[extracted] New(?) 9-11 stuff
KSM got a plea deal. The guy who supposedly masterminded the 9/11 attacks is not getting the death penalty.
If you still think that AQ did 9/11 you should be in adult day care.
I know it shows some steel. The question was, with ALL THE STEEL that was used in both towers, which was NEVER TOUCHED by any fire or flames, where's the rest of it? I'm talking literally about 170 floors of steel from both towers.
The steel in the picture above is a tiny fraction of what the pile should of looked like in a collapsed steel building of that size.
Are you really sure that there wasnt enough steel in the pics thay you saw to justify some of your theories your presenting? In good faith, this is incredibly tough to read from you.
Each floor had a weight capacity limit. There isnt anything questionable about any of this, - but an imagination can accomplish a lot. I think you can do better, my friend.
But again, its the reason why the second tower to get hit fell first. I guess the demo crew knew about that too.
I'm going to need to see a comparison of how much steel was in the towers (with citations) vs. how much steel was found at ground zero (with citations). Just simply claiming it was the wrong amount is not an argument.
I know it shows some steel. The question was, with ALL THE STEEL that was used in both towers, which was NEVER TOUCHED by any fire or flames, where's the rest of it? I'm talking literally about 170 floors of steel from both towers.
The steel in the picture above is a tiny fraction of what the pile should of looked like in a collapsed steel building of that size.
200k+ tons were used in construction. 200k+ were recovered. So what exactly is the problem?