Questions regarding 3-bet strat BB vs SB

Questions regarding 3-bet strat BB vs SB

So I've realised that the theoretical 3-bet strategy vs SB open is actually quite dynamic in terms of situation. I personally play GG R&C and use GTO Wizard ranges.

vs 3x open is standard opening size for pool. This range is still relatively polar but a lot less polar than vs 3.5x opens.

As we increase stack depth we also see that BB 3-bet range becomes more polarized. Below is 150 BB deep 3x open. I also noticed that 3-bet size decreases to 8BB from 9BB.

I have some hypothosis about why this happens but would like a more educated perspective. My first idea is that vs 3x opens we want to call more and therefore a lot of our bluff 3-bets now want to call instead of 3-bet and we can't really 3-bet any lower without our hand just being too weak.

As stacks get deeper SB wants to 4-bet to a larger size thus making it a lot easier for us to play a polar range as we can comfortably fold all of our bluffs. The logic behind this one feels weak though because we can always choose how many bluffs we 3-bet in the first place. Interested to hear what others know about this spot.

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28 December 2024 at 01:40 PM

1 Reply

All these ranges look quite similar to my eyes.

In reality, how polarized we are depends on 3bet size more than anything else. The bigger we 3bet, the worse our opponent's pot odds. They end up doing less calling and more 4betting, making us want to polarize more.

The smaller we 3bet, the better our opponent's pot odds. They end up calling more and 4betting less, which makes us want to 3bet more linear.
