A Side Income...
Greetings All,
This thread is about my poker journey and I commit to posting to it regularly.
It will include information about my games, win/loss results, hand histories and my thoughts and feelings.
Currently I play on Ignition at 5NL, 10NL and 25NL in cash games and Zone. I study an average of 30 - 45 minutes per day and play poker for approximately 1 hour per day.
My goal is to eventually be drawing a side income of $5K per month from poker.
Lofty, I know.
Wish me luck.
Any advice is welcome. If there is anything you would like to see please ask.
find me the games u can take 60k / year as a side hustle and i will snap play them full time for 240k / year or something
if side thing is like 2hrs a day and full time is 8 hrs
i dream your dream come true though!
Best of luck!
Subbed. Good luck Mike!
Currently I play on Ignition at 5NL, 10NL and 25NL in cash games and Zone. I study an average of 30 - 45 minutes per day and play poker for approximately 1 hour per day.
My goal is to eventually be drawing a side income of $5K per month from poker.
Not impossible, but definitely is if we’re talking 1 hour a day.
I calculate that 4-tabling 200NL at 4bb/100 with 25% rakeback 6 hours a day, you make around 5k a month. Perhaps 8-tabling 100NL can achieve the same, but your winrate will be lower due to less focus - might need to be 10-table (rakeback will supplement some of the loss). But this is by no means an easy ask, can take a long time to get to that skill level.
Make sure to have many small attainable goals in the meantime otherwise it’s easy to become demotivated
Best of Luck!
Not impossible, but definitely is if we’re talking 1 hour a day.
I calculate that 4-tabling 200NL at 4bb/100 with 25% rakeback 6 hours a day, you make around 5k a month. Perhaps 8-tabling 100NL can achieve the same, but your winrate will be lower due to less focus - might need to be 10-table (rakeback will supplement some of the loss). But this is by no means an easy ask, can take a long time to get to that skill level.
Make sure to have many small attainable goals in the meantime otherwise
Thank you for calculating the required winrate, number of tables and stakes required.
I have heard from some knowledgeable poker pros that this goal would be much easier to accomplish in a live setting so I am planning my first live game.
Today I played 1 table of 10NL on Ignition for 45 minutes and basically folded the whole time.
When I had premium hands I got no action or had to fold to overbets after whiffing on the flop.
Immediately following this I played 1 table of 25NL for 15 minutes and won 2 big hands.
The first one was 8's full of A's.
The second was a straight 9 thru K.
Final result: bankroll up from 216.08 to 241.16.
1 table at 10NL, 45 minutes, Lost 1 buy-in over-playing AK of clubs.
-very few playable hands
-whiffed every flop
1 table at 25NL, 20 minutes, Won 1 big hand with AQ of hearts, Flopped top pair of QQ Top kicker A
Bankroll $241.16 - $245.47.
I see guys like player 2 every day. How do you think people get this deep stacked?
They play for like 10 hours.
GL mike! subbed!
Tonite I played 1 table of 5NL for 40 minutes.
-A lot of folding
-Won 7 BB
Later I played 1 table of 25 NL for approximately 20 minutes.
-I lost one buy-in calling an All-In preflop with KK.
-The opponent had AA and the board didn't help either of us.
Bankroll $245.47 - $220.16
Not impossible, but definitely is if we’re talking 1 hour a day.
I calculate that 4-tabling 200NL at 4bb/100 with 25% rakeback 6 hours a day, you make around 5k a month. Perhaps 8-tabling 100NL can achieve the same, but your winrate will be lower due to less focus - might need to be 10-table (rakeback will supplement some of the loss). But this is by no means an easy ask, can take a long time to get to that skill level.
Make sure to have many small attainable goals in the meantime otherwise it’s e
Winning 4bb at 200 NL is extremely tough in 2024 - playing 6 hours a day is also not reasonable long term, especially with OP saying side income. And imagine you're able to accomplish this and make a measly 5k/mo. Not worth it.
6 hours a day is reasonable. 3x2 hour sessions or 2x3.
Horrible sessions today.
2 1/2 hours total, 25NL Zone on Ignition, Lost 2 buy-ins
-connected with the board very few times
-when I did connect I could not get any action
-called a few large bets and lost all of them
Bankroll down to $170.70
Today's session was a big improvement over the past two days.
1 hour, 25NL cash game, 1 table on Ignition
Bankroll up to $190.01
Is it just me or is fast fold poker a total NIT-FEST?
Zone seems to be a bunch of players sitting around waiting for the nuts.
1 hour, 1 table, 25NL cash game on Ignition
Bank roll up to $202.56
Won a few significant hands that added up to half a buy-in, in profit
Is all fast fold poker a total NIT FEST?
What is your opinion?
Yea its a nit fest.