My Poker Journal

My Poker Journal

Hiyas, I'm new to 2p2. I've been putting off writing about my poker journey. I'm ripping off the bandaid and just posting something now. I plan to make daily updates for the next 7 days about my poker journey. I'll reevaluate from there how often or in what format I want to do. This one is short cuz it's past my bedtime but I've committed as of 15 mins ago to posting at least something. seeya suckas tmo

) 18 Views 18
05 October 2024 at 04:38 AM

123 Replies


by Djerevan2 k

i think ur massively overthinking there is no reason to randomize such a decision if i call or 4bet it depends on how old is that guy and how he sits at his chair if he is drunk etc.

if everything signals he is massive nitt I would not 4bet but given he straddled its 99% not the case he is there to play so you 4bet with AK.

hand is standard cooler but i dont think players really take a bite on K-high board 4b pot enough i would slowplay flop.

Appreciate the feedback. I think you're right that my decision to 4-bet or flat pre-flop should depend more on who the player is as opposed to GTO. When thinking to 4-bet or flat my reasoning jumps to "What do the charts say?" instead of trying to judge the opponent's 3-bet range.

Goals from yesterday:
1. 20 mins of 25z online
2. Did chores for the majority of the day. I didn't slack so I'm proud of that
3. 40 mins of lifting

Learned a lot about insurance today. Used my work bout on that. I don't have much else to talk about off the top of my head.

Goals for tmo:
1. Exercise
2. Uninterrupted work bouts
3. Increase diligence of daily journals

I won't have time to play or study poker tomorrow. Fully packed schedule (Work, PT, Improv, Open Mic).

Goals from yesterday:[/B
1. Exercise
Yes - Physical Therapy, 1 hour
2. Uninterrupted work bouts
- I had two semi-interrupted bouts
3. Increase diligence of daily journals
- doing this right now by addressing daily goals.

I might give myself a set amount of time to do the daily journals. Let's start with 10 mins.

[B]Goals for tmo:

1. Exercise
2. Start getting ready for bed 11p.
3. Continue with the format used in this journal.
4. Track amount of time worked

Stretch Goal:
1. 30 mins of online table time
2. light studying

Goals from yesterday:
1. Exercise
- Yes (PT, 75 mins)
2. Start getting ready for bed 11p.
- Started getting ready around 11:10p. I have to go in very early tmo. Not happy about that
3. Continue with the format used in this journal.
- Doing that rn
4. Track amount of time worked
- Totally forgot to do this. I'll hold off for now until my schedule is more similar day to day. Starting November

Doing the 10 min limit for journaling is helpful. I took my free time today to reflect on an intense emotional experience that happened. I woulda really struggled to focus otherwise. I'm glad I did. I love using poker analogies to help process events like that. It's prob my favorite part about the game.

Goal for tmo:
1. Exercise, do back stuff
2. Continue format of journal
3. 10 min journal
4. try not to die with the amount of work I have tmo

Goal from yesterday:
1. Exercise, do back stuff
- Back stuff Yes, and 1 hour of soccer
2. Continue format of journal
- doing it
3. 10 min journal
- did indeed set timer
4. try not to die with the amount of work I have to
- did well with work efficiency today

Table Time:
30 mins 1 table 25z and 1 table 25nl

My last of in-person work is tomorrow. I'm excited to go fully remote so I can reach my goals faster. For the first week or so I'll be adjusting to the new schedule and busting ass on my current contract to get my head above water so I can safely do both poker full-time and the contract. Work will be busy again tomorrow and next week. Strappin in for the grind

Goals for tmo:
1. wake up on time for early train (or drive)
2. continue journal format
3. exercise
4. 10 min journal
5. work while on train if I'm taking the train (both ways)

Gl in your grind!
Your goals look solid.

by DeeKayBee k

Gl in your grind!
Your goals look solid.

Thanks man!

Goals for tmo:
1. wake up on time for early train (or drive)
- Complete: Woke up on time and I took the train

2. Continue journal format
- Complete

3. Exercise
- Complete, 75 mins of PT

4. 10 min journal
- Complete

5. work while on train if I'm taking the train (both ways)
- I worked on my contract on the way to work and played 25z on the way back

Table Time:
45 mins of 25z
Today was my last day of in-person work. Tomorrow is the last day of my increased workload. The contracts I'm still working on will still be busy for the time being tho. I'm excited to be a step closer to my goals! Overall I'm confident it's the best decision for me, but I'll miss the buddies I work with. My boss said I'm welcome back if my shot at playing poker full-time doesn't work out. My safety net got a lot stronger, woot woot. This is v nice cuz the data analysis job market rn is pretty crappy.

Goals for tmo:
1. Call about insurance for shoulder surgery
- Stretch goal: Get EKG and Bloodwork done

2. Do PT exercises with new warmup

3. Uninterrupted work bout (1.5 hours)
- Stretch goal: 2 uninterrupted work bouts 1.5 hours each

4. Run an errand (Joanne Fabrics, Haircut, cash out leftover charity poker chips & rewards, misc)
- Stretch goal: complete all errands

Goals from yesterday:
1. Call about insurance for shoulder surgery
- Stretch goal: Get EKG and Bloodwork done
Completed: I called about insurance. I'm waiting to hear back from a couple of offices. I'll call again Monday.
I went to go get the EKG and Bloodwork done but the hours the doc gave me were misleading :(. I got there after they stopped offering them for the day. I'll go back sometime next week

2. Do PT exercises with new warmup
NOT COMPLETED: My shoulder hurt opening a box this morning so I decided not to do the exercises. However, I didn't replace the exercise with anything so I'll consider this a failure.

3. Uninterrupted work bout (1.5 hours)
- Stretch goal: 2 uninterrupted work bouts 1.5 hours each.
NOT COMPLETED: I did the errands all my meetings today since I couldn't do them in the evening. Once I got back I watched 3 hours of youtube shorts... Found this dude ash alk who is funny af so that's a plus. I've set new boundaries for the following two weeks. No TV Show, Movies, Reddit, Youtube, or music. These are basically all the passive sources of dopamine. I've whitelisted 3 podcasts: Alex Hormozi, Mechanics of Poker, and Cal Newport. This may sound extreme but I've these bans before, not all at once tho. I'm excited to see how it goes. I'm not to worries about caving. I tend to enjoy the calmness it brings and it gets a lot easier like 5 days in.

4. Run an errand (Joanne Fabrics, Haircut, cash out leftover charity poker chips & rewards, misc)
- Stretch goal: complete all errands
STRETCH COMPLETED: I completed all errands 😀

Goals for tmo:
1. PT Exercises
2. Uninterrupted work bout (1.5 hours)
- Stretch goal: 2 uninterrupted work bouts 1.5 hours each
3. prep costume and tidy up my room
4. Continue journal format

Goals from yesterday:
1. PT Exercises
My shoulder did hurt during last exercise. I'll try doing lighter weight w/ the pec flys. I'll take tmo off for my shoulder. I can't go on a run either cuz I injured my foot :(. I'll have to figure out some other exercise.

2. Uninterrupted work bout (1.5 hours)
- Stretch goal: 2 uninterrupted work bouts 1.5 hours each
I'm very pleased with the work I did. I still have a decent amount of ground to cover before I'm in the green in terms of workload for my contract.

3. prep costume and tidy up my room
learned some stuff about typography which is coo

4. Continue journal format

Uninterrupted Work
1.5 hours + 1.25 hours + 0.5 hours = 3.25 hours total woot woot

I definitely feel a lot calmer with the TV, YT, etc ban. I may consider trying a ban with podcasts too. We'll see. I also want to track how the bans affect the deep work I get done.

Goals for tmo:
1. Exercise
2. Uninterrupted work bout (1.5 hours)
- Stretch Goal: 2 uninterrupted work bouts
3. Track deep/uninterrupted work
4. Continue Journal format
5. Do some sort of socialization

I may change "Uninterrupted work" to "Focused work"

Goals from yesterday:
1. Exercise
COMPLETE: Sauna blanket 1 hour and other misc exercises

2. Uninterrupted work bout (1.5 hours)
- Stretch Goal: 2 uninterrupted work bouts
STRETCH COMPLETE: 2 focused bouts. The second one was 15 mins shy of 1.5 hours.

3. Track deep/uninterrupted work
COMPLETE: 90 mins + 75 mins

4. Continue Journal format

5. Do some sort of socialization
COMPLETE: Talked w/ a friend at the library. Hung out w/ fam when the got back from the Tswift concert

I'm loving this digital detox I'm doing right now. It feels easier to pursue the things that'll get me closer toward my goals. I'm interested to see how this continues and how sustainable it is. I got a good chunk of work done this weekend. I finished up one contract for the week. I'll still need a few days to get ahead of the other one. Tomorrow I'll have to sacrifice some time working on the contract to get the EKG and Bloodwork done for my surgery coming up. So I'll likely remain at the same spot for the contract to.

Goals for tmo:
1. Exercise
2. Focused work bout (1.5 hours) & track it
- Stretch goal: 3 hours of focused work
3. Get EKG and Bloodwork done (leave around 3p)
4. Get socialization in
5. Continue journal format

I have improv at night tmo so I don't think I'll be able to get an extra work bout in

Goals from yesterday:
1. Exercise
SEMI-COMPLETE: I got some exercise in but in was maybe 20 - 30 mins

2. Focused work bout (1.5 hours) & track it
NOT COMPLETE: I use the time to figure out my insurance and exercise. I'm okay with this outcome.

3. Get EKG and Bloodwork done (leave around 3p)

4. Get socialization in

5. Continue journal format

Goals for tmo:
1. Focused work bout (1.5 hours) & track it
- I want to work on consistently getting a bout of work in before my first meeting of the day.
There are three methods I can go with.
a. bout immediately after waking up
b. bout in work room after morning routine
c. bout at library after mourning routine

2. Write Pros and cons for these three methods
3. Exercise
4. Think about longer-term goals and how to track them
5. Work to and from PT on the train
6. Continue journal format
STRETCH 7. Get gift cards and floss picks

Goals from yesterday:
1. Focused work bout (1.5 hours) & track it
- I want to work on consistently getting a bout of work in before my first meeting of the day.
COMPLETE: 70 minute bout, 30 min bout and a 35 min bout

2. Write Pros and cons for these three methods

a. bout immediately after waking up in work room
Pro: Increased focus due to being earlier in the morning
Pro: Increased focus compared to the library
Pro: Likelihood of completing bout increases
Pro: length of bout can increase

Con: I don't get breakfast first thing in the morning. It's already difficult to hit my caloric goal every day in a healthy manner.
Con: Less social environment
Con: I need to wait for my boss to give me codes. Working immediately in the morning can't be done reliably.

b. bout in work room after morning routine
Pro: Increased focus compared to library
Pro: More easily reach my caloric goal
Pro: length of bout can be longer than the library (before first meeting)

Con: Shorter bout than immediately waking up
Con: Less social environment
Con: may be harder to start work bout than library

c. bout at library after mourning routine
Pro: More social environment
Pro: Once at library, much easier to drop into work bout

Con: Shortest work bout
Con: environment is noisier

I'll continue trying library in the morning for the next few day. Maybe I'll try a whole week or two to get a better test in. Then I'll try doing a bout of work in my work room after my morning routine.

3. Exercise

4. Think about longer-term goals and how to track them
NOT COMPLETE: I didn't plan to set time aside for this. I just want them to brew in my head for a bit, but I totally forgot about it.

5. Work to and from PT on the train
COMPLETE: 35 min bout on the way there, 40 mins of 25z on the way back

6. Continue journal format

STRETCH 7. Get gift cards and floss picks

Goals for tmo:
1. Morning work bout, track focused work
- Longer term goal here is to consistently nail down contract work in the first part of the day to play poker at night.
2. Exercise
3. 30 mins of table time or more
- This keeps my mind thinking about poker a bit
4. Continue journal format

Goals from yesterday:
1. Morning work bout, track focused work
COMPLETE: I also got another bout of work in right after the morning meeting. I was able to consider work for the contract done for the day after that. This is close to what I wanna aim for long-term. My focus in those bouts were meh tho. Struggled to maintain the motivation to be diligent. I think that's a mental framing thing. I'll come back to that if I have time.
I also biked to the library today, which I think is more beneficial than driving since I get more sunlight in, a bit of exercise, and it's only 2-4 mins more than driving. It also adds more resistance to leaving after the morning meeting, making it easier to do the second work bout at the library.

Focused Work: 40 mins (it woulda been 60 -70 mins but I had to take dump in the middle) + 90 mins = 130 mins

2. Exercise
COMPLETE: Did short PT routine, stretched and had a soccer game. Prob 1.5 hours of exercise total.

3. 30 mins of table time or more
COMPLETE: I played 70 mins of live today since I got work done early. Ideally, I'd be able to play longer on a Wednesday but there were a few constraints: dinner timing and an early soccer game. My primary focus is getting to the tables tho. Once that's more or less sorted I'll focus on those constraints.

4. Continue journal format

Goals for tmo:
1. Morning work bout & work bout after morning meeting, track it
2. Ride my bike to the library instead of driving
3. Exercise
4. work on train to and from PT
- either get ahead on contract, play poker, or study poker
5. Change journal time limit to 15 minutes.

Note: after getting home from PT (around 8:30p) I can work on whatever I feel interested in. Lukabrate and luckychewy mention on the Mechanics of Poker podcast that doing things out of interest rather than grit may be more sustainable. I'd also argue that learning something out of interest increases retention. I'll try to incorporate that more into my work. Another dimension of work that can be layered on is training your mind to be interested in certain things. An easy example is becoming more interested in a process rather than an outcome. I'm yet again out of time. I'm excited thinking about having enough time to really delve into these concepts. Back to the grind to make it happen.

Goals from yesterday:
1. Morning work bout & work bout after morning meeting, track it
COMPLETE: Next week I want to work toward getting 1.5 hours of work in before my morning meeting. Today I got about 50 mins

2. Ride my bike to the library instead of driving

3. Exercise
COMPLETE: 70 mins of PT

4. work on train to and from PT
- either get ahead on contract, play poker, or study poker
COMPLETE: worked on contract on the way and played online on the way back

5. Change journal time limit to 15 minutes

Table Time:
I got 80 mins of 4 tabling in today. This amount of tables feels more enjoyable than 8 for sure. Being able to think about each hand make it more fun than only using automated decisions.
I played one 100nl table and three 50nl tables. I feel more engaged playing at this tougher stake than playing 25z solely to get hands in.

Goals for tmo:
1. Morning focused work bout before Friday meeting. Be mindful of whether this is deep work or not
2. Continue riding bike to the library in the morning
3. Exercise
4. Extra contract work bout, deep work bout, online table time, or live poker
- I'm not sure what my evening will look like after my Dr. appt, so I want to get in some combination of these tasks
5. Include nutrition on goals tmo
6. Write journal format out on next journal

Nutrition: I hit my caloric and protein goal for the day, woot woot.
I met with my nutritionist and discussed daily protein intake. The affects of fluctuating caloric intake and protein day by day but remaining constant week by week. We also discussed the feeling of fullness, which has been making it difficult for me to hit my caloric goal.

Goals from yesterday:
1. Morning focused work bout before Friday meeting. Be mindful of whether this is deep work or not
- COMPLETE, maybe 30 mins were deep

2. Continue riding bike to the library in the morning
COMPLETE: I'll have to wear my backpack differently to prevent shoulder pain

3. Exercise
COMPLETE: did short PT routine and did sauna blanket for an hour

4. Extra contract work bout, deep work bout, online table time, or live poker
COMPLETE: went straight to casino after doctor appointment, which ran 1 hour late oof.
I'll have to figure out my eating and exercise schedule when playing live poker. Going home to eat is probably a -EV move. I lose about an hour of table time doing this, but I save some money on a meal. If I use reward points or bring a meal the cost will be greatly mitigated.

Table Time:
3.5 hours

5. Include nutrition on goals tmo
COMPLETE: >2200 calories, >100g protein but less than 150g
Calories: 450 + 750 + 400 + 200 +75 + indian food = 1875 + indian food > 2200 calories (check)
Protein: 30g + 30g + 20g + 10g + 10g + indian food = 100g + indian food > 100g (check)

6. Write journal format out on next journal
I'd prefer to get to bet sooner so I'll save this for another day

Goals for tmo:
1. Morning work bout (work on poker or something)
2. Second work bout or play poker
3. Exercise
4. > 2200 calories and > 100g protein but less than 150g
STRETCH 5. work on journal format (example would be taking information from current day and turning them into action items)

I have a friends bday around 6p so that'll be all my goals for today

Goals from yesterday:
1. Morning work bout (work on poker or something)
COMPLETE: worked on formalizing some maths for poker

2. Second work bout or play poker
COMPLETE: 4 tabled 50 nl for 90 mins

3. Exercise

4. > 2200 calories and > 100g protein but less than 150g

STRETCH 5. work on journal format (example would be taking information from current day and turning them into action items)

Goals for tmo:
1. Morning work bout
2. second work bout
3. Exercise
4. > 2200 calories and > 100g protein but less than 150g

quick post today cuz I just got back from friends bday and am very tired. gnight

Goals from yesterday:
1. Morning work bout
COMPLETE: started a lil later than I woulda liked. Got 2 hours and 15 mins in. 30 mins of table time and 1 hour and 45 mins of studying. Later in the day I got another 1 hour and 20 mins of table time in.

2. second work bout
COMPLETE: did another online sesh. I found it much more motivating to grind out hours when the games are good. I think this shifts my mindset from getting better, in which case I feel like studying would pay off more, to trying to win. I'll keep this in mind when trying to get hours in.

I liked my approach in the morning by doing a very short session and immediately jumping into hand reviews.

3. Exercise
COMPLETE: did light exercise and sauna blanket. I seem to be on my A game after the sauna blanket too. Not sure why this is but it seems to be a pattern. It could be a coincidence with my typical energy peak.

4. > 2200 calories and > 100g protein but less than 150g
idk honestly, many of the meals I had were a calorie amount I didn't know
calories: 450 + 200 + 150 + 400 + 400 + 200 + 200 + 500 = 2500 calories.
Protien: 30 + 20 + 15 + 20 + 10 + 5 = 100g
sweet I hit both

Fresh strawberries slapped today. Having a plate in the fridge ready to go is gonna be a move for a bit. Maybe I'll experiment doing this with some other foods.

Goals for tmo:
1. morning work bout, track deep work
2. second work bout
3. exercise (roll out and stretch chest)
4. >2200 calories, >100g of protein
5. Find out nutritional content of 1 cup of strawberries, measure out 1 cup next time I eat them. 50 calories, 1g of protein per cup
6. Categorize goals in next journal

Goals from yesterday:
1.45 hours of table time total
2.5 hours of studying (1.5 hours deep, 1 hour shallow)
I'm taking the approach of trying to make studying and playing more enjoyable. I think this'll help with longevity a lote.

Exercise: Semi-complete
I did some of the exercises I wanted to, but not enough. I had less time than I thought I'd have today. This is moreso due to poor scheduling.

calories = 450 + 350 + 100 + 500 + 400 + 350 + 100 > 2200 calories
protein = 30 g + 25g + 20g + 20g + chicken = 95 + chicken > 100g

COMPLETE see new format above

Goals for tmo:
Contract Work:
Morning work bout.
-I have so many goddamn meetings tmo. like 12p - 5:30p with short 15 - 30 min breaks in between.

Do some light studying or playing on the train to or from PT
Today I won't have has much time due to plethora of meeting since we had veterans day off.
Stretch goal, get a work bout or session in after getting home from PT

Physical Therapy

>2200 calories
>100g protein
Eat no later than 10p (9:30p stretch goal)(priority over calorie and protein goal)

continue using this format

Goals from yesterday:
Contract Work:
Morning work bout.
COMPLETE, got 3 short work bouts in today
no deep work

Do some light studying or playing on the train to or from PT
Today I won't have has much time due to plethora of meeting since we had veterans day off.
Stretch goal, get a work bout or session in after getting home from PT
COMPLETE did some playing and studying on the way back from PT. Light studying looking at PT4 while in sauna blanket

Physical Therapy
STRETCH COMPLETE: did PT and 1 hour in my sauna blanket. I also made a setup so I can do stuff on my tablet while in my sauna blanket woot woot.

>2200 calories
>100g protein
Eat no later than 10p (9:30p stretch goal)(priority over calorie and protein goal)
calories: didn't count and was prob under 2200
protein: was prob under 100g
eating schedule: didn't eat after 9:30p 😀

continue using this format

Goals for tmo
Contract: Morning work bout (at home today cuz I have a dr appt after first meeting)
I did get fairly distracted midday. A couple of contributing factors
1. nutrition schedule
2. distractions in room

Poker: 1 work bout (length >= 30 mins)
I'm getting pulled in so many directions to study so many different things. Write a list of different things I want to study and rank them by priority.
BB defense
3-bet defense
flop subsets
flop combo counting
flop starts
game theory
connecting set theory & FOL (to increase rigour and intuition)

Soccer Game
light PT exercises

>2200 calories
>100g protein
no goal for stopping eating before sleep cuz of soccer game at 9:15p. I'll plan to eat after.

continue format

Goals from yesterday:
Contract: Morning work bout

Poker: 1 work bout (length >= 30 mins)
NOT COMPLETE: used time after doc appointment to tidy up other health related stuff and do research which consisted of a single 1.5 hour bout. Not sure if it was the right call or not.

Soccer Game
SEMI-COMPLETE: I might have torn my meniscus :(

>2200 calories
>100g protein
no goal for stopping eating before sleep cuz of soccer game at 9:15p. I'll plan to eat after.
I think I'll change my goals up a bit so it incorporates more of the process of a good eating schedule as opposed to outcome of food eaten

continue format

Goals for tmo:
Contract Work:
Get a single work bout in
Implement a new rule where I do not schedule any appointments that would affect my two morning work bouts. These past appointments in the day have been affecting my ability to lock down my contract and have enough time leftover to study poker. Even if I cut time on the contract there is some mental tilt when studying poker, feeling like I should work on the contract since that amount of work is not perceived to be sustainable day to day

Preflop combo counting.

Physical Health:
PRIORITY: Get possible torn meniscus checked out

Mental Health:
Keep a strong mindset and be aware that gravitating toward hedonistic activities will not alleviate the mental pain of these constant injuries. Life variance baby. On the bright side, I'm getting shoulder surgery in two weeks so I'll be resting anyway.

Getting injuries like this gets me thinking about things with massive variance. In cash game, the variance is massive, but it's still low enough (and you can put in enough volume) to overcome it over a somewhat reasonable period of time. Not live MTTs tho lol. You can also control your bankroll management strategy such that you never hit 0. Some things aren't like this. Some dips in variance you cannot recover from. For example, if I'm exercising to increase my physical health, I slip, land on my neck, and get paralyzed, there's no volume of exercise I can do to reverse that. Some people get the worst of variance and die at a young age. A few people I knew in high school died very young from mostly bad variance. Of course there were some things they could have done to reduce the likelihood of it happening (and I think extreme accountability makes life much more meaningful) but there's only so much you can do. I feel grateful to be in relatively good health and not have caught the worst of variance. I could be a vegetable and I could have gotten a terrible head injury and reduced my IQ to 50. People who have to suffer that magnitude of loss have my sympathy. They do not have my empathy. One thing I've learned from poker is that you truly do not understand variance until it happens to you. You can do the math and see that it might happen. But it happening to you is entirely different. Taking a permanent swing like that must be devastating. If you were to attach your emotions to outcome (physical health of YOURSELF ONLY), you'd be emotionally crushed or resentful for the rest of your life. I think the outcome still matters, very few of us would play poker if we all made zero dollars. So how do you reconcile this problem?
An extra layer of protection against these swings is to value the physical health of society. Do what you can to improve the physical health of others even though yours may be permanently capped. An example is Ed Roberts. He lived half his life in an iron lung and half his life in a wheelchair. Yet he used his life to be an activist for those with disabilities (source is 3 sentences from Tony Robbins). The point here is to understand that valuing others is a layer of protection from the suffering of the world. Not only that, in my experience, it makes it much more enjoyable. This is because there are so many more things you can do. The ceiling is so much higher to what you can achieve. I try to treat everyone as a friend, and people may say I'm very nice, a good person, or unselfish. However, I believe my motivations deep down are entirely selfish. Valuing other people makes my life less painful and more interesting. Does that make me a good person? I don't know, and I don't know if the answer even matters. Could be another thing to think about.

Another thing to think about is what about the scenario of a catastrophic event that wipes out all of mankind, except you. No offspring possible. How do you frame that to not lose your ****? Food for thought.

I have to go to bed now. Biyas

Goals from yesterday:
Contract Work:
Get a single work bout in
COMPLETE (was tougher to get in due to logistics out of my control)

Preflop combo counting
COMPLETE (will be continuing to work on this off the table)
I mostly did this throughout the day. I spent maybe 75 mins thinking about it.
I also did a short 30 min session 4 tabling 50nl.

Physical Health:
PRIORITY: Get possible torn meniscus checked out
COMPLETE (got in to see the doc and also got an MRI today, unlikely to be a tear)
I also spent 1.5 hours in my sauna blanket.

Mental Health:
Keep a strong mindset and be aware that gravitating toward hedonistic activities will not alleviate the mental pain of these constant injuries.
COMPLETE: was a lil tougher just because I woke up earlier that usual to try and get that appointment in

Goals for tmo:
Contract Work:
First work bout at home w/ sunlight (in garage prob)
Second work bout (prob in basement) after afternoon meetings
- assuming no conflicts w/ possible doc appts
In the future, no nutrition, therapy, physical therapy, or any non-emergency appointment should not interfere with my 2 morning work bouts.

continue combo counting (lean toward toy version ranges vs most common but more complicated ranges)


Physical Health:
1. Call doctor for MRI results - schedule appointment if able
2. do literally anything If I can, like an ab workout or something
STRETCH GOAL - finish OAB packet and develop documentation plan

1. Count calories for meals I don't know the nutrition content of. (ie improving tracking)
2. >2200 calories
3. >100g protein (will be tougher cuz I need to go to the grocery story but my knee is f*cked
no food after 10p (stretch goal 9:30p)

Goals for tmo:
Contract Work:
First work bout at home w/ sunlight (in garage prob)
Second work bout (prob in basement) after afternoon meetings

continue combo counting (lean toward toy version ranges vs most common but more complicated ranges)
COMPLETE: did a tiny bit of studying and 30 mins of table time

Physical Health:
1. Call doctor for MRI results - schedule appointment if able
2. do literally anything If I can, like an ab workout or something
STRETCH GOAL - finish OAB packet and develop documentation plan
COMPLETE: called doc for MRI results and got knee brace. I also did get a tiny bit of exercise in. Didn't complete OAB packet.

1. Count calories for meals I don't know the nutrition content of. (ie improving tracking)
2. >2200 calories
3. >100g protein (will be tougher cuz I need to go to the grocery story but my knee is f*cked
no food after 10p (stretch goal 9:30p)
NOT COMPLETE: no food after 10p complete. didn't count calories for other meals. totally forgot

Goals for tmo:
Physical Health:
1. Get Dexa scan
2. do some exercise or sauna blanket
3. cold plunge

Get a focused session of studying or a live session of 3 hours in.
STRETCH GOAL - get 2 focused sessions of studying in or a live session of 6 hours
- In the future if I plan to study, don't schedule anything in the morning for those days.

Count calories
Have protein smoothie to compensate for lack of protein the last few days
STRETCH GOAL - >2200 calories

Goals from yesterday:
Physical Health:
1. Get Dexa scan
2. do some exercise or sauna blanket
3. cold plunge

Get a focused session of studying or a live session of 3 hours in.
STRETCH GOAL - get 2 focused sessions of studying in or a live session of 6 hours
- In the future if I plan to study, don't schedule anything in the morning for those days.
GOt an hour of studying in and 3 hours of live play

Count calories
Have protein smoothie to compensate for lack of protein the last few days
STRETCH GOAL - >2200 calories
SEMI-COMPLETE- didn't count calories but had protein shake

Goals for tmo:
Long live session or 2 study sessions
(prob look into hand where I possibly punted tn)

Cold Plunge
Light PT Exercise
Sauna Blanket
(goal 2/3)

>2200 calories

Also go to grocery store

Think about doing chores/studying/playing/exercise when the best time for doing each of this is.
For example, playing during weekends and nights.
Studying in morning when most focused.

Goals from yesterday:
Long live session or 2 study sessions
(prob look into hand where I possibly punted tn)
COMPLETE: 4 hours learning GTO+ and 30 mins of online table time

Cold Plunge
Light PT Exercise
Sauna Blanket
(goal 2/3)
COMPLETE: Cold Plunge and 1.5 hours in sauna blanket

>2200 calories
didn't miss a meal so prob around 2000 calories

Also go to grocery store
COMPLETE: forgot oats tho :(

Goals for tmo:
Contract Work:
2 work bouts

Mondays are the busiest days with my contract and I have improve tonight so I prob won't have time.
Listen to poker podcast on the way to improv (about an hour)

do 20 minutes literally anything

I won't set goals for this right today. Too many things on my plate.
