

Here's a look at the challenge so far( hasn't updated all today's mtt's so the true number is likely $500 less than advertised):

Not sure whether to include the live stops results and PLO cash into the challenge or not?

don't change what you're doing... you are running insanely hot at 106% ROI.. don't start splashing around in PLO and such. Just keep cruising. it's a good way to set yourself back.

Loving the thread. GL and please keep it coming!

by SpillingChips k

don't change what you're doing... you are running insanely hot at 106% ROI.. don't start splashing around in PLO and such. Just keep cruising. it's a good way to set yourself back.

Thanks. Yea PLO has a ton of variance but was beating it for like 6bb/100 at plo 100 couple of years back. But yea prob best to stick to one variant and get really good at it. Gonna be tough to keep up a 100% roi lol. Although I do play less tables and pick really good games to play so hence why the roi is pretty high. I was just looking at my results by stake and am crushing less than $50 and breakeven >$50. Very small sample but still it's showing me that even with a bigger bankroll, I can't just go playing 100's all of a sudden even if rolled. Have to put in a bunch of study to be able to be crushing a $50 average buy in. The fields there are much tougher. On ACR and chico at least. Global is still super soft

by hayblud k

Loving the thread. GL and please keep it coming!

Thanks very much will do!

Felt great today while playing. This was prob due to getting to central park and going for a nice long walk before the session. Ate well and drank a ton of water. Also hit the gym yesterday evening.Didn't feel much anxiety and felt the thought process was solid for the most part. Started the session terribly. Got rekt in every spot but kept going and was able to turn it around in the end. Booked a decent winning day.

Started with a f2t in the $55 7.5k on chico. Unlucky not to go deeper but still a decent cash.
Placed 6th in a $5 rebuy on global for a small ft cash. But they all add up
Lost heads up in the $11 lunchtime eleven 1k gtd on global
Got a win in the mini deep eight $33 2.5k gtd on global for $657.90
Last mtt of the night I finished 8th in the $33 5k gtd on chico for $185

Going deep into Jordan Drummonds seminar videos for the forseeable future. The guy is a genius. Very well thought out ideas. Also solver work and plenty of icm hand reviews in the coming days. One reg on global gave me his discord so will hit him up and hopefully can start sharing some hands.

how much of your volume is coming on ACR vs. Chico & Global?

by SpillingChips k

how much of your volume is coming on ACR vs. Chico & Global?

Hey Spilling chips. Roughly the following:

40% ACR

Hoping to get out of NY soon and maybe move to NJ. That would open up PokerstarsNJ, bovada, wpt global and a few more. NY sucks for online poker right now.

Had a short session yesterday. Breakeven/very small win. Studied a bunch with GTO Wizard. My Blind V Blind game is not up to scratch right now. I really need too work on this a lot. Also want to really nail down btn vs bb and 3b shove ranges <20bb (with some icm, not just chip ev ranges). The $55's I have been playing on ACR are much, much tougher than anything else in my schedule. I could just drop them altogether but I want to start playing them and see what it takes to improve and crush these stakes. I'm probably winning in these games for a small roi and would make more money by adding a $33 global freezeout instead, but I need the experience in these tougher lineups to keep improving. Will be sticking to an abi of ~$20-25 for now though overall. Want to hit at least 35-40k profit before hitting a $50 abi. There will be more swings/lower roi for me at the higher abi i'm assuming. So I want to have 800-1000 buyins to limit risk of ruin.

An underrated skill imo is picking the best schedule. I've constantly retooling mine (possibly too much?). But I love sharkscope because I can filter by buyin range/site. One thing I noticed is on a couple sites I can run a 100%+ ROI on the 20s, which will kill a <20% ROI in the 100s. Plus it's so much less variance and mental anguish.

Obviously, you want to get to bigger games, but I had to fight myself for a long time to know how/where I could personally make the highest $$$ per table. The example above was one of the things that worked for me.

by xnbomb k

An underrated skill imo is picking the best schedule. I've constantly retooling mine (possibly too much?). But I love sharkscope because I can filter by buyin range/site. One thing I noticed is on a couple sites I can run a 100%+ ROI on the 20s, which will kill a <20% ROI in the 100s. Plus it's so much less variance and mental anguish.

Obviously, you want to get to bigger games, but I had to fight myself for a long time to know how/where I could personally make the highest $$$ per table. The

Exactly Xnbomb. I know a bunch of guys who are trying to swing d ick by grinding out a 5-10% roi at $100abi when they could just have a 50%+ roi at abi $33. Make more money per table at the lower abi, more ft's, more fun imo and way less swings. Average field size is another big one to watch for. I'm a huge nit with bankroll and also keep field sizes very low.

It may take me a little longer to get to the higher stakes but I think it will be a smoother ride/ less setbacks. Also, just bc some guy gets a big score doesn't mean they should move up at all. Some self awareness and knowing what stakes you are actually beating is a big skill in itself. A one off big score in some SCOOP event is possible for anyone. But to then decide that you can move up 2 or 3 levels in buyins and think you are beating the games is foolhardy imo.

It's the reason why i'm really pushing study right now. My game is good enough to beat $55's right now but not enough to be winning at an roi that I want. Have to get deep in the lab and elevate my game to where i'm killing those games and then keep climbing. I don't see the point in playing games with tons of variance and risking a bunch of downswings. For anyone interested in variance and how severe it can really be, you can checkout primedope.com for free. It really opened my eyes.

6th in the $22 7.5k gtd on chico for $300.75. There was $1,340 up top which would have been nice but I was very happy to ladder to 6th. Feel like my ICM game was really on point for this mtt and been making a lot of improvements in this area lately.

Final tabled the $55 15k gtd on ACR. I think I played really well up until final table where I butchered 2 spots. Have about 50 hands saved for ICM review which i'm looking forward to diving into. This was my first ft in an ACR $55. These fields are much tougher and a step up from my usual games. Today was the first time I felt 100% comfortable in the game which is a good sign. Finished 4th for $1047.95.

A good session this evening. Sattied into the $218 Saturday Blitz $12,500 Guaranteed on Global. It overlayed and only got 58 runners. I finished up 3rd for $ 938 +1x $50 min bounty = $988 score. Was a funny tournament. Got short then doubled up and would win some pots/ have a big stack and just coulnd't get any bounties. Get short stacked again and rinse repeat. Ran super well to finish 3rd though. Won all the flips when I my tournament life was on the line(besides the last one ofc 😀) Feel like I played pretty well. Global poker is really just so soft. May have to ramp up the volume there and play less on ACR and betonline. Final 2 tables of a $218 buyin and there were still 6 recreational players left in the field. Very good signs. There were some crushers ofc but still a lot of EV there.

Also won a $11 satty on ACR to some megasat tomorrow morning 10am which sucks.... thought it was for any $109 buyin but apparently not. Gotta be up in 8 hours or so from now so time to sleep.

How would you compare Global to Chico? I figured global would be much tougher but haven't played there in forever

by xnbomb k

How would you compare Global to Chico? I figured global would be much tougher but haven't played there in forever

I find Global much softer. I asked Lenny Foley( IllusoryPoker) what he thought were the softest sites for US players. He went with 1. Ignition 2. Global. Can't remember after those top 2 😀 I can't access ignition/bovada from NY anymore which sucks a lot. I used to play there and fields were incredible.

I think a lot of the brazilians are playing on chico which makes the fields tougher imo. Global is restricted to only USA and Canada. I may be wrong on the softness of the fields but that's my personal experience

EDIT: Almost all countries can play on Chico/Betonline. Those fields gotta be tougher then given that regs from all over can play

$11 SATTY >>$109 SATTY >> $1,050 2 MILLION GTD

Let's Go!!!

We bagged a stack for day 2 on May 27th!! 247 of the 1,065 entrants remain. I sit 163/247 with 25.5bb. One more flight next Sunday. So assuming next Sunday will get slightly more entries (~1,200-1,500 is my guess), total prizepool should be around 2.3 million. I'm gonna need to survive a few levels to make the cash. To be honest I think i'm not gonna give up any spots and try and limp into the money though. I have never played an online $1k before and this would be life changing if I could go deep. The ~$1,500 min cash will not change anything for me so I'm not going to play scared money when it's game time. Not gonna go berserk ofc, but just want to play as close to gto as possible and not shrivel up which can happen when not playing my regular stakes.

Rough day today . Bunch of cashes but no ft's unfortunately. The highlight was running deep in the $11 $15k gtd OSS event on ACR. Finished 19/1414. Not meant to be today.

Did a bunch of study before the session which was cool. Feeling good about my game. Have a coaching session coming up friday. It will be a database review so excited to find some leaks and hopefully be able to plug them and gain some EV.

Have a friend coming from Ireland on friday for a few days which i'm really looking forward to. Will likely take off Friday and Saturday this week so can spend time with him before a big session Sunday and the 1k on Monday .

Had a day off yesterday. Went to central park for a long walk and then walked down 5th Ave and sat down in bryant park for a while. Watched some guys playing table tennis. One of them asked if I wanted to play. It was a lot of fun. It's been a few years but I used to play at a competitive level in Ireland. We had a table in our basement so me and my brother spent a lot of time playing. Really brought back some fun memories.

Going to head to grab some coffee and a sandwich soon and watch today's BBZ poker seminar. Then walk home and start up today's session.

Something I have been thinking about recently is volume. I know deep down that if i'm to last as a pro, I will need to increase table count. Although focusing on quality over quantity right now, there will come a time in the not so distant future that I will have to begin training at a higher table count. I 'm not even too comfortable at 6 tables to be honest. Ideally, I would like to get that number closer to 10. I don't think i'll ever be the 15 tabler guy nor do I want to be, but 4-6 tables won't cut it. It will for sure be leaving too much EV on the table. In the meantime, study study study.

Got heads up in 2 mtt's on global at the same time to finish off the session. Won one/Lost one. 2nd in the Mini Blitz $ 3,000 Guaranteed for $510 and a W in the $5 rebuy and addon $1,250 gtd for $312.51. Ended up being a really fun session. I felt I played very well today so am happy for that the most. Had 6 bullets in an mtt on chico which sucked but what can you do? Usually I cap it at 2 and then max late reg a 3rd one if need be. But the field was super good so I just kept rebuying. Stone bubbled a $22 5k on ACR with 33 paid. I opened co Ako and btn 3b jammed 25bb effective with A6o and got there. Nothing much I could do. Have to call there as it was for 4th place chip stack even if it's stone bubble. Another session tomorrow and then a coaching session Friday.

6TH in the $55 2.5K for $137.5 on Global. Bit of a rough FT coming in as a big stack but lost 2 big allins with AK. First AK


Nice work! I'm in NYC so I have the same limited options, and I've mostly switched to ACR since I wanted to have access to hand histories. This thread is making me want to throw some Global tournaments in again. The massive fields and long late reg on ACR makes it such a grind.
