66.66% WRONG experiencer

66.66% WRONG experiencer

Versus a pot sized bet on the river we are supposed to lose 66.66% of the time and still remain profitable, correct? To assist with this mental anomaly I have invented this revolutionary™ software to allow the user to simulate precisely what this ratio of wrong feels like. And crucially all without the financial burden of actually having to play poker. Here is thee code.

[CODE]import tkinter as tk
import random
from threading import Timer

Initialize counters

wrong_count = 0
right_count = 0

def reset_screen():
# Reset the screen to the original state
call_button.place(relx=0.5, rely=0.5, anchor=tk.CENTER)

def update_counters():
# Update the labels for the counters
wrong_label.configure(text=f"Wrong: {wrong_count}")
right_label.configure(text=f"Right: {right_count}")

def simulate_outcome():
global wrong_count, right_count
# Hide the button during the outcome

# Determine win or lose
outcome = random.random()
if outcome <= 0.6666: # 66.66% chance
label.configure(text="YOU ARE A LOSER", fg="black", font=("Helvetica", 50))
wrong_count += 1
else: # 33.33% chance
label.configure(text="YOU ARE A WINNER", fg="black", font=("Helvetica", 50))
right_count += 1

# Update the counters

# Reset the screen after 2 seconds
Timer(2, reset_screen).start()

def close_program():

Create the main window

root = tk.Tk()
root.attributes("-fullscreen", True) # Start in full-screen mode

Create the screen

screen = tk.Frame(root, bg="white")
screen.pack(fill="both", expand=True)

Add a close button in the top-right corner

close_button = tk.Button(screen, text="X", command=close_program, bg="red", fg="white", font=("Helvetica", 12))
close_button.place(relx=0.99, rely=0.01, anchor=tk.NE)

Add the "CALL?" button

call_button = tk.Button(screen, text="CALL?", command=simulate_outcome, bg="blue", fg="white", font=("Helvetica", 24))
call_button.place(relx=0.5, rely=0.5, anchor=tk.CENTER)

Add the flashing label

label = tk.Label(screen, text="", bg="white")
label.place(relx=0.5, rely=0.4, anchor=tk.CENTER)

Add counters for "Wrong" and "Right"

wrong_label = tk.Label(screen, text="Wrong: 0", bg="white", fg="black", font=("Helvetica", 16))
wrong_label.place(relx=0.01, rely=0.98, anchor=tk.SW)

right_label = tk.Label(screen, text="Right: 0", bg="white", fg="black", font=("Helvetica", 16))
right_label.place(relx=0.99, rely=0.98, anchor=tk.SE)

Run the application

[/CODE] Instructions: Save code as ‘wrong.py’ file and click.

Happy wronging.

) 4 Views 4
27 November 2024 at 02:59 PM

9 Replies


I feel like everyone should experience the WRONG experiencer.

Thank you u/tombos. I think it important people see this is real and not me being a plank.

Vigorous discussions underway within my programming team to extend the software into more painful losing ratios like b50 and the particularly gnarly b10.

But this means having to rewrite everything from scratch. Plus there are early reports of players becoming excessively immune to risk overall and injuring themselves IRL. As ever, lawyers stomp innovation. :(

I have absolutely no clue what this program is for, but I want to know which programming language is this ?

I would never ever let any program call me a loser 😀

For those who need a simpler Excel version, here is one. Your Welcome!

The original ™ Python version seems far superior. I feel I have to re-install Python on my PC to experience the WRONG.

by ITryDeuces k

I would never ever let any program call me a loser 😀

Ah but no mud, no Lotus. For without the negative pang of being a loser you cannot enjoy the times (33.33%) when you are a winner.


Replace line 29:

[CODE]label.configure(text="YOU ARE A LOSER", fg="black", font=("Helvetica", 50))[/CODE]with the following:

[CODE]label.configure(text="YOU HAVE LOST THIS SINGLE INSTANCE BUT ARE STILL OSTENSIBLY A GOOD PERSON", fg="black", font=("Helvetica", 50))

by statmanhal k

For those who need a simpler Excel version, here is one. Your Welcome!

Hi, I downloaded this to my desktop, double clicked but it just opens some .png file??

★ Recommended Post
by Ceres k

Hi, I downloaded this to my desktop, double clicked but it just opens some .png file??

Because it's a picture. You have to write the cell commands yourself. You can do it, I'm sure 😀
