[extracted] New(?) 9-11 stuff

[extracted] New(?) 9-11 stuff

KSM got a plea deal. The guy who supposedly masterminded the 9/11 attacks is not getting the death penalty.

If you still think that AQ did 9/11 you should be in adult day care.

01 August 2024 at 05:08 PM

1502 Replies


by chezlaw k

You missed off " but people in glass houses built on a swamp during a flood ..."

I mean come on:

What? You think I shoot myself in the dick whenever I point out what a moron you're being or something?

I think it's pretty clear that white has an advantage but that it's slim and within the margins of a draw.

Unless it's d2 with white against me, when white has no advantage at all. 😆

by d2_e4 k

Btw, I wouldn't really pick on this so much if he hadn't been attempting to be condescending towards me when he said it. But as it is, the irony of his trying to show how much smarter he is and shooting himself in the dick yet again is rather delicious.

I empathsied with this. I'm sorry but I also find it too delicious sometimes. I may indulge too much in the bewilderness topping.

by jalfrezi k

I think it's pretty clear that white has an advantage but that it's slim and within the margins of a draw.

Unless it's d2 with white against me, when white has no advantage at all. 😆


I mean, I think it's intuitive that white would have an advantage, but would you really say it's pretty clear? There are plenty toy games where the second to move has a forced win, so it's not like it's unheard of.

by chezlaw k

I empathsied with this. I'm sorry but I also find it too delicios. I may indulge too much in the bewilderness topping.

Go to bed chez, you're drunk.

its quarter past 11

by d2_e4 k


I mean, I think it's intuitive that white would have an advantage, but would you really say it's pretty clear? There are plenty toy games where the second to move has a forced win, so it's not like it's unheard of.

Right but this isn't an abstract logic game but a game of actual space, time, squares, pieces and all the rest of it where having a pawn on d4 after your first move is better than passing.

by chezlaw k

its quarter past 11

Ok, a quarter drunk.

by chezlaw k

its quarter past 11

I always figured for the type who was trolleyed and falling over himself by 8pm at your local.

by jalfrezi k

Right but this isn't an abstract logic game but a game of actual space, time, squares, pieces and all the rest of it where having a pawn on d4 after your first move is better than passing.

Fair point.

by jalfrezi k

Ok, a quarter drunk.

Lol. A+

chez has never forgiven me for the time years ago on the launch of his new (and best forgotten) politics forum, when he asked people to suggest an undertitle for him and I went with "Too drunk to notice Hitler" and he got quite upset. even though it was just a joke.

by d2_e4 k

I always figured for the type who was trolleyed and falling over himself by 8pm at your local.

I'd go with what you figure out if I were you. Reality sucks

by jalfrezi k

chez has never forgiven me after the time years ago on the launch of his new (and best forgotten) politics forum, when he asked people to suggest an undertitle for him and I went with "Too drunk to notice Hitler" and he got quite upset. even though it was just a joke.

I still can't believe they let him mod here. Mat was obviously too drunk to notice chez.

I had no idea chez launched a politics forum. That's pretty funny actually. Like when PointlessWords told us earlier ITT he runs a Facebook group with 5,000 members to teach them critical thinking or something lol.

by jalfrezi k

chez has never forgiven me after the time years ago on the launch of his new (and best forgotten) politics forum, when he asked people to suggest an undertitle for him and I went with "Too drunk to notice Hitler" and he got quite upset. even though it was just a joke.

I dont recall. I dont really do upset by what people say about me btw - the near endlesslessy amusing thing has been the years of people battering their heads against the wall of trying to upset me. I do appreciate a good insult btw - sadly far too rare. It's mostly low brow d2 type stuff.

I assure you I hold no grudges against you. Or D2 for that matter.

by chezlaw k

I dont recall. I dont really do upset by what people say about me btw - the near endlesslessy amusing thing has been the years of people battering their heads against the wall of trying to upset me. I do appreciate a good insult btw - sadly far too rare. It's mostly low brow d2 type stuff.

I assure you I hold no grudges against you. Or D2 for that matter.

Low brow? I'm Malcolm ****ing Tucker round here.

by Luciom k

I think that in order for a conspiracy theory to justify being proposed motive is really important. Especially if you aren't sure who the actors planning the event were you need very specific motives imho, especially because as you say it's about very unusual events so covering up stuff/making them up requires skill, dedication and so on so I can only see it happening if there is a lot to gain by perpetrators.

I agree but I would hope we could further agree that the government's story as to who the perpetrators are is also a conspiracy theory. The motive behind it presented to the public was that they hate our freedom. I also heard that drilled down into to find they hate our blue jeans and other aspects of our culture which are socially liberal. I don't think that is enough of a motive, no precedent for that at all. OBL made clear what was his beef with America. He didn't want American military presence in Muslim regions, particularly in Saudi Arabia. That wasn't the motive presented in the media, but I always try to help my opponents be better. Even the motive of Muslim independence isn't totally convincing because, despite their high religiosity, these people are not totally stupid. They would be able to predict the reaction of the U.S. to the attacks as having nothing to do with decreasing U.S. military presence in the M.E. Obviously anyone would predict the attacks would have exactly the opposite reaction.

Having rejected the motives we were told and the motives stated by AQ for their attacks against us abroad, we're left with ones inferred independently. Here's where you get into speculation like AQ trying to get us to bankrupt ourselves in responding or our expected retaliation inspiring the Muslim world to take up arms against us. I don't like motives that anticipate a string of cascading events, especially for hard nosed, practical fighters like AQ. It could be true, but I don't see them being so abstract in their expectations. What were they doing before and after 9/11? They've been placing bombs next to structures and detonating. These are really simple, military minded operations. I can't believe that AQ would suddenly totally change its' tactics and objectives from level 2 to level 10 overnight - from "make bomb go boom" to multi-year invasion with creative coup de gras and from "attack U.S. on our turf" to "let's play on the grand chessboard 3-D version" - and then downshift right back into simpletons immediately after the 9/11 attacks. Hell I think most of us have played poker with people who have the same leaks they've had for years. Do you think they will walk in playing perfect GTO one day? But then, if they did, go right back to sucking after that? That's not how things work.

by Luciom k

Keep in mind I talk from a place where we think government is terrible at doing anything and that includes scamming the whole population to gain power. They just aren't good at anything in my model.

But yes I understand there can be "people.behind government" who pursue their self interest yes.

I understand it's all hypothetical I truly do. But I need some version of "I think this was staged because this and that happened which peculiarly advantage group y so much it could actually make sense for

There was a large cross section of elite interests advanced immeasurably in the response to the attacks. OBL's corpse was stuffed in some bag and tossed over the side of a U.S. naval vessel along with that day's potato peelings. Motive isn't what I find most compelling in the case against the government's case, but the question of who benefits how much and who dies has a clear answer.

by chezlaw k

I dont recall. I dont really do upset by what people say about me btw - the near endlesslessy amusing thing has been the years of people battering their heads against the wall of trying to upset me. I do appreciate a good insult btw - sadly far too rare. It's mostly low brow d2 type stuff.

I assure you I hold no grudges against you. Or D2 for that matter.

Ok, I’m happy to hear that.

by Deuces McKracken k

"let's play on the grand chessboard 3-D version"

The scheduling must be a nightmare with that board structure.

by d2_e4 k

[...]I'm Malcolm ****ing Tucker[...]

It's time for your nap, dear.

by d2_e4 k

The scheduling must be a nightmare with that board structure.

Remember when Martin Scorsese did a cameo as Vincent van Gogh in Akira Kurosawa's "Dreams?"

Bill I'm curious who you are voting for. You seem like one of those people who is like as far Left as one can go and still maintain fealty to the DNC, which is to say not Left at all outside of self deception.

I'd show guys the satarization of skeptics that used to be on YouTube. It was the greatest of all 9/11 videos, a masterpiece like no other. YouTube took it down under the claims that it was racist. There was no mention of race at all in the video. It was just too good. It was spoofing Myth Busters. It's a 20 minute video which is like what if Myth Busters, instead of adopting a policy of not ever discussing 9/11 as they did, actually started looking into it. I emailed the creator of it and he gave me a link to where it was preserved but I can't find it. I'll keep digging tho I know you guys would love it.

Do you know what his avatar is?

by d2_e4 k

I think it's conjectured and very likely true, but not proved. I don't even know that it can be proved unless/until chess is at "solved", whatever that would look like (may or may not be a brute force solution like an endgame tablebase, I don't know enough about how these things work).

I would actually personally find that a much more interesting discussion than the 9/11 conspiracies.

Chess might end in a draw, played perfectly, but obviously if you factor in mistakes, white seems to have a decent advantage among the best people/programs.

More interestingly, since 1990, it's been known that an interactive proof system exists for games like chess. If someone claimed to be able to play perfect chess, it could be hard to determine anything but the fact that they are better than the best computers by actually just playing them. But it turns out you could ask them a few serious of questions about solutions to polynomial equations over finite fields and if they answered correctly, you could be 99.999 etc% sure they can actually play perfectly and not just really well, to arbitrary precision.
