GTO+ recommended variables and advanced desicion three setup

GTO+ recommended variables and advanced desicion three setup

I'm studying spots with 40BB using GTO +. This is my decision three on GTO+:

What do you recommend to make it better?

19 June 2024 at 04:08 PM

5 Replies

Try adding raises.

Can you please recommend what size of raises.

These settings probably aren't optimal, but they should be better than what you were using. More options are generally going to give you a more accurate result, but more options require more RAM. If your computer doesn't have enough RAM to run a given spot you can remove some of the options that you don't think will be applicable.

Probably also click "add all-in if push less than 200" for IP. You usually want a large overbet option on the river.

Edit: Just noticed you said you're running sims for 40 BB spots, so the large over bets might be less applicable. These settings are more for cash games, but they're a place to start, and you can tweak the settings from there.

I used it more for tournaments. But I appreciate your help.
