[Trainer] Flopsy. Master combo counting to level up your GTO + exploit play. [-40% discount]
Website: https://flopsy.io
Demo: https://flopsy.io/demo/1
Demo stats tracking (with sample data): https://flopsy.io/demo/stats
Pricing: $11.99/month, ($7.19/month with 40% discount)
Contacts: [email="josh@flopsy.io"]josh@flopsy.io[/email]
Promocode: Visit https://flopsy.io/subscriptions/new?code... (40% off lifetime)
The idea behind Flopsy is blocked vs possible combos are an increasingly important part of the modern game. Everyone brings them up, but few people truly understand the impact a blocked combo has on an opponent's range. Flopsy is designed to make you a razor sharp Combo King. This helps both GTO and exploitative play.
Flopsy tries to replicate real life play. You are given a hand, an opponent with a range, and a flop. Flopsy then asks you a multiple choice question about the situation you're in. For example, if you hold AhKs on 5sAdJh vs someone playing 11.8%, how many possible combos of two pair do they have?
Flopsy generates new situations every time you finish a current question, so you'll never run out of training.
Flopsy's UI is designed to make combo counting easy by grouping combos of hands together.
Upcoming features:
1) Improved combo groupings (e.g. QJo-Q8o)
2) Equity distribution of opponent's ranges when holding a blocker vs when not.
3) Set your own range / hand
4) Set villain's range
I'll be monitoring this thread so please post any feedback you have/what you want the tool to do.