Inflation 101
I love the idea of making America great
I don’t see how deportations, inflation, religion, or reduced education funding contribute to making America great though
Are you trying to blame inflation on trump or repubs? It seems like you are, but I think it is fairly common knowledge that inflation is too much money chasing too few goods and trump and repubs fought against most of the free money that still sloshes around the economy that dems worked hard to throw around after Covid and trump and repubs fought dems on trying to shut the economy down as little as possible.
Freedom of religion is bad? Or what are you saying?
The 3 expenses that have consistently gone up in price and outpaced inflation are also the 3 things that the govt is most involved with and have done the most to keep prices down - education, health care and home prices. Many Repubs are fighting for school choice which gives parents essentially a voucher to choose which school to send their kids to. So public schools will have to work like private schools have for so long to compete with other schools to attract students and their parents. This will force public schools to either catch up to private schools or shut down and be replaced by more private schools.