I'm left but the new left going way too far out

I'm left but the new left going way too far out


yes there are some bad cops who need to be disciplined or prosecuted
and yes, many police departments need reform
but the protesters want you to disparage all cops
that's not right
cops risk their lives every day for our safety

they want to blame all cops for the crimes of a very few
that's not fair
would they think it's fair to call a peaceful protester a looter?

defunding the police is a horrible and ridiculous idea
do they think that some community action committee can respond to a drug deal shooting? how about a rape? a community action committee is going to catch and jail a rapist? real doubtful

the far, far out new left has the potential to split the Democratic Party in a similar way to the way Bernie split the party

although it's probably unlikely because of the great dislike of Trump, still, it's a distinct possibility that they could cause Trump to win

if Bernie had been nominated I would not have voted
if the new left controls the Democratic narrative I will not vote
I'm sure there are many that feel this way

11 June 2020 at 02:20 PM