15k -> 100k Regrind Challenge
I previously made a blog here -
Gone are the days where pros would play more than 20 hours a week.
Sad :(
Congrats on the bink and good job getting out of that hole
tyty! been really enjoying your posts too
you are right though, even as a pro I probably only played 20-30 hours a week. there are exceptions but I definitely think pros (especially cash) spend way more time studying than they did a few years ago, which translates to less playing.
Pretty low volume month -

Happy to run good and feel that I'm in a decent rhythym wrt studying and off the table work.
Overall the month is ~+3k.
Been getting back into the live scene in my city and have taken some shots, including playing a 10/25/50 game I sold action to. pic below of chipstack

Ended up breaking even in that game, and after a disastrous -4k 2/5 uncapped game yesterday basically broke even playing live for the month despite a mini heater I had in the beginning of the month.
Next month hope to put about double the volume online and continuing playing 2/5 ~2 times a week. With enough luck I'll reach 100k by the end of the year.
Bankroll has hit ~55k with some good luck in the markets and a few big winning live sessions. Not much to show but a fairly big change.
I recently joined metal_ouda + captain robur's CFP. While I do enjoy live, the long hours and the overall grind it requires is a pretty tough pill to swallow especially with a lot of other responsibilities. So I decided to bite the bullet and "move down" (not really) in stakes to prioritize honing my skills online. The deal is pretty favourable, and I plan on starting out by playing 200nl as well as the 200 ante games there, but focusing on 6 max for volume and reps. So for anyone following expect to see more hand reviews, graphs, and strategy ideas in the coming months.
I plan on playing 50k hands at 200, (should take me about 1.5-2months) then moving up to 500 if all goes well.
Any updates? Enjoyed your blogs so far, glgl!