How does the GTO Lab software compare to GTOWizard. I am new to tournaments and wish to invest in one of the two. GTO Lab has some really good coaches and videos and so is definitely tempting. On the other hand they don't offer postflop and often use multiple sizings. It also doesn't allow for nodelocking which is pretty big bummer for me. Ideally one would invest in both but slightly steep investment for me to go 300 a month on tourneys as well as 150 for cash. What are the benefits of GTO Lab vs wizard and what would one recommend for an MTT noob ( relatively experienced cash game player and based on my recent experience I have a fairly big edge postflop in MTTs/SNGs).
I would say that for exploitative reasons I'd quite like to play postflop more which made GTO Wizard a lot more inticing with the nodelocking option but these things are sensitive and easy to go wrong based on human intuition so MTT fundamentals are more of a priority for me currently