Solver Output Explanation - QJ suited

Solver Output Explanation - QJ suited

I was playing a $300 single day MTT the other day and was in a peculiar spot where I ended up folding river. Preflop action slightly cutoff in the screenshot below but:

Fold to me in button, I open QcJc, sb folds, bb calls. Then this action happens, and yes villain donk leads all 3 streets. Can anyone explain why QJ hearts is a much higher frequency call vs the other suited QJ's? I have an idea of the turn 10h unblocking more combos of suited bluffs like Q10 and J10 (diamonds + clubs), but is that it?? And further, why is diamonds slightly better than clubs? Just found it interesting that having the QJ hearts increased call frequency from practically 0% to 30% and I want to know all the reasons why in case there's something I'm not thinking of.

Not really concerned about my actual decision in the hand, just more interested in an explanation of what the silicon overlord is thinking. I will say after the hand I felt I should've increased my calling frequency more against this villain as an exploit based off the hands I saw him play later.... but hindsight of course 🤣

20 February 2025 at 07:24 PM