Mastering Mental Game and Mental Health

Mastering Mental Game and Mental Health

Hey guys,

I'm a 24 year old online pro on Pokerstars playing under the alias BenaBadBeat. I've played full time for around 4 years with relative success in both cash games and MTTs. At the start of 2013 i started off chasing SNE but unfortunately the high volume and hours took its toll and i had to quit at the end of January. I spent the next 5-6 months regrinding my losses. I spent a lot of time working on my game and since then my results have picked up a lot!

2013 graph and stake breakdown:

Sharkscope (not so subtle brag 😉 ):

I live in a grind house in london and over the time I've played poker i've met a lot of cool guys. Name drop time - Glanza, ishipKQ, vinivici, xela, D7, Mayo, Smb, MeleaB, coinflip, bigchiefds, R1aki, gutter, jrock, peter804, tonna, smitdude, sniper_arnie and c$shmoney and others.... All of these guys have helped me a great deal in one way or another and continue to do so.

The reason I'm doing this blog is for motivation and to track my own progress in all aspects of my life. Hopefully the updates are interesting to some!

Poker goals for 2014:

[ ] 400k vpps
[ ] 50k table profits
[ ] Play at least one big live event in another country
[ ] Keep updating this blog with HH and results
[ ] Keep working on my game off the tables
[ ] Be mixing in midstakes FR by the end of the year

Other than poker I'm taking a counselling and psychotherapy course which will ultimately lead to me being a qualified therapist in 2 years. I've just been accpeted into an agency volunteering for teenagers.

I'm also part of a 6 aside football team playing in goal on a weekly basis with the guys from my house. We've won the local league twice and are in the running for the new title! I'll keep the blog updated with regards to these amongst other aspects of my non poker life.

Here's to a great 2014 and good luck to you all! 😀

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31 December 2013 at 04:59 PM

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