Rush to nosebleeds !
2 Replies
1st . gl
Last period didn't go according to plan but it's all good.
I came to a new city to play and rented out an apartment for a month ( pretty expensive this time) but very cool too, it a gated apartment complex with pool, sauna , gym, it's fantastic.
Anyway a few project went decently. I got staked in a few 250 tourneys and in a 1K tournament too. I did min cash in the 1K. Very fun tournament, as soon as I sat down I instantly felt the competition being heavy, there were a lot of regs or played that played high stakes in general.
At one point a guy that I recognize that plays deep 5/10/20 cash games sits down to my right. I introduce myself and start talking about the games he plays , he recognizes me too because I played HU live against an aggressive guy that we'll call "Savage" ( picture Nick Air all but 2 times a bigger ball breaker and 4 times more aggressive).
He , the cash game regular that's to my right ( let's call him "HS"), opens from LJ, I have A5s and 3 bet him to 9 BBS , he calls.
I have around 40 BBS behind , he has 26 BBS... You can see where this is going...
Flop 932 rainbow : CK CK
Turn T: CK CK
River 7 : he leads all in 26 into 10 bbs, I start thinking heavily and I'm like :" Why the **** Is this guy going all in here?"
A flopped set wouldn't do this , it would sometimes lead flop, it would always lead turn at least, over pairs would play the same . A T would lead turn or bet river but not 2.6x pot. A straight is very unlikely , a flush is impossible to have.
I think more and then I call. He flips over
I say: " My kicker plays and push it forwards"
He stares at the board for a while in disbelief.
Fist time I've ever said this: