Online HS Cash; $1m Challenge. By Luke Johnson.
I'm setting myself the challenge to make $1m playing online Mid-HS cash, blogging here along the way.
My name is Luke Johnson. I'm 29, from the UK, and have played mid-high stakes cash online for the past few years. I am an Elite Coach at RunItOnce. And I am a husband and a father.
What counts towards the $1m?
• Winning's at the tables
• Rakeback
• Bonuses
• Site refunds
... if I sell action, I will account according to what I had of myself
... essentially, the challenge will track my raw profit from playing poker. Any earning's from my other sources of income will not be included.
Why am I making this challenge?
• My own motivation -- I've always loved having big projects to work on and slowly chip away at
• $$$$
• To show that Poker is still crushable. Hopefully this can inspire a player or two out there. Questions are welcomed.
• To hopefully have an awesome blog of this journey along the way
There is no deadline to this challenge. Finishing by the close of 2028 would be good going from my POV. I won't be racing, but instead trying to do things as correctly as possible. Truthfully, my BRM is a lot nittier than it has ever been; my risk tolerance just isn't what it used to be 😊. So this really will be a slow and steady wins the race-type journey.
Where will I play to achieve this?
As of July 2024 and going into this challenge, I am mainly playing on WPN, Coinpoker and GG from NL500-5k. I expect to be playing here for the foreseeable. If there are any big changes, I will update accordingly.
How does this work?
I will officially start this challenge from 1st August 2024. I'll post progress reports every week detailing how my Pokering has been going, both on and off the tables, including where my mind is at, HH's, graphs & my profits/losses. Expect monthly wrap-ups.
What can you expect from this blog?
Mostly, an honest report of what's going on in my journey, including the ups and the downs, playing and coaching this game for a living, whilst ever striving to improve at being a great husband and father along the way. My foremost goal is to stick this journey out; I know I have what it takes to make it a success, thus consistency must become my most primary focus.
... in case you are interested, see below for my older blogs
• [COLOR="Blue"][2016 NLz200 Challenge][/C...
• [COLOR="blue"][ZOOOOOM v2][/COLOR]
• [COLOR="blue"][ZOOOOOM v3][/COLOR]
Before the challenge begins... I am planning to make a July wrap-up post, a prequel of sorts on what you can expect, as I was already documenting it at the end of my most latest blog [COLOR="blue"][HERE][/COLOR], which as of this post I am migrating over to this thread. Any profits/losses will not be included as part of this $1m challenge.
I hope that covers just about everything. Thank you very much for reading.
Gooooood luck & take care.