500K Hands on RNC
Hello, I have been playing poker for almost 15 years and for the last 5 years I have only been playing poker for a living. In recent years, there have been major changes in my strategy and mindset. I could never reach enough hands in GG Poker RNC. Most of the time, small upswings and downswings affected me a lot. I have played nearly 200k hands in RNC in the last 3 years. I have a -2bb/100 EV winrate. Actually, I want to stay away from RNC as much as possible. However, with the intensity of being a father, it has become even more difficult for me to play normal tables during good times. This morning, I tried to sit at normal tables again and while I was trying to find a decent table and play, I ended the session without playing a hand. This situation started to bother me a lot. The last thing I want to do is get into a reg war in GG poker. For this reason, I wanted to start a small challenge for myself. My goal is to reach 500k hands and reconsider how I am doing. I want to complete this by the beginning of June. This way if I think I can't beat RNC at least I won't let it mess with my mind again. I have enough money to play this game but if I experience an 8k$ downswing I will go down to the lower limit and go to 1k$ plus and come back again. I haven't been able to stick to long term challenges for a long time. I hope I can do it this time.
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January Update
When you look at it, it seems like a complete disappointment. The reason for this is not the money earned. When I started this challenge, my goal was to play an average of 100k hands per month. However, I would reach 500k hands at the end of 5 months, but I encountered some unexpected problems.
1. My strategy was not good enough and it contained too much uncertainty. For this reason, I ended the session early most days and worked on the ideas in my head for hours.
2. Since my strategy was not good enough, I did not feel good motivationally and this caused me not to open other sessions at the end of the sessions that went badly.
3. I cannot grind as comfortably as I did on days when I did not have a child. Although he is not at home most of the time, the energy I spend on him when he is home reduces my focus during the session and I cannot play poker for hours like the days when I do not have a child.
4. I am not physically active enough. I used to spend 4-5 days a week doing crossfit. Now, my free time is very little and I try to spend most of this time on poker. I play tennis once or twice a week. I have almost completely stopped lifting weights.
5. Poker is not as important as it used to be. My big dreams have been replaced by smaller and more consistent ones.
These problems do not mean that I will not do my best. I will continue to work every day to make my strategy and life more stable. However, when I complete this challenge that I feel I will be much further ahead than when I started.
28.771 / 500.000