Covid-19 Discussion
Has the wisdom and courage to realize that the cure has now become worse than the disease. It's time to open up. Stop moving the ball.
Hospital systems have not been overwhelmed.
Ventilators are not in shortage.
Treatments are being developed.
There is no cure or vaccine. This is not going away for four years.
The devastation of the cure:
Suicide rates picking up.
Massive economic devastation which causes depression, anxiety, obesity, again increase in suicide rates and directly impacts poorer economic areas.
Alcohol sales up 51%.
Domestic Abuse on the uprise
Child abuse on the uprise.
Hospitals that do not have COVID related issues are forced to lay off doctors and nurses as there are not enough patients to economically support it, meaning they won't have the staff to deal with COVID outbreaks.
Michael Avenatti gets released from prison
We all did our part. We sheltered (here in Pennsylvania for 5 weeks already).
Open the office buildings. Open the hair saloons. Get rid of stupid mask laws.
Continue to monitor outbreaks and in areas hospital systems become threatened, reenact tougher guidelines.
And stop shaming people that want common sense solutions. Waiting for a vaccine is stupid and unpractical.
How u deal with it ,it’s already too late at that point .
And why play with fire ?
Better find a response when the danger is small so u have a much better response if the danger gets bigger ….
In a way you aren’t disagreeing with the policies that were in place , u just disagree on what amount of death it needs to do so …
Because covid was predominantly targeting people with weak immune systems, not strong.
Go ahead and ask whatever question you want and pretend I answered it. It makes you feel better I guess.
Go ahead and dodge the questions that demonstrate you have no idea what you're talking about. It's right here for everyone to see. Your choice to run away from the question answers the real question.
This is just hilariously off-base.
I mean it's trivial to just point out that one of the main methods covid killed people with was via an immune response that was SO VICIOUS IT LITERALLY KILLED YOU.
If we kept a counter of the number of basic, undeniable, yet easy to look up facts you have gotten wrong in this thread in the past 24 hours, it would've broken by now. I don't know what you think you are doing here, but what's actually getting done is likely the opposite of it. I strongly recommend you just stop.
The problem to wait for your number of only wait till it’s 60-80% death rates .
Imagine we let it rip like u say , it infects maybe 100k persons per day it mutate at the deadly rate u think is adequate to take care of it ….
Just to know where it comes from and to retrace those that got infected , travelling, etc u end up how many dead at the same time ?
And it keep getting worst exponentially fast .
More hypotheticals with random numbers thrown around.
Wtf u taking about ?
We saw days at 1 million infected cases daily , more than once ?
What happens when it mutate and this time THE mutation the virus kicks in at 60% death rates .
Welll guess what , that person keeps infecting other not knowing and those too etc ….
But the problem is more then half dies inside a week ? 500k at 50% death rate ( u wanted to wait at 60-80% !?!)
What u do now when u have no response ?
What u think the cost will be economical then ?
It’s ok u don’t believe in prevention keep cost lows in almost any field u can apply it to .
But for your information the cost of prevention always is lower then an actual crisis or disease can do in damages …
U think it’s hypothetical but that how an actual black swan happens ….
Pa: I don’t see how not credible my numbers are .
We saw days with 1 million infected cases with some area on lockdown !
Numbers would be even higher if we take the way you would prescribe .
Well u can go shove it where the sun don’t shine cause I’m not weak
And I got it strongly .
And I got friends that caught it at 40 and got messed up too …
You have a strong immune system that's why you fought it off and lived.
There's about 488 Canadians dead under 40 from covid. It was a total nothing burger for that age cohort.
Wtf u taking about ?
We saw days at 1 million infected cases daily , more than once ?
What happens when it mutate and this time THE mutation the virus kicks in at 60% death rates .
Welll guess what , that person keeps infecting other not knowing and those too etc ….
But the problem is more then half dies inside a week ?
What u so now when u have no response ?
What u think the cost will be economical then ?
It’s ok u don’t believe in prevention keep cost lows in almost any field u can apply it to
Going from a near 0.0% case death rate for young people to 60% death rate is a very fringe hypothetical.
My favorite thing you repeatedly do and don't realize you do (despite my pointing out) is use the relatively low death count for younger people in Canada (which had lockdowns) as evidence against lockdowns when it's really a perfect demonstration of the value of lockdowns.
I rank that just ahead of your treating anyone over the age of 50 as if they are completely worthless and blaming long covid on fat people.
Those aren't as cute.
You have a strong immune system that's why you fought it off and lived.
There's about 488 Canadians dead under 40 from covid. It was a total nothing burger for that age cohort.
Yes I fought it off and I was vaccinated too ….
Which btw maybe we got lucky to find a vaccine as quickly as we did .
Maybe it could mutate in way we can’t find a vaccine before 5 years shrug , who knows ?
Yes without mutation !
Under 40 was basically fine !
Oh my god.
U can’t wait a virus to mutate deadly at 50% death rate before doing some drastic measure because it’s already to late .
people are becoming zombies without knowing it they carry the highly deadly virus for days and still infect people ….
But at that time it’s too late to do anything worthwhile ….
I think u just don’t appreciate the real danger it can actually do .
FWIW for what I kind read , Spanish flu 1918 was like below 5% death rate just to put in perspective ….
I didn't lose taste but I had like a metal taste in my mouth for weeks. My temperature was 102.5 for 3 straight days and I didn't know if I would ever get better. I could barely walk even to the bathroom, it knocked me out I was sick for about 8 or 10 days but I got better as mostly everyone does (and my immune system was shot after playing poker all day and eating and drinking all night while being severely out of shape).
ah ok. yea same here minus the metal taste. I couldnt taste anything.
Going from a near 0.0% case death rate for young people to 60% death rate is a very fringe hypothetical.
It just take 1 mutation from an already deadly virus and I never said we should wait there , it’s your number , damages at much lower rates death rates is very destructive .
Waiting at 60% death rates maybe wipes out humanity or close to it ?
I mean I lose half population ?
How economy runs then ?
How u coordinate for finding a vaccine ?
Get medical help ?
Etc .
Imagine if by then we have no response not even a vaccine …..
Because that is what u complain right ?
Lockdown shouldn’t have occur even before we had the vaccine in like November 2020 right ?
My favorite thing you repeatedly do and don't realize you do (despite my pointing out) is use the relatively low death count for younger people in Canada (which had lockdowns) as evidence against lockdowns when it's really a perfect demonstration of the value of lockdowns.
I rank that just ahead of your treating anyone over the age of 50 as if they are completely worthless and blaming long covid on fat people.
Those aren't as cute.
Here are some posts I made just today.
"That is why I recommended locking down people over 55."
"Lock down people with comorbidity + olds and let everyone else burn through."
It just take 1 mutation from an already deadly virus and I never said we should wait there , it’s your number , damages at much lower rates death rates is very destructive .
Waiting at 60% death rates maybe wipes out humanity or close to it ?
I mean I lose half population ?
How economy runs then ?
How u coordinate for finding a vaccine ?
Get medical help ?
Etc .
Imagine if by then we have no response not even a vaccine …..
Because that is what u complain right ?
Lockdown shouldn’t have occur even be
youre watching too many zombie movies man.
when did a virus ever become more deadly?
the answer is probably never, they always become less deadly.
youre watching too many zombie movies man.
when did a virus ever become more deadly?
the answer is probably never, they always become less deadly.
Not it’s not never .
Because they actually did become deadly in the first place ….
but even when very unlikely , when millions of people gets infected daily. , tiny chances gets very big very quickly .
That is the whole point of lockdowns before u find a response like a vaccine .
Every person that gets infected gives a chance for a virus to mutate , so yes the trend is lower but it just take one in a million and it gets bad very quickly .
And 1 in a million is something that was possible during in Covid .
U had days that infected people 1 million per day !
youre watching too many zombie movies man.
when did a virus ever become more deadly?
the answer is probably never, they always become less deadly.
Maybe the plague? But that's bacteria that comes from rats as carriers and we don't live with them anymore like the medieval ages.
Spanish flu was very deadly, there is a chance one day the spanish flu type of virus comes back but who knows, society would deal with it as it comes.
youre watching too many zombie movies man.
when did a virus ever become more deadly?
the answer is probably never, they always become less deadly.
Yet more incorrect nonsense. You don't even have to go back very far for an example. Delta variant.
There's no impetus to become less virulent if the virus spreads well before symptom onset, which COVID does.