Quit my job BR challenge
Hey fellas, not one to type out a whole novel detailing my backstory (though those are fun/interesting), but I will provide some context. I'm in my early 20's and graduated college this May. Since summer 2023, I have been working a remote job which has led me to accumulate some decent savings as I have little to no living expenses. I have casually played online poker for the last 5 or so years in the microstakes (and some local 1/2 which i hate) and now plan to play some higher stakes in hopes of making some real money. And yes, I am willing to take some pretty degenerate shot-takes in order to make this happen given my current financial situation.
Not setting any financial goals on this like some of the other posts as I am just trying to move up stakes as fast as possible and maintain positive win rates. One of the only concrete goals I have is to put in lots of volume. I think for now I am going to try and get 1500-2000 hands a day at a minimum. Here are my current results and will continue to update each day with graph and Best/Worst hands of the day. Feel free to chime in with advice or questions or pretty much anything.
Chart is missing about ~100 or so $.5/$1 hands as I just upgraded to the higher stakes version on PT4. I'd say I am up about $40 in those 100 hands.
5 Replies
Best of luck mate!
Got hit with the "post your results" run bad and got rinsed pretty hard today so far. Lost about 4 buyins at 50NL.
Biggest losing hand of the day so far:
PokerStars - $0.50 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 5 players
BTN: 119.78 BB
SB: 100.02 BB
BB: 146.06 BB
Hero (UTG): 153.68 BB
CO: 300.42 BB
SB posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB
Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) Hero has J♠ J♣
Hero raises to 3 BB, CO raises to 9.5 BB, fold, fold, fold, Hero raises to 30 BB, CO raises to 300.42 BB and is all-in, Hero calls 123.68 BB and is all-in
Flop: (308.86 BB, 2 players) 8♠ 6♦ 3♠
Turn: (308.86 BB, 2 players) T♣
River: (308.86 BB, 2 players) A♥
Hero shows J♠ J♣ (One Pair, Jacks)
(Pre 56%, Flop 73%, Turn 86%)
CO shows K♣ A♠ (One Pair, Aces)
(Pre 44%, Flop 27%, Turn 14%)
CO wins 303.86 BB
There's not much to go over on this hand imo, I felt like villain would not rip his QQ,KK,AA all in which seems to be correct I just got rivered. Kinda been the story of the day so far.
NGL it makes me sad seeing my graph plummet half way even though I only lost around 4 BI. Since it makes me kinda sad, I do not want this to subconsciously affect my play. Going to set some different parameters for now. Going to run strictly 10NL/30NL for the next 10k hands then will try another shot at 50NL.
Biggest hand of the day was a double up where I got aces into kings pre, not even worth posting the hand.
Had a quick session this morning at 10nl and 30nl tables. 618 hands for $57 profit.
Not a huge win considering I scrubbed off 4-5 bi yesterday at 50NL, but we will come back brick by brick
Overall graph and stats
Best of luck in your grind.
Will be following your journal!
Sorry for no post - was able to do some damage recovery these past few days on my 50NL losses, however, did take some beats at 30NL was down to around $220 at one point