Server or libraries
Hi all
I'm looking for the best way to build a deep gto library to use for my poiker studies. I'm a decent spin ang go (with ante) player. 3-4k spin/ month, 8% roi including rb at low stakes
I've already used a solver to study single spots, but I noticed I'm stressing a lot my notebook solving tones of spots in order to build deep libraries I'd like to have. ALso, some spots with many different kind of bet sizes flop turn river actually require a ram I don't have ( I have 16GB)
Libraries could give me a better method to categorize spots and have a better accuracy.
I'd find two options:
1) use a server. I've never used before in my life and I don't know if it could work with a personal solver livence (or if it is possibile to send data from a particular solver to a server)
2) buy made libraries. ANy suggestion about it?
1 Reply
Hi Claudio, Im using gto+ and HRC, we can work together building the solutions