Moving to play live and grinding to 25nl in the meantime

Moving to play live and grinding to 25nl in the meantime

I wanted to start a thread to track my goals and progress with this game as I have become obsessed over the past few months. I recently finished college and already know that I need a change in job so I am looking to relocate for work to somewhere that I can play consistently and build my roll.

For the past few months I have been playing 10nl and took my bankroll from $25 to $240 on ignition. Played some other sites while I was out of state and made another $250 which I ended up using to buy into some $1/$2 games while traveling for work. Here is my roll as it currently stands.

Online: $240.21
Live: $590

Goals (Short Term):

- Finish Modern Poker Theory and notate
- Improve managing tilt
- Find a job in Vegas, LA, Boston, Texas, Florida, or anywhere with a substantial live poker scene
- Get online BR to $375 (15 buy ins for 25nl)
- Move up to 25nl
- Study online courses on training site I recently subbed to
- Review hand histories weekly and find leaks
- Establish win rate of 1/2 and 1/3 live NLHM over 1000 hour sample

Goals (Mid - Long term):
- Get Bankroll to a spot where I can shot take at 2/5
- Become winning 2/5 reg
- Build bankroll to 20k
- Have 1 year of living expenses saved (from working)
- Go Pro prior to getting my MBA (5-6 years)

I am going to update this thread weekly with updates, hand histories, graphs, etc. as I have finally started tracking progress. I am open to any suggestions of where the best live poker scene is in the US for someone with goals like mine.

) 7 Views 7
11 February 2025 at 11:52 PM

19 Replies

Good luck, looking forward to following along!

Glad to see having a regular job and going back to school are included in your plans too.

Thanks Dan! As much as I would love to play pro one day, I’d love to keep my options open as much as possible in any case

I'm playing 20 hour sessions. to be good bro u have to put in at least 21 hour sessions. get good bro

Wanted to provide a mid-week update because this part of the process excites me almost as much as the study/playing itself. My goals of the week were as follows:

- Get bankroll to >$250 USD
- Play > 2k hands
- Manage Tilt / Do not punt because of emotions or entitlement
- Studying CLP Course and Modern Poker Theory, focus on making progress to finish these
- 15 hand reviews, focus on finding leaks

- I think that I will easily hit the 2k hands this week as I have already played 1304/2000.
- Still working on managing tilt, it hasn't been too costly yet but it's an area I want to progress because at these stakes it is often the most costly.
- Posted below is my last 3 days of play, already smashed my bankroll goal for the week but it is still early enough for me to punt it off.
- Need to keep reviewing hands/studying my courses because the beginning of this week has been more play than study

Posted below is my last 3 days, my total since tracking results, and a couple HHs, will follow up again at the end of the week.

Hero KdQd SB ( about 125bb eff w/ villain)
folds to BTN who raises 2.5bb, hero 3! 10bb, BTN 4! 25bb, hero calls
Flop: Th 7d 5d
hero x, Villain bets 15bb into 51.5bb pot, hero calls
Turn: Ad
hero x, BTN bets 12bb, hero calls
River: Jh
hero x, BTN bets 18bb, hero shoves for 45.5bb, villain calls

Hero QsTc BB
UTG+2 raises 3bb, hero calls
Flop: Qd Js 2c
hero x, UTG+2 bets 2bb, hero calls
Turn: 8s
hero x, UTG+2 x
River: Th
hero bets 5bb into 10.5bb, villain jams for 95bb, hero folds
Villain shows AhKc for the rivered straight

Here is the end of week update for the week ending 2/16/2025. Going to respond again later with the goals laid out for the coming week. I will be traveling for work so will have the opportunity to play live 1/2 but less online play.

Goals for this week:
- Get bankroll to >$250 USD
- Play > 2k hands
- Manage Tilt / Do not punt because of emotions or entitlement
- Studying CLP Course and Modern Poker Theory, focus on making progress to finish these
- 15 hand reviews, focus on finding leaks

- Online Bankroll = $311.39 / $250, played just over 2k hands
- Got it in bad on a few hands (will attach an interesting one below) but overall I did not punt this week despite putting in volume. Work in progress
- Finished course module and a few chapters of Modern Poker Theory
- Did all 15 hand reviews, mostly from Discord and some from my own online HH

Screenshots: Results by day

HH1: Pretty Crazy 3 way all in w/ second nuts. Can't expect these types of plays at 25nl I imagine

Hero BTN Th9h - had both villains covered (HJ 63bb, SB 124bb)
UTG limps, HJ limps, LJ Limps, Hero raises 5bb, SB cold calls, 3 limpers call

Flop (26bb): Ks 8d Jh
checks through - I was considering a raise here but thought being this multi-way I would check behind

Turn (26bb): Qd
SB leads for 3.5bb, UTG folds, HJ calls, LJ folds, Hero raises 24bb, SB and HJ call

River (98bb pot): 6s
SB checks, HJ jams for his remaining 34bb, Hero decides to reshove for 106bb and gets called by the SB
HJ shows QJo and SB had Kc4c???

We take down a 306bb pot

HH2: Misplayed with QQ here

Hero BTN w/ QhQd
UTG raises 3bb, HJ 3! 9bb, Hero cold calls and UTG calls
- This should probably be a 4! but I was thinking EP vs EP 3 bet I can just call here IP, may be very wrong

Flop (28.5bb): Kh Th 8h
checks through

Turn (28.5bb): 3d
UTG bets 13bb, HJ calls 13bb, hero rips it for 101bb total. UTG snap calls for his remaining 53bb and HJ folds
UTG shows 3s3c

River (132bb): 8d

- I think I played this one very poorly, probably should cold 4! and as played should probably still bet OTF when checked to.

My suggestion would be to completely eliminate cold-calling 3bets from your game. Especially at online microstakes where the stacks aren’t that deep and the rake is exorbitantly high. Either 4bet or make a disciplined fold in every spot. I would definitely cold 4bet QQ in the spot you posted. JJ would be close. TT would be a sad fold. I don’t really like the turn jam either. I think that is a good spot to call.

by Dan GK k

My suggestion would be to completely eliminate cold-calling 3bets from your game. Especially at online microstakes where the stacks aren’t that deep and the rake is exorbitantly high. Either 4bet or make a disciplined fold in every spot. I would definitely cold 4bet QQ in the spot you posted. JJ would be close. TT would be a sad fold. I don’t really like the turn jam either. I think that is a good spot to call.

Thanks for the feedback. I didn't even take into consideration the rake in the micros and how that adds to it being a -EV cold call here to a 3-bet. I agree that TT and maybe even JJ I need to make a disciplined fold here since the player pool does not 3-bet wide enough, especially from EP. I think that overplaying broadway type holdings is something I need to focus on getting away from

Going to post a midweek update with some of the goals for the week. They are going to be a little different as I will be playing less online and have the opportunity to play live 1/2 while traveling. Below are my results from the first trip to this card room, goals for the upcoming week, and a couple of the interesting hands that I played during that time.

- Play >12 hours live the remainder of the week (probably across 3 sessions)
- Study 9-max pre-flop solutions
- Review 20 hands this week from study group and my sessions
- Send minimum of 3 hands for review to the study group, gain feedback
- Maintain focus and push for longer sessions than my typical 2-3 hours

HH1: Misplayed here with sizings

Hero UTG+2 (Ac Ah) $174 Eff.
UTG Raises to $12, Hero 3-bets to $30, folds around to UTG who calls
Flop ($54) - As Th 2d
x, x
Turn ($54) - 5s
UTG x, Hero bets $20, UTG x/r $50, Hero shoved for about $144 total, UTG tank folds

HH2: I think this one is standard to call down, villain was short stack and wide pre, maybe should've raised OTT

AhQh in CO, 2 limpers to me from EP
raise $12, 1 caller (UTG limp/call)

Flop $30: A52 with 2 clubs, no BDFD for hero
villain donks for $10, call

Turn $50: offsuit 4
villain $15, call

River $80: offsuit J
villain goes $25, hero calls
Villain shows AJo for rivered 2-pair

- knew he had an ace here and I wanted to keep dominated AX in and allow him to keep barreling, I did not expect AJ here OTR after a limp/call and was thinking he might do the same w/ A9 or AT

HH3: Should've bet/3-bet OTT and force his draws in, lucky I got paid off

Hero 7s7c in the BB - ($250 eff with main villain)

EP Limps, BTN Limps, SB limps and I check my option (probably should have raised here) $8 to flop

Flop $8: 7d 3d 2c, checks around - should I just fast play this with draws out there?

Turn $8: Qc - SB checks, I go 10 for a slight overbet targeting FDs and Qx. EP folds, BTN reraised to $35. SB folds and I make the call. $78 to river

River $78: Ks, I check to BTN and he bets $35, I shove for 125 more. SB calls and shows Kc Qc, we win

Don’t understand why you’re playing $54 effective if you’re trying to play properly.

Should be topping off to the max regularly like you would be online if you’re looking to do this for a living.

If you are struggling to do that then you aren’t properly bankrolled for it yet.

by norwich k

Don't understand why you're playing $54 effective if you're trying to play properly.

Should be topping off to the max regularly like you would be online if you're looking to do this for a living.

If you are struggling to do that then you aren't properly bankrolled for it yet.

Hey Norwich, which hand are you referring to? If you mean where I put “Flop ($54)” that was meant to represent the size of the pot. Typically I buy in for the max, 125bb and top off my stack when it gets to lower than 80-90ish.

Do you typically always keep yours at the max? or have a threshold of when you rebuy?

Referring to your cash out of $54 that implies you could have been sat near to that stack for one hand or more.

Key with topping off is to not take the piss. Keep some bonus chips in your jacket pocket, and just add on. When I used to play, I’d normally top off every time I was down a 100 or so (it was the smallest chip that had a real effect).

In your 1/2 game, I’d probably top back up every time you’re down $10 or so. Take some fives and ones off and chuck a pony ($25 for you Americans) on top.

If stack match is available to you, never make it super obvious unless you have to. You don’t want to bring to the fish’s attention that you’re playing 400bb effective with them, they might get cold feet.

by norwich k

Referring to your cash out of $54 that implies you could have been sat near to that stack for one hand or more.

Key with topping off is to not take the piss. Keep some bonus chips in your jacket pocket, and just add on. When I used to play, I'd normally top off every time I was down a 100 or so (it was the smallest chip that had a real effect).

In your 1/2 game, I'd probably top back up every time you're down $10 or so. Take some fives and ones off and chuck a pony ($25 for you Americans) on top.


Thanks, that makes a lot of sense and I will do so in these upcoming 1/2 games. I have not played in a match the stack game but would like to get more comfortable with playing deeper as I know that you can realize your edge more.

It’s a double-edged sword, as proper deepstacked poker can be boring, especially in pools where the regs are very nutty - you practically never see 1000bb pots that aren’t fake coolers.

Make you sure you can always win the max

Played the first 1/2 sessions last night while traveling for work. Was a pretty unremarkable one overall but there were a few spots where I think I lost the minimum. A few months ago I would’ve paid someone off greatly in spots like this, I do wonder if I’m overfolding at times though. A few HH below.

TT UTG, Hero raise 10, EP flat. Heads Up ($250 eff)

Flop: 9d 5h 2s
I c-bet for 15 and EP reraises 40, I fold and he shows JJ. I never really see this as a bluff with this opponent and with this dry of a board thought I was beat.

There was near zero frequency of 3-bets at this table last night and I kept running into it. 99 got 3! shoved on, fold. TT I opened and someone in EP limp/3-bet so I folded since I’ve only ever seen her do this with KK+. Jc9c open and next to act min click 3-bet and showed me AA when he was pissed I folded.

Finally got it in good, villain shoved 7h6d for about $31 and I called with AsKc. Villain turned straight, just not my night.

HH2: Played too passive - should have c-bet small and if not for sure should’ve bet OTT with this draw

QsTs CO, 2 limpers to me and i make it 12, BB calls and 1 limper calls

Flop ($40): Kc Jd 6s
checks through

Turn ($40): 7d
checks through

River: As
BB x, MP limper goes 10, I make it 25 and MP calls and we take it down

down $133 in about 2 hours 45 mins. Not even mad because part of this was running bad but I also hate how much I am playing just so face up. It feels like at this level draw = check/call, bet when I have it, and a lot of overfolding. It seems that in many spots at my current level this is the best way to play but this is not the player I want to be.

Little late on this one but basically wanted to provide an update on the goals for this past week and how I made out overall. It ended up being a heavier work week than expected but looking forward to getting nearly a full week to play. Attached below were my goals for the week, some HHs from live games, and goals for this week.

Goals (week 2/17 - 2/23):
- Play 15 hours live 1/2 - 9.5/15
- 20 HH reviews - Only did 12
- Finish Module 3 of Course - did not complete
- Send 3 hands to study group and get feedback - 2/3, got great feedback

Missed all of my marks this week and need to be more disciplined with hand reviews / courses. Also, my results this week were so so as I had two losing sessions and was down nearly a buy-in but recovered most of it in a great session Sunday night.

JJ in the LJ ($250 effective)
Hero raise 10, 5 callers
Flop ($60): Js Tc 6s
checks to me, hero bets $35, HJ calls, BB calls
Turn (165): 4c
checks to me and I bet $75, both fold

- Could’ve sized up OTF, my two sizings here are probably $20 or $45ish, should’ve opted for the larger size I think because there are a ton of draws that will be continuing
- Same with the turn, I think I could even jam here or at least go $100 but open to feedback on the sizing. My thoughts being that I need to build the pot now since I block so much TP I am likely up against FDs / OESDs

QQ CO 1/2/5 straddle is on ($250 eff)
1 limper to me, hero raise to 20, Straddle calls, EP limp called. 3-ways to the flop

Flop ($60): 9c 7h 4h
straddle checks, EP bets 25, I call, Str calls

Turn ($135): Jh
checks through

River ($135): 7c
STR bets 45 and we both fold, he had Tc8c for the straight

- This one was strange, I think that the Straddle thought that after checking the turn one of us would bet here as he turned his straight. Before the River was dealt he said “wait I didn’t check yet” forgetting that he checked the turn from up front. Then when he bet OTR I figured everything gets there and I am probably beat

HH3: This one I am pretty sure I misplayed
Some context: EP player was running hot and had the table covered, also was the weakest at the table. Played a ton of hands and would go with any made hand (TP+). +2 also has me covered and is very aggressive - has shown up with suspect hands in SRPs, opening 10x w/ suited 1 gappers, 3 bet bluffing a lot

($300 effective)
Ad3d CO, 2 limpers to me and I make it 10, 5 callers

Flop ($50): 9d 8d 3s
BB 10, EP raises 20, +2 calls, I call, BB calls

Turn ($130): 6c
BB x, EP 50, +2 calls, I call, BB fold

River: Ks
checks through
EP shows 8d6d for turned 2 pair + FD

- chose not to bluff at this one when I miss the front door FD. I thought for sure if I hit my flush I get it in because of the villains in the hand. I am wondering if I should’ve upped the aggression on earlier streets

Goals for the week:
- Complete Course Mod 3
- Play 12 hours of live 1/2
- Post 5 HHs on this thread
- Send 5 HHs to study group and note feedback
- 20 hand reviews (not my own), focusing on going in depth and constructing villains ranges.

Weekly Update here, got back from a session a little late last night and had to get up early for work. Here were the results of the goals I set out for the week. A little better than last, but spent just north of 70 hours in a warehouse so i’m mostly just glad I hit my playing goals

- Complete Course Mod 3 - not complete
- Play 12 hours of live 1/2 - played 13
- Post 5 HHs on this thread - didn’t post hands yet but will this evening, so miss
- Send 5 HHs to study group and note feedback - sent 6 hands and got in depth feedback
- 20 hand reviews (not my own), focusing on going in depth and constructing villains ranges. - did 14 of these

I will post results and some hands tonight. Upped the aggression a bit and been working on actually having a “red line.” Also, keeping my stack topped up has helped me to make the max in a few spots, so thanks @Norwich

Results and Some HHs:


1/2 $250 effective
Hero :Ac: :4c: MP raise 10, CO calls

Flop: :Qh: :Tc: :8c: ($20)
hero bet 15, call

Turn: :9c: ($50)
hero x, CO 15, hero x/r 40, CO call

River: :2c: ($130)
hero jammed for $200 and had CO covered

- this one was misplayed as I should not c-bet this board a whole lot since it is so connected and favors the field callers range.
- OTT the x/r was a misplay too, should just barrel when I do c-bet, as played too small of a x/r too
- Jam turn is not going to get called by Jc or Qc, should've went like 70-90

HH2: Here's a spot that was very interesting but I am still not sure how to play optimally

1/2 ($400 effective w/ UTG+1, $250 effective with BTN)

Hero :Ac: :Tc: UTG raise $10, +1 calls, BTN calls, BB calls

Flop ($40): :Kh: :Qs: :Jd:
BB x, hero x, +1 bets $20, BTN $50, BB folds, hero?

HH3: Ok last one I will format as a question like I did the third

1/2 $250 eff

Hero AhQh HJ, +2 raises 11, LJ calls, I tried to 3-bet to 45 but messed up and had to be a minraise to $21, SB calls, +2 calls, LJ calls

Flop: Ac 2c 3s ($86)
x, x, x, hero bets $50, only +2 calls

Turn ($190): :Js:
+2 jams for about $180, hero?

HH4: Too tight of a fold OTR, should've called off

QQ MP 1/2/5
I raise 20, STR calls

Flop: 6h 7d Ah with two hearts ($43)
x, x

Turn: 7c
x, 30, c

River: 2s ($100)
villain donks 40, hero tank folds

I wanted to get on tonight to provide my weekly update. First, my results are posted below. It was a tough week as a combination of run bad and play bad took over at times. I got a ton of volume in compared to what I typically play, playing just over 2300 hands in a short week. Overall I am down 2.5 BIs and disappointed as I felt I was getting so close to moving up to 25NL and really making strides in my progress. However, there are some spots where I lacked confidence and others that I just straight up misplayed which shows that I have a lot of work to do before moving up in stakes and crushing 25NL. I think that this week my goals are going to be focused more on studying and allotting specific times that I want to get my online play in. Also, I recently repurchased my GTOW subscription so I will be using that to analyze the hands that I have played and uploading the files to find major leaks. I am open to any suggestions on how to best go about finding the leaks in my game, with or without the solver.

Goals for the coming week:
- Play 2k hands of 10NL
- Schedule times to play and focus on being in the best state of mind for the sessions
- Study BB defense ranges in more depth for 6-max
- post 5 hands to the forum from my online games
- Study BTN vs. BB SRPs, focus building flop heuristics for c-betting / defending
- Get bankroll back over $310
- Finish CLP Course Module 3

Online Bankroll: $275.58
Live Roll: $415 (after changing to USD)

★ Recommended Post

Had a pretty good live session last night as I drove a couple hours to the closest casino for an evening 1/3 session. I was mostly card dead for the 4 1/2 hours but had a couple interesting hands I wanted to post.

1/3/6 (BTN Straddle) $290 eff. - basically action starts on SB preflop and BTN is last to act, never played with a BTN straddle before

Hero BB QhQd
SB calls $6, hero $25, UTG calls, UTG+2 calls, BTN call, SB calls

Flop (5-ways, $125): Qc 8s 5s
SB leads $25, Hero $55, UTG snap jams $300, folds to hero who calls

Runout was 3s and As but we held facing pocket 5s

1/3 $280 eff.

Hero QTcc HJ

3 limpers - UTG+1, UTG+2, LJ, Hero raises $15, BB calls, +1 calls, +2 calls

Flop (4-ways, $65): Qs Qh 8c
checks to hero, C-bet 15, BB fold, UTG+1 calls, UTG+2 calls

Turn ($110): 4c
checks around

River: Jh
UTG+1 bets $60, UTG+2 fold, hero calls

Villain had QJ

- should’ve probably barreled turn as I pick up additional equity with the FD and could’ve gotten called by worse here. As played I think I just call off here when I check the turn, especially to this sizing.

One takeaway I had from this session was that I need to start studying short stack play. I think that studying 20bb - 50bb stack depths could be helpful as this game was playing $20 sometimes $25 opens preflop, even without the straddle on. I tightened up my range accordingly but this has to be exploitable.

All in all decent session. In for $300, out for $541
