Progressive decision making (tough spots) concept
12 Replies
This thing is giving me a real headache !!!!! 😀 The more I analyze it, the more it all seems to fit together. I'm sure it's better than tilting by not knowing what to do when you have 20 seconds to act and try to rush your analysis like crazy. I don't know if it's possible to measure if it's profitable or not, but if it leads to some crazy hero calls or smaller loss, this would be great.
Here's my further analysis:
i think if given specific betsize, timing, body language and or verbal tells, your psychological approach aligns with most tell exploiting strategies.
unfortunately theres lots of poker to be played between now and the moment you can confidently, and efficiently effect an exploitive plan vs your avg opponent. between now and then its much more important to keep it simple; situational range estimation based on positions and action is the fundamental skill.
if the evs are close between two lines, this is more of a reason to consider a mixed strategy that chooses lines at frequency. this should be the reason you dont know what to do.
with a bluffcatcher facing a river bet, the realization that your hand is near 0ev call = 0ev fold vs good players can free you from the feeling of "i think hes bluffing" or "i think he has it" etc. i find it much more productive to replay the hand in my head, and if the story makes sense without deeper reads then basic river minimum defense frequency applies. if the story doesn't make sense, or rather if the story doesn't align with the read ive developed thus far vs this opponent, im much more likely to call that same river with hands that can only beat a bluff.
other ev neutral situations arise, such as flop call ev = flop raise ev, or flop check ev =flop bet ev, etc. but i dont have time to get into those.
get the obvious decisions right, roll with the punches on the close decisions being confident youre not winning nor losing much ev either way if youre a little off.
Yeah, the fundamental basis of my strategy is that you have no idea what to do and you're stuck in a 50 - 50 choice from your perspective. Only then you can "qualify" for my strategy.
In other situations >>> it's good to follow your normal strategy, like you say.
My method is like an emergency helping hand for those who lost their way in a really weird and tough situation. Sometimes it just happens. And it can happen to anybody, any place, anytime, against any opponent.
It's very important that you make the decision about using my strategy BEFORE you find yourself in a super tough spot. If you hesitate whether to use it or not, you will lose your precious time during a hand, which is usually 20 - 30 seconds only. If you decide before, I'm sure you won't run out of time when using my method - you only have to make a quick comparison of two estimations, choose one of them and finally call or fold. Just in case someone wants to try it out, trusts his poker instinct and my poker knowledge 😉
Recognizing the moment when you find out that you totally have no clue what to do may be difficult to define and capture, but .... at the online table it would be possible to adapt the software to it. It's a matter of an extra button like for example "I DON'T KNOW!" next to the CALL and FOLD buttons. It would appear only when your opponent is all-in and you're the last player to act. If you press it, two extra buttons should appear: QUESTION #1 and QUESTION #2. You choose your option and that's it. This will never happen in a real money poker room, but in a video game - why not ?
But I think the coolest thing about this psychological and strategic combo method is the fact that there's no counter strategy to it. If it works and someone uses it against you, you can do NOTHING about it 😀 You won't be even able to detect if someone at the table is using it.
Live players sometimes ask their opponent: "Do you want me to call ?" as a part of a psychological war. There's real strategic potential in this question, I think that's why I used it.
If I was playing a high stakes HU match with someone, something like 300 hands total with let's say $500K buy-in and I could choose from 2 different outcome scenarios:
1) I end up the match with ( -$78K) loss, but in hand #154 I make a sick hero call with 9 high on the river with $248K in the pot.
2) I end up the match with ( +$78K) profit.
I swear I would choose option 1 here. Reason ? Money goes in, money goes out, but memories stay for a lifetime.
You would choose option 2, regardless of who's reading this. I'm 99% sure.
But someone has to do the hunter's job, right ? Even if it's only theoretical, because I don't play. My new strategy concept focuses on this kind of approach. Sooner or later you'll tilt and I believe this strategy can destroy tilt and revive poker instinct. And by "+EV" I meant that it's played by many people, let's say only a few times per person and the overall long run profit adds together. I know EV means something different, but I have my own understanding, please forgive me 😀
A) i think if given specific betsize, timing, body language and or verbal tells, your psychological approach aligns with most tell exploiting strategies.
B) get the obvious decisions right, roll with the punches on the close decisions being confident youre not winning nor losing much ev either way if youre a little off.
A) Ok, cool, thank you. But it's not a strictly psychological approach ... it's a 50/50 mix of psychology and strategy. I would say even more, it's a source POINT, where these two begin to mix with each other.
B) "a little off" won't be a problem when playing your usual everyday game where long run result will go towards "0", but it will be a problem when you're at some key point like a final table in a 3500 players MTT with big buy-in, where you play a hand for your tournament life.
52% - 48% coin flip isn't a coin flip anymore if it decides of something big, that can happen only once.
Reading your own posts may really be helpful. The "Tilt Destroyer" strategy (previous post) seems to work just fine, especially when it comes to concentration and focus which comes from knowing that you have a helping hand in case of an emergency situation. I'm not able to measure if it's profitable or not, because I play poker only against tough AI on Playstation 2 console (360 players tournaments), but maybe someone will test it for real $$$, it would be great.
And thanks for the advice Bob, it took some time before I fully decoded your post 😃
Last night I made myself a cup of coffee and played "Hard Rock Casino" poker game (PS2) for a couple of hours. It's just a video game (released in 2007), but the AI bots are super difficult if you want to beat them and win a 360 players MTT. It's a really good PS2 game, because you play these tournaments super fast and bots' strategy is just totally unpredictable. They bluff, they set traps, make hero calls, change their style all of a sudden or just simply punish you with their play. Definitely the best poker video game on consoles still up to today, good enough for testing my new strategy.
Now let's get to the point. Right to the center of this poker vortex. I started playing with an attitude: "I'll play just as I usually do, until I find myself in a tough spot - then I will apply my new strategy." First thing I noticed, from the very beginning, was that I was more concentrated, more confident and just something like "on a different track" as long as NLHE guides you towards a certain direction. The game was just more exciting than normal and I felt this for the whole time. And I really tried to play and record my impressions as a player, instead of a strategy developer.
Things got a little weird when I encountered first tough spot. This was something like a game inside other game. I lost the first two or three pots using my strategy, so at first I was a little skeptic about it and also it was kind of difficult to execute at first. But later on, when I hit my first decision correctly, I was like: "Holy smokes, this is something I've never done in my life before. This just feels new and it feels good." When you fold, you never know if it was a good fold, but each of this pots that I won using Tilt Destroyer simply just BOOSTED MY CONCENTRATION to the next level. And if you win a couple of these in a row, things are starting to get serious then. I really was on a totally different track than usual when I play NLHE. I even started suspecting at some point that this thing might have originated in a different dimension and entered ours a few days ago.
Of course I didn't win any tournament, because like I say it's very difficult to win, but I think I got to the final table twice if I remember correctly.
It's really crazy that the whole strategy can be displayed on just one graphic. You can display it in your mind easily and learn quite fast, although like I said - at the beginning it's quite tricky to execute. But this is a normal thing for everything that's new. I HIGHLY recommend trying to apply it to your game (you can try micro stakes for example), but I can't promise that it will bring you profits. Although there is one thing I can promise you, this will be a real psychological roller coaster ride for you.
Oh, I almost forgot. There's one more thing I want to say about my strategy: