Android database software for live opponents
I want to keep track of live players tendencies and tells. I think a database software is better than Excel;
but in Excel I would have:
o Each row is a known player
o Each column is a attribute. There would be scores of columns. For example...
... Approximate VPIP
... Aggressiveness before flop, on flop, after
... Tells when waiting for someone else
... Tells when betting; checking; raising
... Tells after taking action.
... Respects my bets and raises
... Respects other tight players bets.
... etc.
I think each column would have several standard optional enumerations, along with free text field.
... Standard weak means strong and strong means weak.
... Pause means action is according to strength
... Quick means action is contrary to strength
I can figure out the columns and values.
There would be a summary capability, showing the attributes for a player in a readable format.
Any ideas for such a database running on Android?