I'm shocked by the new calculations I've just made

I'm shocked by the new calculations I've just made

This is the moment. Take a look at the last graphic with the scheme and numbers. This post is the 1st place where you can see this. I've been posting different graphics lately on 2+2, but this time I got the final results and there isn't much space for any mistakes. It's flawless. You must trust my geometric knowledge, I've been studying architecture at the university for a couple of months, so I'm really good at geometry.

Of course this isn't only about geometry. It's all about poker. So it's like a poker discovery proved by another - geometric discovery. 2 in 1.

The main thing about this 10 sphere pyramid is that every green sphere is linked to every black sphere, and opposite - every black is linked to every green. This is important, because when you analyze pros and cons of something, you may want to compare certain pros with certain cons. The black and green sphere values are defined by the assumption that there is balance between pros and cons. The final equation is the main proof that the balance is indeed perfect.

What more can you need than this BEAUTIFUL scheme and this equation ? It fits perfectly to the needs of my poker discovery. These 7 factors are nothing else but all possible types of geometric modules of the pyramid. So there isn't any trickery, it's pure math. And check out the number of possible triangles, these numbers are big. This just can't be a coincidence.

OMEGATRON connects poker and science because its difficulty level is fully time dilation resistant.

Ok, enough talking from me, please look at the last 8th graphic and ... enjoy !!!

Thank you all for your cooperation. Looks like the end of my poker quest, although as they say - every end is a beginning of something new.

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25 February 2025 at 09:13 PM

16 Replies

I've just realized that I wasn't counting triangles but any three spheres, so I had to recount and rename the last category:

At first I thought it's a mistake which can't be fixed. Fortunately, the result is perfectly balanced now. What a relief ..... 😀

Poker-Software-Tronics is a company you can rely on. I release necessary updates faster than a jet plane.

I was tricked by the number "180" which looked so pretty in that first equation. But this whole error situation is a good illustration of how good my numerical instincts are. If I feel that the results are going to match something important - they probably will in reality. And they did match here, too. So the introduction that I made in post #1 was in fact correct. Sometimes I can just feel it before, like a clairvoyant. Same thing with re-counting the data and correcting the error - I immediately started to feel that something is wrong there.

Funny situation, but luckily everything ended well And a little bit of constructive narcissism is nothing bad, hahah.


I guess this game will be nothing else but a poker cult from now on:

by kingfisha322 k


The conclusion is simple - poker originated from time measurement.

This is an abstract "painting" depicting a 10 sphere pyramid standing on the surface of the holy water. I made it using numbers and geometry. It wasn't easy. The painting will be displayed in thoughts of any person who will analyze my calculations deeply. It won't be easy either. You can also treat it as a way of getting inside my head. It's probably the best way to do it.

It's all with the purpose of putting more trust in the Omegatron game and its unique characteristics.

Looks like you put a lot of effort into this project! Congrats friend, bravo


Yeah, a lot of work, but it brings me always fun to watch completed graphics and study them to extract new knowledge.

Posting them here also allowed successful progression as you can see in my last few posts.

Thanks a lot. You're on the right path if you can see it, too 😉

BTW, is this an actual program or did you just draw these up in paint?

by LoveThee k

BTW, is this an actual program or did you just draw these up in paint?

It's not a program. Just concept graphics made in Paint.

by LoveThee k

OP do you have any diagnosed mental disorder?

Yeah, I have schizophrenia diagnosed. But it's mostly isolation + narcissistic attitude towards information, I don't hear voices or anything like that 😀

Yo, the last graphic (post #8) really turns out to be some serious stuff. The calculations are not only mathematically and geometrically correct, but also the symbolic aspect makes sense.


The pyramid emerges from the red water and stands on its surface touching it. It emerges because it's caused by the red water and it touches the surface because Omegatron plays different than normal - although overall difficulty remains the same. The water does affect the game in some way, but it doesn't affect the perfect balance. This is why counting the spheres is limited to only these which are normally visible (>> shapes) and fully visible (>> view perspectives). So the pyramid exists only because we're looking at it, just as the game itself.

I might be on tilt, but I know that if the software would include an interactive 3D animation, it would really be a crazy experience.

I'd be interested in theory in helping to actually code this, just for the sake of it

by Kler k

I'd be interested in theory in helping to actually code this, just for the sake of it

Awesome ! You couldn't choose a better moment, because something amazing happened 40 minutes ago. I made additional bonus calculations to these in post #8 which prove the perfect balance inside the pyramid without considering the red water.

>>> So the perfect balance is within the pyramid ... both: WITHOUT the water and WITH the water considered. Now I'm really seriously shocked.

When I found this, I was sitting completely still at my desk for about 12 minutes and I didn't know what to do or think. I'm super happy.

But before I make the final graphics for the software concept, I need to be 100% sure if this "time slowdown" can be called "TIME DILATION". I'm currently discussing this problem in another thread. Also, I'm using now a very old laptop (barely works, Windows XP, but I love it), so Paint and web browser are basically all I can use at the moment, haha. But I'm really happy to hear you want to help with the program. Just give me some time 😀

Looks like a serious discovery, get ready everyone. I'll be updating here with the latest progress.

P. S. I hope there's no error there. But I'm 99,5% sure it's all correct. I've checked the numbers couple of times.

Here are the calculations I made last night, which kept me stunned for 12 minutes. As soon as I fully recover from the current state of mind (tilt), I'll make new illustrations. The shocking thing is that I can't explain why in both cases it gives perfectly balanced results, I just can't explain this. I really wasn't expecting this, I just counted it all to do the necessary job and then it turned into this.
