This time will be different. GG brc/journey
Gonna keep this short in this first post. ex pro cash reg comeback.
So started well, made my comeback around 2021, played
Updated graph for November, finally in profit in both usd and bigblinds
Biggest pot of the month (Im still resetting my stacks on rush if i have more then 150BB)
Thoughts on this turn call? Feels really close to me
Here's a hand where im probably unblanaced. Wizard wants to check 60% of the time with my hand and some small bets, and it pure checks turn.
Heres some other hands I saved, would love some feedback even if you think i played a hand as bad as i can!
I like this graph, for 200RnC GG it's not easy to show positive winrate i believe but you achieved it, keep it going mate!
Went trough some older big losing sessions ive played last few weeks and found a few hands that i can post.
I never really do this but worked out well this one time. still think i should 3b pre pure
idk about my turn size here but might be ok
some good luck 😀
Suprising calldowns, well atleast that J8.
Still playing?