[CALCULATOR] oRanges Omaha Calculator
Pricing: 50 €
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oRanges Omaha Calculator
is a hand range, equity calculation tool which was developed to help Omaha poker players better to understand how frequently range hits specific hands and allows you to calculate the probability of starting hand range to fit a given board, conveniently show opponents ranges and build your own ranges to significantly increase your skill ...
A user-friendly interface will help you to understand the structure of players' ranges and calculate equity. Equity is calculated both using the Monte Carlo method and by brute force complete enumaration at the user's choice.
There are built-in expression parsers to help you create and filter input ranges, as well as create custom statistics based on the default statistics. There is an ability to enable or disable hands that fall within certain statistics to fully analyze the narrowing of ranges by street and much more.
A new version of the application is available for download:
oRanges Omaha Calculator
* General performance improvements
* Import/Export ranges (including Monker Solver format)
* Multiway Equity Calculator
* Multiway Next Card Equity Tool
* Some minor improvements and bug fixes
A new version of the application is available for download:
oRanges Omaha Calculator
* General performance improvements
* Import/Export ranges (including Monker Solver format)
* Multiway Equity Calculator
* Multiway Next Card Equity Tool
* Some minor improvements and bug fixes
Hey, thanks for the update.
Any plans to add 3-way range vs range?
There are no such plans for the near future.
Calculating a 3-way even in regular hold'em is a heavy loaded task. The algorithms I'm using in Omaha at the moment are not fast enough for this task.
what are the advantages of your software over pro pokertools?
— In-depth Range Exploration, Range analysis, Range building.
— Built-in user statistics expression parser to create custom statistics based on the default statistics.
— Range filtering by range pattern and by predefined and custom statistics.
— Fast Equity calculation by complete enumaration (very fast on the turn and river)
— Import/Export ranges in text format. Monker Solver format is recognized
In simple words, this program is something like flopzilla for 4-card Omaha.
A new version of the application is available for download:
oRanges Omaha Calculator
* Transition to 64bit application
* General performance improvements
* Statistics in Multiway Equity Calculator
* Some minor improvements and bug fixes
is it possible to implement plomastermind syntax in your software? should be super easy, i would buy it if you do, thank you
I'll think about what can be done, but I'm not sure that it will be possible to completely repeat the PPT syntax.
Its not about repeating the ppt syntax, is about been able to write the syntax in a more intuitive way. Let me know if you want i can contact you via email and share my thoughts
You can write me about your ideas at [email]support@holdemranges.com[/email]
I will study them carefully and let you know if I can implement your suggestions.
New ver.
* Redesign statistics block
* Straightdraw with 1 to 6 out added
* Hand from range vs Range Equity calculation added
* Copy hand to clipboard option added
* Range File Tool
* Some minor improvements and bug fixes
New v1.0.0.113
User Statistics added:
* {nut flush},{2nd flush},{3rd flush},{weak flush}
* {nut straight},{2nd straight},{3rd straight}
* {nut set},{2nd set},{3rd set}.
New filters added:
* suR1R2 = hands contain suited cards of specified ranks
* ofR1R2 = hands contain offsuited cards of specified ranks
* ksR = keep single rank;
* krR = keep rank;
* kcRs = keep card;
* kpR1R2 = keep pair ranks;
* rrR = remove rank;
* rcRs = remove card;
* rpR1R2 = remove pair ranks;
* Some minor improvements and bug fixes
He estado usando el oRanges Omaha Calculator y puedo decir que es una herramienta increíble para los jugadores de Omaha poker. Esta herramienta de cálculo de rangos de manos y equidad realmente me ha ayudado a entender mejor con qué frecuencia los rangos alcanzan manos específicas y a calcular la probabilidad de que mi rango de manos iniciales encaje en un tablero determinado.
Lo que más me gusta es su interfaz amigable, que facilita la comprensión de la estructura de los rangos de los jugadores y el cálculo de la equidad. La herramienta permite calcular la equidad tanto mediante el método de Monte Carlo como por fuerza bruta, según prefieras.
Además, el oRanges Omaha Calculator tiene analizadores de expresiones integrados que me han ayudado a crear y filtrar rangos de entrada, así como a generar estadísticas personalizadas basadas en las estadísticas predeterminadas. Puedo habilitar o deshabilitar manos dentro de ciertas estadísticas para analizar completamente el estrechamiento de los rangos por calle, lo cual es muy útil.
New v1.0.0.114
* Drag and Drop Monker solver ranges
* The number of User Statistics has been increased to 20 on each street postflop
* Equity calculation speed in case Range vs Hand 4 times faster
* Some minor improvements and bug fixes
New v1.0.0.115
* Equity Trainer tool added
* Some minor improvements and bug fixes
Equity Trainer Tool is designed to train and develop a sense of equity of a hand versus another hand or a range on various boards.
Before starting the training, you need to set your hand or the range from which hands will be randomly selected. You also need to choose the range against which you want to practice your equity knowledge. You can select a single hand or a range using Range Assistant or Monker solver range import feature.
What about a preflop equity trainer as well? Could that be added?
Yes, it is possible.
But it will not be possible to quickly obtain the exact preflop equity value using full enumeration and the entered value will have to be compared with the equity obtained by the Monte Carlo method, where the error may be several tenths.
If I have any ideas on how to get around these difficulties, I’ll add preflop feature too.
Yes, it is possible.
But it will not be possible to quickly obtain the exact preflop equity value using full enumeration and the entered value will have to be compared with the equity obtained by the Monte Carlo method, where the error may be several tenths.
If I have any ideas on how to get around these difficulties, I’ll add preflop feature too.
How long does it take to do full enumeration for a preflop matchup?
In a preflop quiz format, perhaps you could calculate the full enumerated value prior to the person submitting their response.
For example, when the user is looking at question #1 and thinking of response, the program could already start calculating its answer and when finished, start calculating the answer to question #2, #3, etc., so that the quiz already potentially has the next 10 answers available.
Could that work?
I don't remember exactly how long it takes to calculate preflop equity.
It certainly depends on the computer, on the number of hands in the range, but I remember for sure that it's not a few seconds or even tens of seconds if the range is 50% or more.
I'm afraid your method won't work.
Ok, thanks.
simple Calculator for me
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Hi! Can I use one license in two computers?
Every license can be activated on 1 machine only but the license can be transfered to another machine.
v1.0.0.116 (01.10.2024)
* Range export in Multiway tool added
* Storing ranges temporarily for use in expressions
* Some minor improvements and bug fixes