spencer christenson 6max nl

spencer christenson 6max nl

i mostly play on wsop.com, no mtts
my insta: spencerc1559
sometimes i post hands there

my goal is to play more than 1100 hours this year (i usually get about that). i play a wide range of stakes depending on whats running, but to get 6 tables ill go as low as i have to. ill also play bigger sometimes if the games are good

2023 and 2024 on wsop (~2200 hours)

2025 (95 hrs)

) 5 Views 5
31 January 2025 at 11:19 AM

32 Replies


fun hand from the other day
he played it tricky but we run good
150bb eff, i sqz, btn and sb call, flop i b30, btn calls, sb jams, i call, btn fold

Following! Good luck in 2025!


Subscribed! GLGL

by Gary Stevenson k

Subscribed! GLGL


more tricky play from our opponents
co open, i 3b sb, he ca, cb75, ca, 2bar30, he raises 2.5x (about half his stack), i jam, he folds


ive been putting in decent volume and running good so far this month
2025 (127hrs)

i have some hood battles with this guy
srp, i cb20, he calls, 2bar75, ca, 3bar75, he raises pot, i fold, he shows 2 😡

Ha. Weird one. I guess 62cc is the only hand that makes sense there.

by skraper k

Ha. Weird one. I guess 62cc is the only hand that makes sense there.

yea thats prob it

srp, he cb40, i cr50, he calls, b30, ca, river i check, he b67, i call
in game i was thinking i should mix raise and call otr and i rolled call. even when i run bad, i run good 😃

srp bvb, he checks, i b50, he cr100, i 3b2x, he jams, i call

the sun run is on
wsop 2025 (169 hrs)

300bb effective, 5b pre, ck jam turn

srp i cb20, he r50, i 3b3x, he calls, turn b75, ca, river b10, ca

in case u havent seen, doug polk is doing a prop bet in march to win 100k on wpt. https://youtu.be/oWh0vgptZUI

ive been playing there for a couple days and the games are soft but i think 100k is ridiculous for me (prob for him also lol) but i think 20k in a month is doable if i put in enough hours. i wont stop playing on wsop but ill add a table of wpt to my sessions. so starting today and going thru 3/28 my goal is to win 20k across those 2 sites. lfg!

wsop 2025 (207hrs)

actually lets make it 30k in 30 days, has a better ring to it

off to a good start

if i can put in enough hours i should have a decent chance of getting there

Are you including rakeback or no?


i havent been able to review a lot of hands lately since im playing a lot but here is one from yesterday

hands against banana are some of my favorite because we always seem to get in some obscure part of the game tree.
i 3b sb, he calls co, i cb20, he r25, i call, turn check check, river i b75, he folds. otr pio prefers a small size in my spot but still bets this hand... i was close 😀

★ Recommended Post

i havent been able to put in many hours the last few days so ill have to go extra hard the next few weeks to make up for it

by prideitoff k

i havent been able to review a lot of hands lately since im playing a lot but here is one from yesterday

hands against banana are some of my favorite because we always seem to get in some obscure part of the game tree.
i 3b sb, he calls co, i cb20, he r25, i call, turn check check, river i b75, he folds. otr pio prefers a small size in my spot but still bets this hand... i was close 😀


Very interesting thread, following!

started down about 5k yesterday and won it all back. isnt it crazy how it feels so good when that happens but when it happens the other way its awful?

ill post separate wpt and wsop graphs at the end of the challenge

another fun hand from yesterday..
srp he cb40, i call, turn i lead 30, he calls, riv i ck, he b135, i jam, he folds. did i have the straight? did i have the straight blocker plus boat blocker? we may never know 😉

by A.Banana k


hehe 😀

Cool thread, gl man! Can’t wait to be reunited with the LV crew for more battles before too long
