6622r BTN vs BB in 3bet pot, question on playing specific combo AK.

6622r BTN vs BB in 3bet pot, question on playing specific combo AK.

So say flop is rainbow with no heart, solver bets their AKo with a heart a little more aggressively. I guess it does not expect to get raised much and so it's trying to take pot down with a lower equity hand. In fact the button will raise their Ah a little as a bluff facing their cbet.

Going into the turn however is another rainbow card, and the solver bets their Kh a little more than the Ah. Why?

My guess is since solver expects the Ah to bluff a little on the flop, the Kh is next in line to bluff since it ensures some KQ backdoor floats on the flop.

Is my logic here sound?

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13 February 2025 at 09:06 AM

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On the flop the main reason to prefer a heart would be to get a bit of thin value from the backdoor draws we unblock. We also have slightly more fold equity the times we decide to barrel turn, since we don't block hands like AJss that will fold.

Either way, stuff like this has almost 0 importance in practice.
