don't understand frequency found by GTO+
the spot start on the turn, OOP has 100% of these combots : AdAc,AdAs,AsAc
IP has 90% of 3s2s and 10% of 5h4h
the board is KhQh9d8d
bet is fixed to 1(limit betting) and starting pot turn = 4
OOP bet 100% of the time turn, IP has the odds to call 100% of the time w/ flushdraw + some dead hands and OOP has to call a certain frequency to make these dead hands indifferent between fold turn and call/stab on flush in cards river
by doing the maths, I found that the correct frequency for OOP is to bluffcatch around 16% but GTO+ shows me some strange frequency that I can't explain (gto+ bluffcatch around 60% instead of 16%)
am I wrong ?

(if someone has pio solver, can you solve the spot and tell me if you find same frequency or not pls )
2 Replies
today I just try something : I lock all OOP strat in the gto sim on flush card river and nodelock IP strat on the turn to fold 100% of dead hand and I increase my EV from 0.02 to 0.03... it is not gto if i can unilaterally increase my EV
I've encountered the same issue with GTO+ in the past so I think you are probably right about the math. A previous version of the software used to give the correct strat for this type of toy game. I suspect GTO+ is handling turn/riv resolves differently now which is giving the error