From 50 bucks to 100nl?
Hi, I recently started a poker bankroll challenge with 50 bucks, I've been wanting to share my progress with someone but
If anyone reads this who uses drivehud, how do you view just a session in a graph? I can't seem to figure it out. I may switch to a different hud at some point, for now though I'm too poor for that, so I'm using drivehud. But if someone knows how I view individual sessions on the graph instead of everything please let me know
I finally figured out how to do a date range with drive hud, you can't filter by session but you can by day. This was yesterday, just over 2.5k hands played at 10nl. Looks like I ran about 60 bucks under ev. I did suffer some bad beats, but hey that's poker, I'm sure I'll experience my fair share of positive variance as well as bad.
I have less than 3 hours before I must get back to work, so I'm going to fit a short session in now and perhaps another tonight.
I also noticed now I qualify for silver chests on stars which are worth 40 bucks, that's not bad actually. That's 4 buy ins and will help build the roll. I currently only play two tables of zoom, I'm considering adding another table, if I can handle an extra table it will speed up the process of attaining bonuses.
Edit: the servers are undergoing maintenance so I can't play, I guess it's a study session instead.
Nice work man, you're putting in some good volume so hope the ev catches up to you soon
BTW since you use drivehud I can genuinely recommend the leakbuster add on. Takes your drivehud stats and analyses different aspects of your game. Also includes instructional videos on leaks identified.
Personally I found it good value so figured I would mention it. Poker courses cost a lot so access to the videos directly from the leaks identified made it worth the cost for me
Perhaps I'll check that out, I have gto wizard and you can upload your hands there and do something similar so as I've already paid for that I'll see what that is like first. Although I may end up doing both.
I'm done with work for the night anyway so I can finally get back to the grind
This morning all my hands have disappeared from drivehud! Why! No data is showing at all. So far I'm not sure I'm liking drivehud, perhaps I'll make the switch to pokertracker...
I have switched to PT4 and already I'm much happier. I'm yet to test it out fully, I had some issues setting up, but I'm up and running now. It seems to work so much better, I may have lost my hand histories from drivehud, I'll see if it's possible to transfer them, but even if I can't it's still worth it. At least I'm up and running with a hud I'm happy with.
I had to withdraw some winnings to pay for it as payday isn't until 5th. I started with 50 bucks and so far I've got a premium gtowizard subscription, a new hud, and still have 100 bucks left so it's not so bad. I plan to reimburse what I've withdrawn on payday plus perhaps a little more to boost the roll.
I'm not sure if I'll be able to transfer my hands to the new hud yet. I'm having difficulties. I can see my old results however, over 110k hands I made 1.3k with a win rate of 5.47bb/100 most of that was earned at 50nl, 41k hands played at 50nl and 65k hands played at 10nl.
What's interesting is although I was beating the game back then, I still had a negative red line, now however my red line is very positive, I can attribute this to a few things
My old PT4 results
If anyone reads this who uses drivehud, how do you view just a session in a graph? I can't seem to figure it out. I may switch to a different hud at some point, for now though I'm too poor for that, so I'm using drivehud. But if someone knows how I view individual sessions on the graph instead of everything please let me know
I just messaged you, but I'm in the forums all the time. You can just reach out and I can help w/ any feature. We also have 24/7 support.
And just fyi, if you right-click on the graph you posted, you can export to image, and just post, which is much easier to do than taking a phone screenshot, posting, on here, etc..
Thank you, I'm all up and running with PT4 now however, appreciate the help though. Perhaps it's because I used to use PT4 but I find the interface a lot easier to use. i'm a hud noob.
I have played my first sessions using my new PT4 hud, I'm enjoying using it. I tried to import my hands from drivehud but keep getting an error message and no data shows on drivehud. Frustrating as it was over 40k hands into my challenge but it's not the end of the world, I'm enjoying PT4.
My first two sessions were short one's as I've been busy working. yesterday just 600 hands and a little over 1400 today, so 2k hands total. I'll be playing again tomorrow after work. I ran well but feel I also played well. I'm continuing to work on my game and study, mainly through using GTO wizard, the more I study the more spots I notice for exploitation. I feel I'm also starting to trust my intuition more when it comes to deviation, a lot of the time I intuitively feel the correct thing to do but often struggle to execute, now though I'm trying to go with it if it's a line that makes sense to me. It may not always make absolute sense in theory, but people play so far from what would be correct in GTO especially at the micros, I feel it's important to be tuned in to that intuition if I'm going to maximally exploit people and increase my win rate.
I got paid early so reimbursed most of the money I took to pay for GTOWizard and PT4, current roll stands at 322 dollars. I think to take a shot at 25nl I'll wait until i have 30 buy ins, so 750 bucks and take a 10 buy in shot. That's a little over double my roll. I'm not sure exactly how long it will take to get there, But I'm confident I will, I'm confident I can beat 25nl also, and pretty confident I'll be fine at 50nl. That may be some way off yet though.
Thank you, I'm all up and running with PT4 now however, appreciate the help though. Perhaps it's because I used to use PT4 but I find the interface a lot easier to use. i'm a hud noob.
Yes, of course, yw. I totally understand. If you're already used to PT, there will be a slight learning curve with DH2.
GL, and if you ever change your mind, just reach out.
well tonight instead of sticking to my plan of grinding at 10nl until I have a big enough roll, I took a shot at 25nl. This time it went not so bad. It was a swingy session, however managed to finish up $46.54 after 2.4k hands. Mr roll now sits at $371. Do I grind 25nl again next time or go back to 10nl? 15 buy ins isn't much.
One thing I need to stop doing so often, at least vs bad players, is to stop bluffing into strong ranges. A spot will come up where I have the nut advantage and great blockers, they bet strong and I know they likely have a very strong hand, yet I can't help myself. I guess it's fun to to make people fold, but assuming people are thinking the same way is probably dumb and burning money at these stakes. I should just keep it simple and stop trying to make people fold big hands. something else I think I need to focus on is the small pots. People often don't fight for a small pot, but over time they add up to a lot of BB.
I'm posting my first 7.5k hands played using my new PT4 hud. 5.5k of these were played at 25nl.
I didn't play yesterday as a friend was visiting, today though I managed to fit in 3k hands at 25nl. It went really well. I have been doing more studying and I feel it's really paying off. I have found a lot of spots where I can deviate from theory and exploit people. I am also working hard to simplify my strategy, i think at 25nl it doesn't need to be super complex, the person who makes the least mistakes will win the most, so when i can range bet i do, when i can simplify to one sizing I do. There's also lots of spots where checking range has become useful, people suck at balancing ranges, I guess people aren't computers, it's hard to get the frequencies correct, this can lead to some big opportunities for exploitation.
I was going to wait until i had more money before taking shots at 25nl but it feels like a waste of time. I'm confident I can beat the stakes so it feels unnecessary. I'll just keep going and hopefully soon I'll hit 1k. My current roll sits at $465 helped by a 40 dollar bonus I unlocked. These bonuses are going to be very helpful.
Anyway it's time to sleep, another day off tomorrow so a long day of grinding and study ahead, perhaps I'm addicted, I just love the game.
so far today I've played 2k hands at 25nl, I'm up $68.17 so not too bad. The roll now sits at $541, reaching 1k will be a cool milestone. I think I feel I need an hour or so break from playing so may have a rest, then play a little more later. I'm also over 20% of the way towards another 40 dollar bonus so that'll be cool when I reach it.
Played for a little longer, 3k hands played today, 59 dollars profit, so bankroll at $532. Tomorrow I must work but only until 3pm, then I'll be back playing and studying. For now I must get some sleep.
Managed to get some studying in while working, and a short study session just now. Learned some interesting things regarding how wide population floats in certain spots compared to GTO and how this can lead to exploitative lines on the turn. Also spent some time tweaking my 3 bet sizes Vs different stack sizes, I doubt this will make a massive difference but it's something I want to get down. I had been sticking to my standard sizes for certain positions when I knew I should be 3 betting smaller OOP when the effective stack is large and using a more linear range, and larger in position Vs a larger effective stack. Over time I want to continue to fine tune my strategy.
Anyway it's time to play some poker. I figure I'll play for a few hours, then perhaps stop for food and to review some hands, then play for a few more hours.
Today I managed to get in 2.3k hands so not bad considering I had to work for 8 hours also. I feel I played well today, was a little tired at the start so had to stop and have a break, watch some YouTube and relax. That's something I've struggled with in the past, not stopping if I didn't feel 100% and taking a rest. It seemed to help. I ran some big bluffs today, some successful some not. Perhaps it's not something that needs to be done at 25nl, but if the spot makes sense it's hard to resist. I got called in one spot which for sure was a fold, but it's good I got called as it means I do get paid when I have it, I have to find bluffs and my hand was the perfect candidate. I do play very aggressively but I feel that's what is required to win. People aren't aggressive enough imo at 25nl. Aggression seems to win, aggression that's based in theory. At 25nl I am randomising but often favour the more aggressive line, I'm also making sure not to neglect the small pots.
Anyway I finished up $52.41 so after todays session the roll now sits at $584.68
I've seen people posting hands so thought I'd post one of my unsuccessful bluffs, please comment if you have any thoughts. I'll write my thoughts after the hand.
PokerStars - $0.25 NL FAST (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4
BTN: 103.6 BB (VPIP: 14.29, PFR: 14.29, 3Bet Preflop: 0.00, Hands: 7)
SB: 308.8 BB (VPIP: 24.38, PFR: 20.90, 3Bet Preflop: 15.66, Hands: 206)
Hero (BB): 185.08 BB
UTG: 151.28 BB (VPIP: 13.19, PFR: 9.89, 3Bet Preflop: 5.26, Hands: 92)
MP: 122.24 BB (VPIP: 17.86, PFR: 16.96, 3Bet Preflop: 11.36, Hands: 117)
CO: 99.04 BB (VPIP: 22.73, PFR: 15.15, 3Bet Preflop: 0.00, Hands: 68)
SB posts SB 0.4 BB, Hero posts BB 1 BB
Pre Flop: (pot: 1.4 BB) Hero has 5♣ 5♦
fold, MP raises to 2.12 BB, fold, fold, fold, Hero calls 1.12 BB
Flop: (4.64 BB, 2 players) 7♥ 8♦ 4♣
Hero checks, MP checks
Turn: (4.64 BB, 2 players) Q♦
Hero bets 12.88 BB, MP calls 12.88 BB
River: (30.4 BB, 2 players) 3♥
Hero bets 170.08 BB and is all-in, MP calls 107.24 BB and is all-in
Hero shows 5♣ 5♦ (One Pair, Fives)
(Pre 19%, Flop 24%, Turn 14%)
MP shows A♦ A♥ (One Pair, Aces)
(Pre 81%, Flop 76%, Turn 86%)
MP wins 236.88 BB
My thought's were on this board I have a massive nut advantage, I have all sets, two pairs and the straight which I block, not that he should be opening 56s from the HJ. I decide to leverage my nut advantage on the turn and polarize my range by betting 3x pot. By the river I'm even more polarized so decide to shove all in applying max pressure. He has AA and calls.
Is my bluff good? Maybe, yet perhaps unnecessary at 25nl. My bluff may be debatable, however I don't think the call is good. Obviously he has AA, which is a good hand, but I'm extremely polarized when I take this line, what's less important in my opinion is not his absolute hand strength, but the blockers. AA does nothing to block value. Imo a hand like 67s would make a much better bluff catcher. It blocks 78s, pocket 7's and 56s, so although the absolute hand strength is lower than AA I believe it will make a higher ev call due to it's blocking of value hands. Obviously it didn't work out this time, but i still like my bluff. I have to find bluffs somewhere and I believe 55 makes for a good candidate. his call also means I get paid off when I do have it. I took similar lines when I did have a very strong hand, over betting turn in one hand with a turned straight and jamming river for over 2x pot and got paid. I feel being willing to take these spots and polarize so heavily is contributing to my positive red line, it also helps me get paid off when I do have it. Anyway I thought why not post a failed bluff as my first hand. Perhaps people disagree that it's a good hand selection, or disagree with sizing or the line in general. I welcome the criticism if you do.
A behavior in this situation depends on the strategy you are playing. If you think that you can outbluff people a lot and if you think that this spot will be massivly overfolded then ofcourse you can go crazy but there's also a lot of fd's to bluff, some gutshots to force some fd's to fold etc. In theory there's no need to turn this exact hand into bluff. It actually has a little value if we just bet 1/3 or just check. You don't usually find such plays by gto model. Usually pocket pair is a decent hand to just go showdown. But, as i already said, it all depens on your whole strategy. As for me, I always ask myself "if my opponent overfolds this spot then what street exactly and if he overfolds, for example, the turn, then, maybe, my river bluff is not good anymore". You can just follow your logic till it brings you money. But the higher you go, the more calls you gonna have.
I guess my logic is not that it will be massively overfolded, just that it's really hard to call without the correct blockers. I have a massive nut advantage, i have all the sets 2 pairs and the straight. I just think it's hard to call. I think though I may encounter more or the same amount of calls at higher stakes, just from different parts of their range. For example I imagine in theory AA is a fold here as it has no relevant blockers, I believe people at 25nl see the absolute hand strength more. I think against a more thinking player I may get folds from hands like AA but get calls from different portions of their range like 67s which block value and may be folded by this type of villain, but in theory would make a much better call than AA. I guess I like to leverage the nut advantage when possible and apply a lot of pressure. Was this a spot I needed to do it, maybe not, but it's still fun to try haha.
It's not only about nut advantage but also frequencies. When you're bombing all these kinds of boards, then obviously you don't have your nuts all the time. The more aggressive they see you the more they are about to call. I would even say the more you go crazy the less he's doing mistakes when calling you out of range. 0ev calls become +ev calls. He is only making mistake when he folds a lot, calling seems fine if you turn 55 into bluff.
I personally don't think overjaming the river will be a huge ev loss since players are nitty, but they also check your stats before desicion.
I am pretty aggro, i think that's part of my main reason for my positive red line. I am selective with the aggression however, it depends on the board texture and how the ranges are interacting with it, on this board I have the advantage, I guess the question is what are my bluffs when I take this line. Usually i think it will be something with a 5 or a 6 in it. i'm not sure I'm over bluffing, i just like putting people into the blender haha it's not random agression however, it depends on the texture, which blockers i have, do i have the nut advantage, in this case I had all three. That doesn't mean it's good, just that i went with it. I feel though being willing to take such aggressive lines as you say may get me called more often by some, but that's fine by me because i take this line with many other hands also. I have a lot more value here than i do bluffs, I have all the sets other than QQ, I have the straights, the two pairs, so it's absolutely fine by me if people want to start calling hands like AA, I get paid more often when i have it.
Today's session. Todays was a tough one! Not opposition wise, just tough to finish up, at one point i was down 4 buy ins, so 100 bucks. I hate loosing however so managed to turn it around and finish up $20. i also earned another 40 dollar bonus so finished up $60 for the day, which I'm very happy with considering how it started. I feel I could be up more if I had not chosen to bluff in some spots or folded in others, but hey I'm not perfect. My goal is to make a lot less mistakes than my opponents and I believe I am doing that. It's very fishy at 25nl, there's so many bad players and whales, I don't believe it's too difficult to become a winning player at these stakes. I'm pleased with how it's going. I'm starting to become more in tune to my intuition, picking up on sizing tells, I think that's a big one at these stakes. People have a purpose with their sizing's, if you can figure out what the purpose of that sizing is it's easy to know what to do. The hud is also becoming more useful now I'm collecting stats on people. One very simple pre flop exploit I've started employing is widening my 3 bet range vs people who fold too often vs a 3 bet. Some people are folding over 80 or 90% of the time, crazy. I'm 3 betting a pretty wide range vs these people as it's just printing. Anyway it's almost time to sleep. I guess I'll review some hands I tagged then try again tomorrow. I don't have to work until 3pm so should be able to get around 5 hours in. The roll now sits at $627.44
Having a really good session this morning, up around 4 buy ins so far. Just thought i'd stop to post what looks like a trivial hand but one where I think blockers play a big part in whether to bluff catch the river or not and relative hand strength doesn't matter.
PokerStars - $0.25 NL FAST (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4
BTN: 464.96 BB (VPIP: 23.61, PFR: 18.81, 3Bet Preflop: 8.59, Hands: 534)
SB: 131.36 BB (VPIP: 16.98, PFR: 9.43, 3Bet Preflop: 10.53, Hands: 58)
Hero (BB): 393.48 BB
UTG: 258.32 BB (VPIP: 37.50, PFR: 12.50, 3Bet Preflop: 0.00, Hands: 8)
MP: 127.72 BB (VPIP: 21.20, PFR: 16.25, 3Bet Preflop: 9.09, Hands: 288)
CO: 107.48 BB (VPIP: 0.00, PFR: 0.00, 3Bet Preflop: -, Hands: 1)
SB posts SB 0.4 BB, Hero posts BB 1 BB
Pre Flop: (pot: 1.4 BB) Hero has K♦ T♠
UTG raises to 2.2 BB, fold, fold, fold, fold, Hero calls 1.2 BB
Flop: (4.8 BB, 2 players) 5♦ 3♥ K♣
Hero checks, UTG bets 1.52 BB, Hero calls 1.52 BB
Turn: (7.84 BB, 2 players) 9♦
Hero checks, UTG bets 5.6 BB, Hero calls 5.6 BB
River: (19.04 BB, 2 players) 9♥
Hero checks, UTG bets 24.4 BB, fold
UTG wins 18.2 BB
On the river I think my opponents range is slightly polerized, i decided to fold my KT. i think this is a spot where i would rather call with a hand like K4s, although the relative hand strength may be lower i think it has much higher ev than KT as I believe the T blocks the bluffs i perceive my opponents to have at 25nl. QT is a hand that likes to bluff river, TJs actually checks a lot, i think at 25nl however if someone gets to the river here with TJs they're not going to find as many check backs and possibly bluff it almost pure, so i think at 25nl their range on the river is going to contain a higher proportion of Tx than in theory, so i folded. Had i had a k that unblocks this portion of their range however like K4s i would have called. i think despite it being a reactively small pot it's important to consider how my cards interact with villains range as these small pots over time add up to a lot and there's a lot of ev to be gained when choosing which hands to bluff catch or bluff with.
I would play the same most of the time. In theory you should call frequently but in practice this exact branch looks very value heavy on his side and the most reasonable bluffs are like QJ JT so yes, K4 is a little better (gto approves it). But again, in practice, maybe we should just fold every K except maybe KQ and part KJ