oRanges Omaha5 Calculator Pro
Pricing: 80$
oRanges Omaha5 Calculator Pro
is a hand range, equity calculation tool which was developed to help 5 card Omaha poker players better to understand how frequently range hits specific hands and allows you to calculate the probability of starting hand range to fit a given board, conveniently show opponents ranges and build your own ranges to significantly increase your skill ...
A user-friendly interface will help you to understand the structure of players' ranges and calculate equity. Equity is calculated both using the Monte Carlo method and by brute force complete enumaration at the user's choice.
There are built-in expression parsers to help you create and filter input ranges, as well as create custom statistics based on the default statistics. There is an ability to enable or disable hands that fall within certain statistics to fully analyze the narrowing of ranges by street and much more.
The program is distributed in two versions:
oRanges Omaha5 Calculator Pro and oRanges Omaha5 Calculator.
oRanges Omaha5 Calculator is part of the Pro version, namely, it contains only a Multiway Calculator.
11 Replies
Have been looking for this software for quite some time now to visualize ranges much quicker compared to opening postflop sims
Calculates the statistics surprisingly fast. Really useful study tool.
New ver. 1.0.105
* Redesign statistics block
* Straightdraw with 1 to 6 out added
* Hand from range vs Range Equity calculation added
* Copy hand to clipboard option added
* Range File Tool
* Some minor improvements and bug fixes
New ver. 1.0.107
User Statistics added:
* {nut flush},{2nd flush},{3rd flush},{weak flush}
* {nut straight},{2nd straight},{3rd straight}
* {nut set},{2nd set},{3rd set}.
New filters added:
* suR1R2 = hands contain suited cards of specified ranks
* ofR1R2 = hands contain offsuited cards of specified ranks
* ksR = keep single rank;
* krR = keep rank;
* kcRs = keep card;
* kpR1R2 = keep pair ranks;
* rrR = remove rank;
* rcRs = remove card;
* rpR1R2 = remove pair ranks;
* Some minor improvements and bug fixes
I have been waiting for something like this to come out for 5card. This software has everything I could ask for in an equity calculator. It is sleek when viewing ranges. There are many options to narrow down ranges and calculations. Very happy with the product! You are the man!
New ver. 1.0.108
* Drag and Drop Monker solver ranges
* The number of User Statistics has been increased to 20 on each street postflop
* Some minor improvements and bug fixes
New ver. (01.10.2024)
* Range export in Multiway tool added
* Storing ranges temporarily for use in expressions
* Some minor improvements and bug fixes
Are there plans to add the equity trainer feature to the 5card version?
It is unlikely that this will be done in the near future but...
For an equity trainer, it is very desirable to have a procedure for accurate and instantaneous equity calculation (not the Monte Carlo method), which does not exist at the moment.
If I am given the chance to invent or find such a procedure, it will be done immediately.
I am trying to input a range with no trips and no quads for preflop hands.
I input nt, nq to start the range sequence here.
But, as seen it still is showing some quads and trips in the range.
Am I doing something wrong here ?
I am also having trouble here
if I want to give opponent range 2 - KT,TT , | missed flush draws that do not include 2 pair or sets. Removing top 8% as well. I have it working so far as seen in pic, except I can't figure out a way to get in the !QT, or ! 99 etc for the flush draw portion.
Could you give me an example of how to type that in the right box?
Thanks again
New v1.0.0.110 (17.12.2024)
A group of statistics filters has been added
/FSF Straight Flush
/F4k 4 of Kind
/FFH Full House
/FNFH Full House Nut
/FnFH Full House Non Nut
/Ff Flush
/Fnf Nut Flush
/F2f 2nd Flush
/F3f 3rd Flush
/Fwf Weak Flush
/Fbnf Nut Flush Blocker
/Fb2f 2nd Flush Blocker
/Fb3f 3rd Flush Blocker
/Fbwf Weak Flush Blocker
/FST Straight
/FNST Nut Straight
/F2ST 2nd Straight
/F3ST 3rd Straight
/Fs Set
/Fns Nut Set
/F2s 2nd Set
/F3s 3rd Set
/F3k 3of Kind
/F2p Two Pair
/Ft2p Top Two Pair
/Ftb2p Top Bottom Two Pair
/Fb2p 2Bottom Two Pair
/Fop Over pair
/Ftp Top pair
/Fbtp BelowToppair
/Fmp Middle pair
/Fbmp Below Middle pair
/F3p 3rd pair
/Fb3p Below3 rd pair
/FSD6 Straight Draw 6 outs
/FSD5 Straight Draw 5 outs
/FSD4 Straight Draw 4 outs
/FSD3 Straight Draw 3 outs
/FSD2 Straight Draw 2 outs
/FSD1 Straight Draw 1 outs
/FB2FD 2nd NUT FLUSHDRAW blocker
/FB3FD 3rd NUT FLUSHDRAW blocker