Does your Incentive to Slowplay increase when Villain over-folds?
Example: HJ vs BB, SRP, Flop T83ss, X-CB-C, Turn K, Hero holds KK
Question: Should hero slowplay and check back or cbet when villain over-folds compared to gto?
I've some problems to interprete the solver solution. The unlocked/gto version shows evs (for KK) of 36 (bet) and 32 (check). So betting is taken purely. If I let villain (oop) over-fold by 25% (from ~50% to 75%), the solver starts cbetting range and the ev of KK becomes 27 for betting and checking. So I am not sure if the incentive for slowplaying KK increased? Actually I would compare the new ev of betting (27) with the old ev of checking (32), because my assumption would be that the solver does not adapt to heros rangecbet (exploit). So, yes the incentive does increase, is that correct? What's your strategy w/ strong hands against overfolding opponents?
5 Replies
If hands that over fold will invest a lot vs check then checking makes some sense. In most cases players who over fold, won't invest too much money either way, so your value hands just lose EV, just like in the solver.
in practice, people who overfold tend to have a more widespread leak in their game in the form of underestimating their equity. If you're facing such a player, you have to force lines in which your hands play for the money their equity deserve, because your opponents won't
in practice, people who overfold tend to have a more widespread leak in their game in the form of underestimating their equity. If you're facing such a player, you have to force lines in which your hands play for the money their equity deserve, because your opponents won't
How if he wont pay?
I’m thinking the better response to an opponent who overfolds in spots like these is not to slowplay when you have thick value (like KK), but bet a wider than GTO range on these turns. You are unlikely to get paid for your value hands anyway, unless villain has a strong hand. You can take down a lot of pots though by betting hands you normally wouldn’t.