Run It Up 2025

Run It Up 2025

hey guys, merry xmas and welcome to my pgc

im a long time grinder and i pretty much play whatever to pay the bills

i mainly study and specialise in HUNL, but im working on some other formats too

next year i plan to play alot of PLO MTTs because i think they are an absolute gold mine, i will also play cash and some normal mtts too…

i will try to keep this thread updated with HHs and graphz if i can 😀

) 9 Views 9
25 December 2024 at 09:01 AM

11 Replies

following gl at the tables!

gl MAN, following. where are you playing from?

by Omaha6betAI k

gl MAN, following. where are you playing from?

middle of nowhere basically :P

happy new year guys!

so far i played some live cash, up small

but binked a sunday mtt for like a few Gs before NYE which is alright

but end up spending a bunch of $$ at the end of the year anyway

this year just started and ill be playing some cash every week alone with some tournaments

congrats on your run on NYE!

Gonna start tracking cash for 2025

So far down a buy in, was down three buy ins in an earlier session, then won two back the other day

Results so far: - one buy in

The hand of session one


Open with QQ from UTG and CO calls around 150bb eff

we check raise vs 60% IP bet, no or

we barrel around 75% pot

3 brick
we shove at abit under 1 SPR


we were called by A9

The hand of session two


Open EP with 98 like abit under 200bb deep, LJ call, BB 3-bet squeeze 5x our open, only we call

he cbets 20% pot we call

he barrels 20% pot we call

he bets 30% pot we shove


he tank folds

Recommend the poker bankroll tracker app for live poker to keep your numbers. You can update easily with a screenshot of your sessions(s)

by basilpesto k

Recommend the poker bankroll tracker app for live poker to keep your numbers. You can update easily with a screenshot of your sessions(s)

thx, i used to use the poker income app or HEM/PT4/H2N for online

ill prob both update on tracker and post once in a while

but also keep the buy in counter on posts

idk if these tracker keep the raw buy in numbers or just $$ amounts

Played a bit this weekend

got unlucky on an FT bubble with JJ against AK was for all the chips, wouldve prob been another bink there

played abit of live cash, the venue had NL and PLO, got lucky and manage to get a guy to play some live HUPLO with me, i usually just call out the full ring PLO nit regs when table is breaking

we played abit and maybe broke even there before the guy didnt want to play anymore and quit

including the NL sesh we prob lost a tiny bit, like a third of a buy in or something or ill just round it to the closest buy in (kept the records on tracker)

Results so far: - one buy in

hand of the session #1



Open pot with AK75x BTN, BB calls

flop AQ5
cbet 75% pot he calls

turn J
check check

river x
he bets 50% pot, we 4x his bet

I think tripling off can work too, but decide im gonna have some turn xb here with NF too, hes inelastic with his strong flushes so im not gonna choose a balanced raise size otr


he tank calls with second nut flush

hand of the session #2



Open Pot with 8732 single suited s, they call

cbet 1/3 pot he calls

turn 8
he half pots into us we call

river T
he bets 3/4 or something


we call off and beat some missed FD/wrap or something, was probably his only bluff of the HU sessionÂ…

So its been a swingy week or so

fired 5 bullets into live MTTs and bricked

prob net down around 1.7 buy ins over four sessions of cash, although prob closer to breakeven since i won when it was higher stakes, i’ll round it up to down roughly 3 buy ins, was a shame because the last session i got hit for 5 buy ins in 5 hours, and it looked like i was close to digging out of a big hole, but lost JJ v 86s all in pre running it once to put the proverbial nail in the coffin for the session

Results so far: - three buy ins

Too many hands over the sessions to remember or particularly talk about

but i do think overall i stationed abit too much esp when the games got too wild and everyone gets abit too loose or too blasty, the calls i made may or may not be fine but its hard to tell under all that layer of variance

so at the very least i should prob try to lower the variance abit

here’s the hand that essentially summarised my week:


80bb eff 4 handed

we had some straddles going on so it was prob 80bb ish effective

SB completes, BB completes, I squeeze to 6.25bb with JJ on the straddle, BB backraises me to 25bb, we shove and get snapped off by 86


run it once and lost as he hit two pair

another swingy week but we won a bunch back

up around 10.7 buy ins (~11 buy ins)

was still playing abit high variance this week, my regret for the week was running a limp raise with T9 that if i had played differently would’ve won me a six buy ins pot…

going to play some MTTs next week including some PLO ones which I’m looking forward to…

Results so far: + eight buy ins

heres a fun hand I remembered from last session:


200bb eff 7 handed

MP opens 2bb we 3bet AQ to 6bb, he calls

flop K53 (13.5bb)
we cbet 6bb he calls

turn 3 (25.5bb)
check check

river 6x (25.5bb)
he bets 32bb we call


He shows 55 for a full house
