How to be a Online MTT Pro - This is the journey I am taking ( come along for the ride )
This blog is to inspire, give hope , ideas. It is for anyone who doesnt know about playing online poker, who wants to play , or already does, This is a very open , vulnerable , " putting myself out there ' type of blog
This will be my story of how & why I decided to use online poker - not only as hobby , but take my passion and transform it into a reality
Chapter 1 ( Intro / Transformation Phase )
Hi , I am a middle aged male , living in Canada. My life has had many trials and tribulations, at times been on the top of the world , great job , GF , freedom , a lot of the finer things in life many of us strive to have at some point in time. On the flip side - I have been at some of the lowest points that anyone could imagine - dealing narcotics, addiction , prison, homelessness. I have stayed in the nicest most expensive hotels, and I also have stayed in homeless shelters.
Fast forward to the pandemic ( by this time my life is in order ) I am with a GF ( who i thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with - havent we all been there ) , we had a child ( who i thought was mine - prolly not as many of us been here lol ) Working steady job getting by " check to check " but was enjoying life - so I thought at the time , little did I know my life would once again get turned upside down ( this time in a whole new direction I never thought possible )
Long story short - during the middle of the pandemic , My GF ( at the time ) , decided that she didnt want to be in this relationship anymore ( was dealing with alot of personal / mental issues ) , and also decided to tell me our 2 year old is not mine at all. ( paternity tests later confirmed all this ) , and I went from one day - Job , family, " happy wife / happy life " type of world
to single n alone n questioning life.
At this point in time was my " TSN Turning Point " ( ref for any Canadian ppl ) , I could of used all this for an excuse and get back into the life I lived for so long , addiction , desperation, etc.
( TBH for the 1st few months - 1/2 year I was worried that this would happen ) - It was a scary time , vulnerable time, and most of all - a time to reflect , do some soul searching and find out who I really am.
Kept working - staying strong ( had family supporting me emotionally ) , and during this phase ( I like to call it a " Transformation Phase " ) , I tried many things to " fill the void " ( It's a big change going one day being a dad of a toddler / bf etc - to being single bachelor ,with no obligations at all ) ,
I would try Gaming for a while - all I did was work n game ( playstation 4 pro ) for few months maybe 6 months, work come home smoke weed game, smoke more weed game - rinse & repeat.
At the same time I would be betting sports ( always was big into sports playing when younger hockey mostly - while older betting on all the major sports ) - parlays and any kind of betting that a recreational , degen whale would partake in.
Growing up, My Dad bet a lot of sports and that's how he did it ( parlays ) so I thought that was the only way... during this time I did a lot of research , and looked into " being a pro handicapper " and what that intailed - and for maybe 3 months I was seriously considereing this as a " side hustle "
But - like with a lot of things we bring into our lives - the flame inside me slowly burnt out , and I just didnt appreciate / love it enough to want to do it.
During this time - I was dabbling in some online cash games ( had an old laptop always ), I always liked to play poker recreationally, Live cash 1-2 NL some 2-5 NL, like a lot of us do. But I
never knew what it took to be a " professional " - TBH I always thought the pros played cash games ( didnt know how they got to where they are ) , - played cash for a living , and MTTs on the side for " trying to hit a big score " ( thought it was all luck ) - I think my preception of a pro poker player was - " they somehow managed to get a lot of money , n keep playing CG , and are just lucky more then the rest ( didn't know u can study poker , didn't know u can get coached , didn't know what the word " database " meant ), I was what I know call " OMC " Old man coffee ( I am not that old ) , or more commonly known as " Whale " - pure recreational player ( I wasn't a bad player - TBH was always one of the better players on the table / in the room where ever I played . ( from Ceasar's Windsor - southern Ontario , River Cree outside Edmonton, to Yellowhead , or down in Calgary at Deerfoot. ) Ive played " Coast to Coast with Tea & Toast " ( dont ask lol )
The gaming stopped - ( sure I still like to game n will do it when i can afford to - always wanted to try PC gaming - I was a Playstation guy ) , so once gaming stopped i found myself playing more n more online cash (the casino where I am is **** - 1 or 2 tables of 1-2 NL, and everyone knows one another and the game barely runs) sure I went from time to time it was soft AF , but i started to take a liking to playing online - 2NL 5 NL 10 NL cash games on GG. ( I think a lot of us start with GG - prolly why it has more fish then others )
Fast forward - I am starting to look into playing poker more seriously ( starting to watch old Jaime staples , K Mart , vlogs from back in the day - watching All In Pav, and anything I can Bencb old stuff ) - and this is where a light went on for me - " You can play MTTs for a living " I said to myself - ( not saying I told myself I was going to do that ) , just meant " wow I didnt realize this was even a thing,
I basically took a crash course " felt like I did a 1- 1.5 year term in UNI on " How to be a professional poker player " Made it my obsession, my duty , and it transformed into my Passion
Fast forward - I am now in the rabbit hole, head first barried - ( playing on GG mostly maybe some Party Poker , 888, ) and during this time I printed out my first set of preflop ranges ( RFI's not RTA lol ), been watching anything I can on YT to learn for free , ( while trying to convince my family - Dad ,Brother ( who both play poker as a rec their entire life ) convincing them that poker is not all luck. that ppl can do it for a living ( Brother thought that pros some how magically ran into a bunch of money - used it to " go on a run " , n now playing all the time high stakes - Dad had no clue how ppl played professionally , just knew they some how did it ) My mother thought it was all a scam - online - and kept asking me " R u sure these ppl are real - u are talking to on Discord n what not " lol, so yeah I am postive a lot of us can relate to this phase.
Met a guy on discord who was just starting out as well ( shout out to my Mexican friend / study partner / fellow up n coming crusher ) #MicrostakesTOPregs lol, we togther were trying to figure out anything we could
( using PT4 , doing whatever form of study that was available to guys starting out - Trying to look at Hand 2 note, using the free trial ( and thinking this was way way to complicated ) , and just starting the study / learning phase.
During this time, I began to look into " what it takes to actually be a pro " , would it even be possible , could someone like me even have a chance ( for a while I thought - u had to be either in UNI or right out of school , early - mid 20's , ) , I thought to myself could an average person like me - mid 30's , who lived a tumultuous , unordinary life even have a chance of being a professional online MTT player ? - Or am I reaching too far - am I " late for the party " , too old, not smart enough , " dont have the right conditions , etc. etc.
These are all questions I want to answer , I have to answer , I Know there is others out there that could be in a similar point in there life - wondering if they missed certain opportunities........
This is when another transormation happened in my life - one that In my wildest dreams didnt even think could be a possibility ........
Can someone like me actually become a full time " up n coming " online MTT player & build myself up from Micros to the Moon ? .......
Lets find out.....
( Next Chapter 2 : " Micro Mania " ) coming soon......
( will try n post every week ) - maybe more / less we will see - encourage any feed back / resposes / advice - or at the very least just follow along my and hold on tight for the ride......
Great read man, it sounds like you're in a much better place. I can relate in a lot of ways. I'm in a transitional phase myself. Gaming used to be the only thing that really interested me (and weed 😆😉. Thankfully I found a healthier escape in poker.
Sometimes I ask myself. Am I trying to improve myself and my mental health because it's the right thing to do? Or because it's +ev? Haha.
GL bro! Keep on truckin'
yeah good question ( maybe a bit of both +ev , n right thing to do lol ) Yeah quitting weed was one thing I would Never think i could / would do - I just loved it too much -
And who would of thought - hey ppl like us - getting " into poker ' for a healthy escape ( outsiders / ppl who dont know much about the lifestyle of a Poker Reg would have a hard time comprehending this - most ppl ( mostly older ) think of poker as a bunch of drunk cowboys sitting in a smoke filled dingy barely lit bar , and spitting into a cup lol
or some variation of unhealthy life style - and yeah I totally agree - since i started getting into poker - i have completly changed my lifestyle into healthy living ways - habits - and I only have my passion & poker to credit for this
Best of luck to you bro. Professional poker is certainly still doable, whether it is an enjoyable, highest EV endeavour is the main question. Professional MTT players are easily the most feast or famine type of pro poker players. A very few are very rich and the majority are busto and in a mountain of make up. Realistically most poker pros (especially MTT pros) got lucky early in their career to run up a roll so they can play higher, then got lucky again to keep them there so get past the risk of ruin stage. Don't think your brother is wrong that most poker pros ran into a bunch of money at some point so they can play the highest stakes possible. Everyone who made it to that point had some sort of big break. For Canadians, I would strongly recommend skipping the micros stage (and small stakes stage, unless you want to prove to yourself that you can crush those games), and just find a job until you're rolled for midstakes. You'll need to play some reasonable stakes and be able to beat it at a reasonable rate to make that more +EV than working some shitty minimum wage job, let alone someone like you who sounds like you got a decent job. Sounds like you got the right mentality so all the best.
Thanks for the comments - I do appreciate it - I wil respond to a lot of it in my next submission - I do agree with a lot of what u said, and have different views / personal situation for some also
appreciate any kind of advice / constructive cristisim / insight / comments by anyone n everyone
Chapter 2 ( Micro Mania / Making " Real Life Changes " in order to make this a reality )
( 2023 cont'd )
.... By this time I have been not working for about 8 months or so ( believe it or not waiting for my EI ( unemployment Insurance back pay still ) , just surviving - ( At this time on social assistance just to get by month to month getting about $1K / month ) - At this time I am living in a basment suite ( bachelor's pad ) in the city, so overhead is somewhat reasonable.
But here is where the planning stages / 'real life changes " really started to take shape -
- started to excersise , walking - push-ups , squats , burpees etc ,
Started an action plan to quit smoking weed, cut down on my overhead ( stopped using my paid cell phone n switched to a free text app ) saving me 80$ / month CDN
And really began to plan out how I was going to do this ( knowing im getting an EI back pay soon to help with this transition.
My original plan was to move into a bigger city ( Saskatoon ), and rent a room ( shared house with others ) since this by far would be the most effective for keeping my overhead low
( other then taking a cab 2x/ month for bulk groceries - n living close to shopping centers etc - I would be able to pay around $600/month all incl. ( high speed internet ) , just need to worry about my food / personal items. - ( While being able to get a casual job few days / month making an additional $360/ month ( Total $1360 CDN / month income - overhead 600+ food / cab / others ) so it was tight but i could make it work ( this was my original plan.)
Instead what end up happening - my brother bought a house in a small town , - talked my mother into moving out there ( to be close to the grandkids ), so basically overnight I thought maybe I should share a house with my mother - n be close to family, and little more convience - ( I went 1/2 my adult life without even speaking to my mother - so if u told me 4 years ago or so that I would be sharing a house with my mother - I wouldnt of even thought this would be a possibilty
Fast forward - I get my EI back pay - $ 2500 , We find a big house that would work for both of us ( my mother is retired on pension ) , and I put my action plan to work n started to quit smoking weed ( which I never thought I would ever do ), took about 3-4 days and it was in my past crushed it ( By this time I was too determined to let anything get in my way )
(Summer of 2023)
Moved into this house ( where I am currently and will be for 2-3 years depending )
Made a lot more changes ( little ones to add up over time - ( some might laugh but - for ex ) use to buy 1 deodarant every month - now i buy it every 3 months ) , ( use to buy razors every 3 months 4 pack - now i buy them 1x/year ) -- * use them everyday - last a lot longer - n I shave my head as well - so yeah lot of little things over time that adds up
I now set myself up with being able to play full time - so i am receiving monthly income from the gov't of Sask ( for training / educational purposes ) basically they pay u monthly so I can do whatever I want to ( gotta love Canada ) - I also work every Saturday at my local recyclying depot , and I shovel snow at the local church - also am casual Janitor at the local church ( doing whatever hours work for me - about 4 hours / week. -
All this = about $1500-$1600 / month - in winter about $1800 / month CDN - GTD income - ongoing - so thats how I am able to play micros / study full time and build myself up from the bottom with out ever having to worry about taking money off for my overhead - my monthly expenses are Rent / internet = $ 700 , Food $ 600 approx , Credit Card / other = $100 extra = $100-$400 depending on time of year ( also in Canada we get alot of extra " free money " GST = $120 every quarter , Carbon Rebate $200 every quarter , Worker Benefit = $80 ( 3x/year ) , and some extra rebates here n there as well ( so add another $100+ monthly )
This is the reason why It makes no sense for me to stop all this , move back to the city - pay more overhead - get a full time job, stop being able to study everyday , only play on weekends n yeah basically go back wards - I'd rather stick a shot gun in my mouth then do this TBH - ( any job i get would be labour intenesive - and the last thing I would want to do is play poker after work - wouldnt have enought time to play full sessions and wouldnt play A Game - + just doesnt achieve what I am trying to do long term
Started dabbling in the micros - mainly Party Poker , since the have alot more " super micros " then others , as well as ACR , same thing , crushing these games since they are the lowest BUy Ins with the biggest whales - so its a no brainer - any decent player would
Around Jan of 2024 I meet someone who changed the trajectory of my career ( for the 1st time - 2nd time will be later on ), Met him on here - and I reached out to him ( he was blogging )
and basically said ( In a long message lol ) - I want to be like u, learn everything from u , and if i can add any value at all - doing anything for u pls , let me know - At worst maybe i can exchange some HH for your insight
Long story short we hit it off, n he started looking at my database ( which was a "crime to humanity " in his words ) lol and started to give me alot of his time , n advice for absoultly nothing
one thing lead to another - ( he is a mid-high stakes crusher from Europe ) started to do calls with him ( helping him with some projects of his ) ,, and he started to coach me daily
and after about a month started to stake me for higher games - ( again for nothing at all , it was more of him helping me out, getting me on my feet etc ,)
after about 2 months of being backed ( running / playing like **** ) , he decided that it was a lot of work that wasnt getting no return / also he was going thru some perosnal issues off the tables ( didnt really have a deal in place for the short term - just long term verbally agreed to have some in place ) ( he was doing CFP for few other guys that played higher then me, plus his own grind - so It was best that we discontinue what we started
Which looking back I totally agree, I know if I was in his shoes I couldnt do it either , - But in saying that I am very very grateful for meeting him , getting mentored by him , and it really propelled me in the right direction, I am ever going to be thankful - I just reached out " cold called " some random crusher -and wanted to learn about everything he does/ knows
During this time ( he even helped me purchase a PC ( more suitable for playing,) about $450 ish USD pre built Lenovo - was using a laptop up until this point - that was only good for Amazon / & emails lol ) connected a TV for 2nd screen - But he helped me get a PC 1/2 n 1/2 ( which how many ppl would do this that live across the world u just met ? not many )
I also bought a brand new monitor Samung 24" off Amazon ( $100 USD )
so the PC i can actually play as many sites / tables i can fit on my screen - while being productive - n actually being able to video call / conference call etc
Laptop couldnt even have conference calls - so this was a game changer
I also purchased a cheap gaming chair off Amazon $150USD , ( which I now know why ppl say they are **** ), but It is better then the wooden kitchen chair i was using at first lol
bought a used glass L shaped desk from someone i knew for $30 USD - This sure beat the end table made for a lamp I was using at first
BY this time I was really networking alot - meeting new ppl , being active in discords, and just doing the one thing that IMO - is prolly the most valuable skill when started out
" networking " , building a group of ppl that will help me , while giving value back in any way I can
Was talking on n off with a friend ( who i met this way from Canada as well ) - shout out "Teddy KGB " ( u know who u r ) - and once i stopped working with my old backer / coach / mentor /
and that door closed on me , another one opened - ( like in life happens a lot - ( n for a 2nd time changed / is changing the trajectory of my career )
I got invited to join their study group ( where I am currently am now ,) - and everyone in it is a lot more experienced then me, higher ABI then me , and obvs more skilled
At first I was really intimitaed / and felt like i didnt belong ,couldnt bring no value , and ( knew it was a great opp. n knew if i got past this phase I would fit right in )
and this has been so far one of the best things that happened to me - It is speeding up the learning curve, and progression will be compounding expedentially
Myself I Started to get into H2N 4 beta ( was using PT4 up until then ), ( after learning how lol ), really getting into anything database related
As for the Group doing calls 3-5x per week - and a lot of HRC nodelocking , going deep into exploits, Reviews , anything that is +EV for poker / mindset / overall Life , ( not like most groups that would just look over a couple HH here n there ) ( which I was apart of along the way as well )
(Jan 2024 - Present Time )
I am currently working with a coach / database coach - trading database reviews for helping him with creating custom H2N stats / filters / popups for player pool anaylsis, & reveiwing our own game ( using Monker Solver Pre flop charts / PIO aggregrate reports to do so - It's a work in progress , just getting started )
In the next few months I am hiring a mentor for H2N creation ( who has over 3000+ hours of exp with H2N creation everything - so is going to teach me everything he knows
for a very affordable price
And I am playing as much as I can atm - knowing over the next 1-2 months will be playing a lot more volume ( putting a decent amount of money on across diff sites )
going to be Iggy , Global , I Poker, EveryGame , n still Party n maybe some ACR ( prolly not much by then )
Global Poker I am taking advantage of the Postal Request sweepstakes ( mailed in my first batch already - waiting for the $300 USD credited to my account ) - and currently getting my 2nd batch ready n going to send in $1K USD worth next ( If u dont know about this - look into it - Its a game changer for ppl just starting out like me " free " BR for one of the softest sites out there
Goals ongoing
Have enough funds on Iggy , Gloabl etc etc ( enought to play full time volume ) - 1-2 months tops
keep up with everything group related ( improve by 1% every day )
Health - eat clean / healthy as possible spending about $150 CDN / week on food ( meal prep planning all month )
( I want to take 1/2 a day n cook / prepare a lot of food - and do this every 3 days or so )
cold plunge ( been doing cold showers up to this point ) - going to get a bunch of ice trays soon ( thanks to the idea of group member who has an actual cold plunge )
I am going to fill up the tub with ice cold water - n iCE n do 11 minutes / week cold exposure
keep walking / working out more consistently
taking omega 3's , fish oils , multi vitamins daily
going start protein powder as well soon.
being consistent every day - showing up , putting in the work
( using GTOW for study ), have access to HRC with my group , I have Monker Solver Preflop charts ( from a friend gave me ),
Have such a valuable strong network of ppl to help me with anything I need on this journey as well .
This is one way ( I am sure there are many ) On " How to become a full time online MTT player " - at least how to get started
Now lets see where this journey takes us , and the highs and lows, stats / scores, binks , bust's I will share as I go forward
Present Day June 2024
Have Group during the week - doing some database reviews, Day 2 reviews , grinding , drilling on GTOW ,
( making my postal requests for Global Poker ), getting ready for next batch
Going be grinding on Party off n on during the week
keep on improving by 1% everyday
( next chapter 3 .... " titled TBD " )
It's now July ,
Things are starting to be on the up n up , one of the most important skills IMO, is networking , and this is something i have been working on since day 1.
started with a study partner ( who i still speak to regularly today ) , then some more people added in my circle ( staying active on discord was the key ) ,
joined some small groups , met my mentor / old coach / backer thru 2p2 forums, an more recently joined a new study group ( which i mentioned prior )
and this has / will change the trajectory of my career.
Thru this new study group I have direct access to all the coaching I need ( for free ), everyone not only plays higher ABI then me , but are more exp, skilled , and some even have coaching exp.
So thru this group - i was able to strike a deal with a new backer. So as of this week I am now fully staked - which I am super excited for ( coming into it with a new mindset ) ,
My last backer was a great guy - helped me so so much, and I will ever be grateful for meeting him and everything he did for me. But for whatever reason I didn't like the dynamic ( being coached/backed by the same person ), I played passive - tentative , and It just wasn't a situation to realize my potential. ( maybe it was something to do with being backed for the 1st time and just not being 100% confident ) , prolly a mix of a few things.
But now my backer is just that - my backer - and i have access to all the coaching I need , as well as a data base coach at my disposal for a reasonable rate.
( speaking of database - I have built up my Hand 2 Note to a 8.5 mil , hands for player pool analysis ) which I am huge into - data base work , player pool exploits are like crack to me lol,
So I have a great mindset going forward - N I know things are going to go really well , have the confidence , the resources , the tools I need to be the best version of myself
In the last few weeks
I have bought a 2nd monitor ( was using just a 24" for the longest time ), so now have a 32" as my primary along with my 24"
Also bought a new mouse Logitech 650L - which at first didnt like , but now that im use to it - I love it
Now have my monthly sub of Intuitive Tables going ( a must have IMO ) , esp. for Global
this month will purchase - 2 monitor risers ( friend told me optimal is having the monitor just above eye level )
- headset stand - ethernet cable for a wired connection -
also getting - protein powder - reload of multi vitamins - omega 3s fish oils -
( have a new " whole foods " store using now, with a lot of healthy food choices , and I am really getting my clean diet on track going forward
a lot of avocados , spinach , veggies , flax , chia seeds , fruits , nuts, and of course chicken , chicken , n more chicken - brown / wild rice , list goes on
( I am always looking for suggestions , advice on nutrition )
Follow andrew huberman and a lot of his morning routines n everything
so as of today - I am just a couple days into my new backing deal ( It's not time based how a lot are - It's profit based ) - so when i reach " X " n feel i have enough to play on my own we will either re visit or complete the deal . ( not sure what " X " will be yet )
I am playing BI's $11's , field's 750< , on the softest sites out there ( being in Canada have access to everything )
Mainly Global , Ignition , Party Poker , for now, - then will expand with 888 , I Poker , Intertops ( Revolution network )
I am actually able to put in volume now with the 2 monitors ( playing 8 tables on average ) Sunday - up to 12
yesterday 1st Sunday played around 45 MTTs ,
so yeah going forward will keep doing projects with group, n doing everything as usual putting in the work
( this doesn't include Iggy obvs ) - which I am down about $100 give or take
got off to a good start since being backed
Adding Beef and fatty fish, and cutting out Omega3 pills would surely help you. Those fish oil pills are usually rancid.
Good luck, mate.
hey thanks for the post - why do u say cut out the omega 3s?, just curious im new into taking this - as for the fish oil (it;s lemon flavour liquid - so tastes good ) , and good point about the beef fatty fish - been talking to a fellow player / friend who suggested some good fresh fish - as for beef - i love steak ( high quality cuts ), but is so exspensive here - i guess its just down to lean hamburger ? i dont know many other choices that are healthy
just over a week in the books - ( from starting to get backed ), volume is good approx 220+ count / week played 5 days i think
reading is slacking lately ( have access to my old coach/mentor's Kindle so have a lot good books to read - currently reading Jared Tendler's Mental Game of Poker ( about 1/2 way thru ) , next will be Elliot Roe's A Game ( which I should start asap cause have a group session w/ somone who put together video modules / seminar on the the work book part of it ) coming up later this month
found my sweet spot 9 tabling - Sunday was up to 12 - ( so much better with the dual monitor set up )
finally got my complete office set up as well - moved my king size bed out of the small room where I had my set up , now i have an acutal office ( bed is downstairs - cooler esp in the summer )
had a little tilting exp - Sunday was on Ignition, ( Bodog ) , playing in my biggest prize pool of the week - 18th out of 70 something , 1900$ up top , n the software quit on me ( everyone that uses the bodog client ), couldnt get back on till the next day
talked with support and sure the gave me 18th place prize ( 6x buy in ), and they were " generous " enough to give me a $10 bonus as well ( to unlock w/ rake ) , which i think isnt fair because
others who use the Ignition / Bovada clients kept playing, while some of us were getting blinded out . Oh well its in the past nothing we can do - except keep going forward
diet has been good - eating clean , alot of eggs , chicken, avacodes , feta cheese , spinach , fruit , veggies , nuts etc
sleep is getting better ( trying for 7 hours / day ) im a early riser so playing the late/afternoon shift is sometimes problematic
group has been off n on lately - some guys are on holidays / or about to be, so group sessions have been sporadic at best - I need to get back into a good routine
as for results - after about 10 days total , DS after starting off hot - ( im trying not to put any energy into results at all ) cannot control them so I know being consistent over time and improving 1% everyday - results will be there .
Can only track Party Poker as of now ( use Hand 2 Note 4 ), Global - no HH, Ignition doesnt work properly ( for most ) , waiting for new update from H2N, so can only go by my PP stats - ( im big into database , MDA etc - have a 11 million + player pool database ( thanks to some friends in my group ) we are doing some cool projects with this - for exploits , using HRC and PIO
but as for my winrate ( Party Poker only ), 14k hands just under 9bb/100 , running above EV - but im more concerned about my ROI%
I am trying to adapt / change my play style ( taking after couple of my group members who crush mid stakes ), more exploitative, taking the lower variance approach ( high fold to 3bet ), lower my 3bet ( currently at 10.5% , etc etc -
other then that will keep posting regularly - ( always looking for more healthy meal ideas / food prep anything for life / poker improvment )
these do not include Igntion obvs - which im around even - after hitting a 4th in a 40 runner 5$ other day
new office set up - ( any suggestions / improvements much appreciated ) - i dont mind the L shaped glasss desk , only thing i would rather have is a foot rest - needing a regular desk for this ( kinda hard w/ L shaped
also next week getting 2 monitor risers ( so can be just above eye level ), ethernet cable " Cat6A " - i have a WifiPod in my office I can connect it to
Headset stand ( stop using my homemade make shift plastic " towel hanger " i have attached to my desk lol
I think that is it for now
I am actually going to return this mouse I got Logi 650 L ( its to narrow for my hand ) , and gets uncomfortable in long sessions ) , so need some suggestions for a really good mouse
looking at the LogiTech MX Master 3s or something like that
GLGL Canadian. I hope you find joy in your life now. Poker will have a lot of ups and downs which we can't control. So focusing on things outside of poker that we can control( like diet, exercise, social circle, selp improvement, charity etc) will put you in a good headspace when things aren't going your way on the felt.
thanks alot - appreciate the post
In before seeingthisguyattheTop
what u mean ? lol
after getting crushed on Global 1st week - this 2nd week has been alot better for me , still my least fav. site out of the 3 I play ( Iggy , Party , then Global ) but i do like how soft it is and how short the re buy periods are compared to say a ACR / I Poker
down the road will add in , I poker , 888 , maybe Chico , n some Inter tops ( Everygame ) , so Global will be the one that gets cut back - cause still a lot of volume on Party / Iggy
I only play 9 tables so cannot put in infinite amount of volume in
but yeah as for my overall stake - I am literally break even at this time, planning to put a lot of volume in July / Aug
buying an A/C for the window in my office today ( bought it already online - picking it up today ), so these 30 C days will not kick my ass . ( house is cool ) , but office gets hot with all the electronics
as for working out - on point ( skipped 1 day this week ) other then the rest day
diet is good - keeping up on that
study is still low, as many group members are away on holidays or other obligations at this time of year
I need to get my GTOW Elite going again ( next couple of weeks going to do that ) , and keep working on my project I have w/ 2 group members on Limping strat ( running HRC / PIO )
after i compile everything from my player pool data base in Hand 2 Note ( 11 million + hands ), so im just in the process of that making tables , custom stats and everything that goes along with that