Part-time Rec trying to climb the stakes
Hi All, I'm a rec who has been playing properly online for just over a year. I have a good job, I'm getting married and hopefully starting a family soon so its very likely poker will remain a hobby for me but one I'm keen to progress at.
I'm starting this blog to see can a part time rec climb the online stakes.
Poker History
I first stumbled across poker in a casino in Dublin back in 2012 or so. I was a student and used to play cash games a few nights a year, usually after a nights drinking and I know now that I had no idea what I was doing. I dabbled a bit online primarily in tournaments but never with any success. I then stopped playing completely for 6-7 years while living abroad. Last year I entered a poker tournament in Dublin and by pure luck ended up taking it down for a good score. All of a sudden the poker bug was back.
I decided to give online a shot and started playing 25NL online... Shock, it didn't go well. For the first 9 months and 30K hands I got smashed at a -6bb/100
As you can see the redline was brutal and I really didn't know what I was doing. The main focus from that point was to start playing more aggressively, taking every spot and if I got stacked then so be it. Results improved significantly both redline and win rate. For a lot of it I even kept the Blue line steady but probably have to dedicate that to some run good.
My goal now is to continue the aggression but to reduce the river spew somewhat by playing more theoretically and then ill try to ramp it up again when I build a solid foundation and can focus on exploits.
Below is my year to date graph. Fortunately I'm in a position to shot take and don't need to be too careful around bankroll management so will have a blast at 50NL soon..
Ill update every week or two depending on volume, with results and also focus areas for my play. If all goes well I would love to be comfortable at 100NL by end of 2024. Wish me luck
3 Replies
gl 😀
Ran two decent sessions on Saturday at 25NL and 50NL so decided Id have a go at 50 today. Played very poorly and also felt I was running into it. TBH I'm not sure what was going on but I felt I wasn't playing my usual game at all. Obvioulsy timing for that wasnt good as I was up in stakes. No issue though. Ill go back to 25NL during the week and if im back playing well ill take another shot at 50 next weekend.
Does anyone with experience know how long it typically takes for a recreational to get and be profitable at 100NL. Can I be a winning player by the end of 2024 or am I dreaming lol?