Clicking the table doesn't register (bet button for example)

Clicking the table doesn't register (bet button for example)


I love Stars and the feel to the client. No complaints at all.

Well, except for one thing. My clicks don't register!

I'll press fold, and then see that the fold didn't register and my time bank is being used. Have to like double click to make sure it registers.

Does any one else have this problemo?


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21 February 2025 at 01:13 PM

3 Replies

Not sure if this will solve your problem, but check the "single click table activation" setting. I'm on PokerStars PA but if the client is set up the same as wherever you are, then:

Open client ---> settings ---> gameplay ---> multi-tabling

Sometimes i have same problem , but only when multi tabling. I tried buying a better mouse ,but it was not the problem . If you solve this problem , please let me now 😀

by TeflonDawg k

Not sure if this will solve your problem, but check the "single click table activation" setting. I'm on PokerStars PA but if the client is set up the same as wherever you are, then:

Open client ---> settings ---> gameplay ---> multi-tabling

I'll try it. Also, I'm gonna try changing the table layout. I think the original table might have less of this problem
