The Declaration of Independence (Updated)
When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one individual to dissolve the political bands which have connected him with another, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind require that he should declare the cause which impels him to the separation.
I hold this truth to be self evident, that each man is endowed by the Creator with the unalienable responsibility to pursue higher meaning in his life. That to secure this responsibility, a superior conscience is instituted within each man, deriving its just power from the consent of the governed man and from the Creator himself.
That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of this end, it is the duty of that man to transcend it in his mind.
By all means. The last part of the advice is that if you ignore the first part, don't complain that other posters find your prose impenetrable and point & laugh at the guy trying his best to sound smart by using big words he barely understands and definitely can't use appropriately in context.
Opaque prose is also a dead giveaway that the author has failed to formulate his own thoughts clearly and concisely, and thinks that baroque language will disguise this fact. It does not.
By all means. The last part of the advice is that if you ignore the first part, don't complain that other posters find your prose impenetrable and point & laugh at the guy trying his best to sound smart by using big words he barely understands and definitely can't use appropriately in context.
Opaque prose is also a dead giveaway that the author has failed to formulate his own thoughts clearly and concisely.
You don’t have the high ground on me. Your perception of me is one big cope. I’m not posturing.