Ceres’ Christmas Challenge --> $2 to $6
"The humblest hands often give the greatest gifts"
Accurate. ^^^
In my pursuit of poker greatness™ I am committing myself to one table 2nl cash INDEFINITELY until I make $6 (six dollars), TRIPLING my original stake. Hopefully by or before Christmas Day (2024).
According to my math($), this is going to take anywhere between...what? 1-20hrs?!. I don’t know. It could technically happen in a few orbits which would be less exciting…and I’d be surprised if this works in any other way… lol… but I am 'a beast' and I know I can do this .
1) why stop at $6 ceres?
ANSWER: I am not committing more time to this fun exercise than is required. $10 may have a nicer ring to it, but it would require 2x grind and, well… c’mon man
2) are you donating to charity?
ANSWER: why yes I am! I pledge to donate 25% of all my profits to an as yet undisclosed charity upon completion.
Right... time to design a preliminary study regime (PSR).
WML. And Merry Christmas
Busto. Reloading
Annnnd we’re off!
Absolutely crushing after 100 hands. Not an awful lot to report.
Single fun hand:
♦ Get wrecked Zeebo ♦
PokerStars - $0.02 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 5 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4
CO: 95.5 BB
Hero (BTN): 226.5 BB
SB: 100 BB
BB: 106 BB
UTG: 37 BB
SB posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB
Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) Hero has 5♦ 7♦
fold, fold, Hero raises to 3 BB, SB calls 2.5 BB, BB calls 2 BB
Flop: (9 BB, 3 players) 8♣ K♥ 2♠
SB checks, BB checks, Hero bets 3 BB, SB calls 3 BB, fold
Turn: (15 BB, 2 players) K♣
SB checks, Hero checks
River: (15 BB, 2 players) K♦
SB bets 7 BB, Hero raises to 220.5 BB and is all-in, fold
Hero wins 27.5 BB
One thing I didn’t anticipate was how tedious things can get on the one cash table/10 spots-an-hour-if-you’re-lucky-pokerstars-2nl-streets. I have thus devised a scheme to incentivise me to complete this challenge as time goes on by reducing my charity donation by 2% for every extra day the challenge continues. Starting from yesterday.
[As an aside: I rly don’t see why I should have to suffer so much for the benefit of others. We all have to do our bit ofc but sometimes sick people are quite needy too, aren’t they? And particularly during the festive season. Extremely +EV not to get too empathetic is my advice.]
BANKROLL: = $4.63
Charity donation (updated):
25% - 2% = 23%
23% x $4 = $0.92
Session 2 cooked and booked. Guys. We. are. close.
BANKROLL: = $5.55
Charity donation:
25% - 4% = 21%
21% x $4 = $0.84
how many hands do you play per session?
you're my hero op
drink some green teak. that's a good solve for burnout
was burnout a big issue in the past? what else is going on that would cause burnout after an hour?
Ceres youre an inspiration to all of us
Quick Session today. Fairly plain sailing. ⛵
BANKROLL +$0.06: = $5.61
Charity donation:
25% - 6% = 19%
19% x $4 = $0.76
congrats on grinding 6 hands
sick thread
Ran right into a spot of turbulence today...
Clearly a sign to sit out and wait for a better spot.
BANKROLL -$0.05: = $5.56
Charity donation:
25% - 8% = 17%
17% x $4 = $0.68
this is a total slap in the face towards whatever charity you're trying to donate to. pathetic.
Are you still playing seriously and trying to reach 50nl (I think the title of your old PGC was 2nl to 50nl right?) or just playing for fun with the occasional troll? 😀
Are you playing normal poker or nitting it up to (try to) not go busto before getting the 2 BIs?
I guess this is a troll PGC, but just in case, GLGL!!!!
pretty sure the charity to receive the monies will be the Cere's Foundation for little degens who can't handle burnout good
Kant break Kayfabe for Christms lads 🦌
I have no idea what that means.
The charity will be chosen by random (computer) at or towards the end of the challenge.
Busy weekend but we did manage to sit down and look at a table yesterday
But nonetheless wasn’t feeling it. :( +£0.00
BANKROLL -$0.00: = $5.56
Charity donation:
25% - 10% = 15%
15% x $4 = $0.60
Woot. we’ve done it.
Winning graph
Winning stats
Winning hand
Ngl nervous for a second there as things could’ve gone either way. I think this proves that if you really want something in life you have to grab it by both horns and never give up. Christmas is for everyone. Clearly the Lord approves of festive gambling.
FINAL Charity donation:
25% - 12% = 13%
13% x $4 = $0.52
To make the charity award more exciting I have decided to throw in a 1/6 chance that the charity is, in fact, me. As kindly suggested earlier. For this I will throw a virtual dice. If it lands on a 6 then I am the charity. Here goes:
Pfft... we rolled a 3. I will have one last throw. This time of a 12 sided dice, giving us 1/12 odds. Here goes:
Guh rolled a 1. Ok, one last try. Let's do it for Jesus baby. I will use the 20 sided die and remember: if it hits the 6 that means we get the cash!!
Oh bollocks.
Wow, 3.1.18 is actually my birthday so god wants you to send it to me, clearly