Preflop adjustment vs pool(slightly overcall and slightly under 4bet)

Preflop adjustment vs pool(slightly overcall and slightly under 4bet)

hello, 2+2

I am doing range research and adjust my preflop ranges

I found that my pool over call vs 3bet and under 4bet, I think the correct adjustment when I have position is to use bigger size(8bb-9bb) and with GTO range. bigger size to punish its wider range, and since we have position, plus most people defend poorly OOP(meaning in theory we have higher EV when we have position, and in practice most people don't have skill advantage when they are OOP), we don't need to tighten our range.

what about when we are OOP? especially at SB

I think i still want to use a bigger size? maybe increase to 12bb? do I want to play a tighter range? for example, remove low PP ad low SC? maybe A5s A4s. and add hands like KQo ATo KJo to it?

06 March 2024 at 11:29 AM

2 Replies

oh, and at BB, I am sure I want to remove trash bluff hands such as K6s J7s

so I would play a range that's similar to SB

This is going to depend on how much they over call and under 4b. Say BTN over calls and under 4bets by 5% vs SB 3b then the EV of BTN's marginal 3bets go up because they get to see a flop more often (they would fold to a 4b and they have non-zero pot share vs BTN hand which should 4b but do not). This would make you 3b a wider range.
Sizing up sounds reasonable I think. As SB's 3bet sizing increases, BTN's optimal response is to 4bet more often and call less so a lager 4b size would naturally exploit the pool.
