In other news
In the current news climate we see that some figures and events tend to dominate the front-pages heavily. Still, there are important, interesting or just plain weird things happening out there and a group of people can find these better than one.
I thought I would test with a thread for linking general news articles about "other news" and discussion. Perhaps it goes into the abyss that is page 2 and beyond, but it is worth a try.
Some guidelines:
- Try to find the "clean link", so that links to the news site directly and not a social media site. Avoid "amp-links" (google).
- Write some cliff notes on what it is about, especially if it is a video.
- It's not an excuse to make outlandish claims via proxy or link extremist content.
- If it's an editorial or opinion piece, it is polite to mark it as such.
- Note the language if it is not in English.
- There is no demand that such things be posted here, if you think a piece merits its own thread, then make one.
That seems like some conservative apologia. Nothing changed wrt to congressional power between 1850 and 1860. What did change was the president was now a free soil advocate who was against any expansion of slavery. Under the US constitution states had the right to allow or forbid slavery. Under the confederate constitution, states gave up the power to outlaw slavery. The right for white people to own people of African descent was a fundamental right like free speech or religion. It weakene
Also, it's very hard to explain why the South supported the Fugitive Slave Act if The South was concerned with states' rights, since that Act allowed the federal government to overrule state laws in New York.
Irish government put a stop to it over my way. For some weird reason over your way had joint Chinese police/Carabinieri patrols in Italian cities, although I think they've since stopped. There were links between Chinese police and Triads based in Prato.
Before Meloni, our leftist government (the most leftist since ww2), the Conte one, was the only signatory of the "silk and road" initiative in the west, super friendly to China, which is why they used us to start military enforced lockdowns in the west (we were the first and then the domino effect of "if Italy does it we can do it as well" worked as they had planned).
During covid the excuse for the chinese police stations was "to help chinese nationals get information and do documents" and stuff like that, like mini-consulates. Prato and a few other areas have an insane % of chinese national living there as a total of the population. Only 0.5% of residents in italy are from China (like 300-350k total) but in Prato depending how you count is 20% or more
Also, it's very hard to explain why the South supported the Fugitive Slave Act if The South was concerned with states' rights, since that Act allowed the federal government to overrule state laws in New York.
Both the north and the south wanted to remove state rights. The north didn't want to allow new states to be pro-slavery, to allow slavery in their state, the south wanted to force non-slave states to send them slaves.
But the overarching idea is that the north was willing to go to war, and kill hundreds of thousands of people, for an idea that didn't change the life of people in the north. They wanted to force others, elsewhere, to submit to the north moral preferences, even if what happened there didn't affect the north residents in any way, or die if they disagree.
That's the spirit of abolitionism, being willing to assassinate unlimited amount of people (again: at the time it was the most lethal war by far in the history of the world) in other places that do stuff that doesn't affect you, but which is morally horrific according to your morals.
i've always found it deeply shameful we allow chinese police stations to operate freely in the usa
Oh btw corpusvile, if you think westernizing people in other countries is an impossible task, and there is nothing we can do to make them behave like us and have preferences like us, then why does that stop being true if they immigrate in our countries?
Oh btw corpusvile, if you think westernizing people in other countries is an impossible task, and there is nothing we can do to make them behave like us and have preferences like us, then why does that stop being true if they immigrate in our countries?
Immigration is akin to the whole assassination thing you were implying earlier? As in worldwide?
As in this?
Now imagine the same or more is done to enforce whatever right we want to enforce.
Take it to another level yet: imagine we have a transparent and credible policy to assassinate with drones any leader which imposes anti-western values on his subjects. Imagine we do start killing a few after X years passed since we introduced the policy. What do you think would happen?
Not remotely akin to immigration. How you can espouse this hegemonic bullshit and then with no sense of irony wail about Islamists trying to enforce their will on Europe is beyond me.
Immigration is akin to the whole assassination thing you were implying earlier? As in worldwide?
No corpus, I was answering your claim that it's impossible to change other people culture.
I do believe it's very possible which is why I don't deny immigrants from alien culture can be assimilated in due time, and the same at lower scale can happen with foreign countries if we use the proper levers (stick/carrot, just very big ones).
The assassination of leaders who deeply violate human rights worldwide was just one of the many levers possible
Not remotely akin to immigration. How you can espouse this hegemonic bullshit and then with no sense of irony wail about Islamists trying to enforce their will on Europe is beyond me.
? I accept and believe that you can project power outside your borders and given I prefer the system I live in I want our system to change theirs and not viceversa.
Its acknowledgement that you are always either the dominator or the dominated and there is never a neutral position to have.
You either use all the power you have to increase itself and cement your position forever or others will and will substitute you in the decision-maker chair, and either enslave or genocide you.
That's the history of the world in a nutshell
No corpus, I was answering your claim that it's impossible to change other people culture.
I do believe it's very possible which is why I don't deny immigrants from alien culture can be assimilated in due time, and the same at lower scale can happen with foreign countries if we use the proper levers (stick/carrot, just very big ones).
The assassination of leaders who deeply violate human rights worldwide was just one of the many levers possible
I said you can't enforce your will or culture on other people or cultures. Read a history book and don't misrepresent what I actually said.
I said you can't enforce your will or culture on other cultures. Read a history book and don;t misrepresent what I actually said.
So what you think will happen if we tried to enforce the legality of homosexuality everywhere being willing to use unlimited violence to achieve that?
Imagine we send an ultimatum to Uganda, with on one side 10 billions in help (not loans: grants) of which 2 billions to be spent at the exclusive discretion of the president for the good of Uganda, and at the other end an absolutely complete embargo, nullification of all visa everywhere in the west for all Ugandan citizens, sequestration of all property owned by anyone connected to Uganda government everywhere in the west, and so on and on, and the only request is a complete legalization of homosexuality?
Now imagine we are credible in the threat and we already completely destroyed say Indonesia for what they allow in Aceh.
Do you really think Ugandan leaders wouldn't comply? And then if we are on the record for assassinating the top20 indonesian politicians because they kept sharia in Aceh, would Ugandan leaders keep going with the death penalty for homosexuality? Really?
You can't make them like homosexuals, but you can make them stop killing and persecuting them
I said you can't enforce your will or culture on other people or cultures. Read a history book and don't misrepresent what I actually said.
You can, which is what the left accomplished recently in the west for a lot of people utterly destroying centuries of culture for significant portion of the population in just two generations.
If you can get British white people to hate British culture and being willing to destroy statues and so on, the same can happen everywhere in the world.
British white people don't "hate British culture".
Stop making shite up. Pretty much every ****ing post of yours contains lies, wayward exaggerations or is just nonsense.
British white people don't "hate British culture".
Stop making shite up. Pretty much every ****ing post of yours contains lies, wayward exaggerations or is just nonsense.
not all, but many British white people hate British culture.
for example they are "ashamed" of their empire past and so on.
if you can achieve that, turning a population whose recent ancestors ruled the world and brought incalculable prosperity to it, that has always considered it's past pridefully, against it, at least significant portion of that population, you can achieve any change in any culture.
or check religiosity in the west. If you can eradicate religiosity in a couple of generations in Europe as it happened, you can achieve the same everywhere.
those are just example of absurd 180 grades changes in popular culture achieved in a very short time frame by the left. it shows how if you control the narrative you can achieve anything, at least with a big portion of the population.
it's expected that you consider what I write " a lie" or " an exaggeration". we don't share almost any basic value in life, almost everything I consider good you hate and viceversa. so you will find everything I say and the way I frame it as bad as possible every time, I would be very worried if you didn't.
BREAKING MOCKINGBURD NEWS: The first human died today of bird flu, a disease where it seems like only a few days ago could never jump to humans. It's also spread to cattle and poultry. At this rate, eggs, beef and milk will all be banned. We'll have to eat bill gate's technologically grown "food"... (sadly this isn't a parody).
This is the video of the podcaster who was contacted by the Las Vegas cybertruck bomber prior to the incident.
This is being 100% covered up by the MSM.
Also, a preliminary DNA test did not prove the occupant to be who they say.
In a nutshell, this guy was working in covert top secret military technology projects having to do with drones. According to his letter, he was being followed and they were trying to pick him up which means he must of said something to someone that they didn't like or he w
I'd never heard of the Shawn Ryan Show but watched some of that interview, and today, while looking up an unrelated topic, I came across this clip. Suffice to say, it's probably best to take him and his guests with a grain of salt.
not all, but many British white people hate British culture.
for example they are "ashamed" of their empire past and so on.
if you can achieve that, turning a population whose recent ancestors ruled the world and brought incalculable prosperity to it, that has always considered it's past pridefully, against it, at least significant portion of that population, you can achieve any change in any culture.
or check religiosity in the west. If you can eradicate religiosity in a couple of generations in E
All of Western Europe has the same problem with a dodgy imperial past, but that doesn't make any of the people hate their culture. As usual you're conflating two different things because you have a poor grasp of the subject and talk in stupid generalisations and hyperbole.
All of Western Europe has the same problem with a dodgy imperial past, but that doesn't make any of the people hate their culture. As usual you're conflating two different things because you have a poor grasp of the subject and talk in stupid generalisations and hyperbole.
i can't speak for europe but this definitely happens in america
I don't think either of you are using a normal definition of "culture".
All of Western Europe has the same problem with a dodgy imperial past, but that doesn't make any of the people hate their culture. As usual you're conflating two different things because you have a poor grasp of the subject and talk in stupid generalisations and hyperbole.
ye sure being ASHAMED OF YOUR COUNTRY isn't hating it's culture
and ofc everywhere it's the left that hates it's culture and it's country.
man it's real, everyone knows it, the left in the west is explicitly anti-western. you guys hate us and our history.
you deny what is common knowledge, and I don't know why.
I only brought up this well known phenomenom, the left recent ability to utterly change behaviors and preferences for a significant subset of the population, as an example of how it's possible to dramatically change a population preferences and attitudes.
I'd never heard of the Shawn Ryan Show but watched some of that interview, and today, while looking up an unrelated topic, I came across this clip. Suffice to say, it's probably best to take him and his guests with a grain of salt.
He's so cringe to watch. Anyone who thinks Rogan is gullible you ain't seen nothing yet.