Unjust Account Restriction by @PokerStars: A Professional Player's Struggle for Resolution
1/ Since 12/27/2024, @PokerStars has unfairly restricted my account, directly affecting my work as a professional poker player. I want to make my case public because this situation is unacceptable and is harming both my reputation and my livelihood.
2/ It all started when I promptly submitted the required documentation, as I have always done in my 16+ years as a user of the platform. However, I was asked to resubmit the same documents, claiming that my address did not match.
3/ This claim is completely false, as my information is correct. I provided additional photos and documents proving that my address matches perfectly with what is registered. Despite this, my account remains restricted, and the issue has not been resolved.
4/ As a professional player, I rely on @PokerStars to work, and this baseless delay has caused me significant harm. Furthermore, the error is clearly on their part for failing to properly review the information I already submitted.
5/ After so many years as a loyal user with no prior issues, I expected better treatment and a much faster resolution. The lack of clear communication and negligence in handling this case is unacceptable.
6/ What’s even more concerning is how @PokerStars' customer support has worsened year after year. This kind of terrible service not only affects cases like mine but also drives many players to migrate to other platforms that actually value their customers.
7/ It’s evident that @PokerStars has stopped taking care of its loyal players. Their inability to resolve basic issues and provide adequate support damages the trust of their users and shows a blatant disregard for those who have contributed to their success for so long.
8/ I demand that @PokerStars take my case seriously, properly review my documentation, and reactivate my account immediately. It is unfair for me to be penalized due to their own mistakes.
9/ I’m making this message public because I feel my case has not received the proper attention. I hope this leads to a definitive and fair resolution and prevents other players from going through something similar.
Blas Suarez
cajerogesell on pokerstars.com