GTOHub - best precalculated and custom solver solutions [-10% Discount]

GTOHub - best precalculated and custom solver solutions [-10% Discount]

Welcome to the new GTOHub solver solutions store!
This project is a rebirth of the now closed, which was also part of this forum section. I'm glad to give it a continuation with a new name GTOHub.
All those same solution packages are still on sale!

Our site [U][/U] , coming up next week. There you can see whole our assortment. And dont forget, you will get 10% discount if you tell us you are from 2+2!

For those who don't know us:
What do we do?
We have several areas dedicated to solver calculations
1) Sets of ready-made preflop solutions
2) Execution of individual custom orders for the trees development and/or calculation of preflop/postflop
3) Very soon, postflop all spots will be released! Good price and better than the wizard. Optimized for real game/user requests
4) We are ready to provide for rent computing power of different volumes for any period

Our advantages:
1. Speed ​​of work
2. High quality and guarantee
3. Professional free consultations (we get in touch quickly)
4. A number of unique packs without analogues, different game formats
5. We work with any solvers
6. Our preflop packs are calculated on a solver that does not require a license to view them
7. We are open to your suggestions and wishes
8. Pre-orders for packs at big discounts

11 years in the field of solver calculations. A lot of clients trust us. From micro-stakes to 10k.

Interested in getting something that will potentially increase your winrate?
Write to us at the contacts below (clickable):



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29 January 2025 at 05:58 PM

3 Replies

Hello everyone!

We decided not to wait for the release of the main version of the site, so we decided to make a small beta version with a list of products.

Here is the link:

Hello everyone!

We have finished developing a new pack for 9max GG tables with 200bb stacks for NL500! And now it is available for order.

The new pack has completely new trees, with new sizes, based on analytics from range research.

We also analyzed the impact of ante differences at nl500 and nl200 (0.4bb vs. 0.5bb) on the strategy and turns out that this impact is quite big. If you already have a nl200 pack, then you will have a 30% discount on a pack for another limit!
Therefore, to everyone who plays nl500 200bb 9max on GG, we highly recommend buying the pack!

The pack will contain 4 big solutions with most used opens, as well as a number of small solutions, starting with CO. As with the NL200 pack, which is also available in the store, first two positions has been skipped, due to the increased complexity of its production. Below is the details of this pack:

RFI 2.5x > 3bet IP: 10.5/ 3bet OOP: 16 / SQU IP: 14 / SQU OOP: 20 / SQU2call IP: 17 / SQU2call OOP: 23
RFI 3x > 3bet IP: 12 / 3bet OOP: 18 / SQU IP: 15 / SQU OOP: 21 / SQU2call IP: 18 / SQU2call OOP: 24
RFI 3.5x > 3bet IP: 13 / 3bet OOP: 18 / SQU IP: 17 / SQU OOP: 22 / SQU2call IP: 20 / SQU2call OOP: 25
RFI 4x > 3-bet IP: 14 / 3-bet OOP: 20 / SQU IP: 18 / SQU OOP: 24 / SQU2call IP: 20 / SQU2call OOP: 28

The most popular open size remains 3x. For this, manipulations were carried out to increase the accuracy of decisions for multiway spots for 4-5 people.
Also in the pack there are small calculations starting with CO:

limp+3x CO-BU-SB
limp+4x CO-BU-SB
limp+5x CO-BU-SB

To calculate the pack, trees with a large number of exits in multiways were used. So all positions can be called in 4 ways, as well as in 5 ways if the last caller is BB.

The basic price is 395$.
For 2+2 members you can get a discount!
If you are already owner of the NL200 pack for GG 9max, for you will be even bigger discount up to 30%!

Use contacts below to get a good deal right away!



★ Recommended Post

Some time ago we decided that we would start developing postflop.

I decided to make a product that would be able to seriously compete with the GTOWizard in its usefulness.

We have already come a long way and I want to write a little about it.

When creating postflop calculations, we set ourselves 2 main tasks.

1) The choice of flop and game situation should occur in two clicks through the program interface for each user without additional settings and should not cause confusion
2) Creating a simple and understandable postflop model that will be easy to learn and will not be overloaded with sizings

We have completed both of these tasks!

The first postflop solutions will be for NL100. They will be convenient for learning for players of nearby stakes. The release of several RFI sizes at once is planned. All types of spots will be in the calculations.

Looking at the result that has already been achieved in the calculations, I can confidently say that it will definitely be better than the wizard. Because it is well optimized for real game.

In addition to the standard solutions, we also decided to prepare additional ones, for example, where early vs bu are played without cbet flop, and 2xRFI strategy on sb can be either mixed with a call, or only 3bet.

The pack is still in development. We are currently considering different options for its implementation and exploring all technical possibilities. Most likely, there will be a subscription system like the wizard's.

The rest of the details about postflop will be later!

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