GTO Average allins per x number of hands?
Hey guys, just curious how often every x number of hands a gto player goes allin on a gto pool playing NLH 6 max 100 bbs on average.
I don't need an exact number. I would check a database of mine to get a rough aproximate of how often I do with my pseudogto but I've been playing on my phone on the last months.
Have anybody got this number before or could check for me on a big number of personal database hands please?
Thanks in advanced!
4 Replies
I made a better version of my question:
As a winner regular on any stake of 6max NLH 100bbs+ you play:
Can you tell me how often you play a pot where you win or lose 75bbs or more on the biggest database you have?
Then we can divide the total number of hands examined by the number of filtered hands, to get an aproximation of average of those big pots per x number of hands played.
Thanks in advanced!
I guess you're looking for a golden stat to compare against, but I don't think that's going to be particularly useful or achievable.
a) GTO going to be uninstructive at best. Nobody plays it properly, so you are losing EV by not countering that.
b) 'crusher' all-in pre stats will vary wildly depending on stake/game/pool/playstyle/opponent etc. Just too many factors. There might be a ballpark % they all fall within, but...
c) Even then it's the kind of stat that will take a long time to converge. Some stats take so long to converge they almost never do. People will change pools/stakes/playstyles too often to coagulate.
d) I might be wrong, but that's my initial impression.
About 1 all in per tree fiddy hands.
I would expect gto bots to get it in more frequently, far more frequently.
Because. No emotions and infinite bankroll. 2 things that hold back humans from playing like a bot.