Donald J. Trump (For everyone else except Victor)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else except Victor)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

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28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

13462 Replies


by washoe k

thats a thesis.

Im waiting for counter examples.

Take the best 5000 golfers 40 years ago aged 35 to 40 in 1984.

Do you think none of them still play at least for fun?

Any of them will be better than trump (and better than 99.5% of the 75-80y old today).

If I were to say "he is an above average golfer for a 77 year old", would that satisfy you? Because I have no problem saying that, and then following it up with the fact that an above average 77 year old golfer is still a 77 year old golfer and isn't competing with younger, stronger, better golfers. The ones who actually do play by the rules. When you have to add in "for a 77 year old", you're kinda saying he's just not that good. "Man she is hot.....for a 60 year old lady anyway", means she just isn't that hot.

by biggerboat k

This is awesome.

I'm a scratch golfer btw.

then you should be able to come up with a better golfer aged 78
like within a second...

who is it?

by Luciom k

Take the best 5000 golfers 40 years ago aged 35 to 40 in 1984.

Do you think none of them still play at least for fun?

Any of them will be better than trump (and better than 99.5% of the 75-80y old today).

I dont doubt there are much better golfer than him even with the same age.

But who?

When you start arguing about how good a serial liar is at golf, it's time to take a break from the interwebz.

Fight the good fight, washoe.

I would wager large sums of money(if I actually had it) that every course within 60 miles of me has at least one person Trump's age that would beat him day after day after day. And I live in the Phoenix area, where there are hundreds of courses.

Edit: I'm in a discussion with washoe about whether or not Trump is as good at golf as he claims. JFC what has my life become?

by washoe k

if you expect an over 70 year old to play completely by the rules you are out of touch imo. they cant take the shots from the bunkers, waters, etc. its too steep of whatever for them. theyd break a leg trying to do so.

How frail do you think 70-year-olds are?

washoe, you have wandered into an area (golf) where I have more knowledge than the average person.... let alone I have more knowledge than an average golfer.

I usually let you spout your nonsense.....and you know it.

But you are now on a very short leash with regards to inflating DJT's golfing abilities.

He is a hack and a cheater. All the quotes you have seen from professionals were about being kind. Trust me (and others) to tell you that DJT is only OK at golf with the disclaimer "for his age". There is ZERO!!!!!!!!!! chance he can win a club championship vs. championship quality competent players AT ANY CLUB!!!!!!!!!! in the USA#1. ZERO. He's a hack and a cheater.


Again, this does not say he is a hack or a cheater in any other aspect of his life.

I can safely say against the world's population of 77 year olds he's easily in the top 1% of golfers.

This topic reminds me of the discussion between a friend of mine and a braggart at our golf club years ago:

"I shot 74 today!"
"Do you know what can turn a 74 into an 82?"
"No. What?"
"A witness."

by AquaSwing k

I can safely say against the world's population of 77 year olds he's easily in the top 1% of golfers.

What about just men who play a full round of golf at least two times per week?

yeah golf...that's what i care about in a potus. golf. i have a freaking simulator in my backyard and still couldn't give two shits about his golf game....let alone 2 pages....

I think the discussion is less about his golf game and more about how big of a lying cheating POS he is. Golf just happens to be the thing he's lying about and cheating at in this instance. If he comes out and says something like "I do ok for a 77 year old. It's a struggle out there but I get around ok. I can't compete with the young guys but I hold my own against my peers", nobody would have much to say. Of course, that's not the Trump way.

by ec_outlaw k

I think the discussion is less about his golf game and more about how big of a lying cheating POS he is. Golf just happens to be the thing he's lying about and cheating at in this instance. If he comes out and says something like "I do ok for a 77 year old. It's a struggle out there but I get around ok. I can't compete with the young guys but I hold my own against my peers", nobody would have much to say. Of course, that's not the Trump way.

Trump lies about tiny insignificant things all the times, including stuff that can be objectively measured, assessed, and used against his claims.

that can make you hate him, but for me that's refreshing, because I don't incur the risk of ever take him for his word outside of the very few things he kept stable through life (like a love for low interest rates, and tariffs) . Other people are better at lying (and all politicians are evil and self interested) , they di it much more sparingly, they mix truth and lies and so on, so i risk trusting them and then get stabbed in the back.

It's also more time consuming to debunk their claims

no such risk with trump, you treat him the way we should treat ANYONR we give power to: a deep mistrust predicated on inherent evil and self interest which are common qualities of top politicians (can't basically win elections if you are a good guy, the way the game is played)

by King Spew k

washoe, you have wandered into an area (golf) where I have more knowledge than the average person.... let alone I have more knowledge than an average golfer.

I usually let you spout your nonsense.....and you know it.

But you are now on a very short leash with regards to inflating DJT's golfing abilities.

He is a hack and a cheater. All the quotes you have seen from professionals were about being kind. Trust me (and others) to tell you that DJT is only OK at golf with the disclaimer "for his age

Yeah, Im can only go by what the pros say about him. If you say they are coerced or trying to be nice thats one thing I cant rebute.

By the way what do you think of John Daly? Is he a trumper and thats why he is saying this? He is saying Clinton is a cheater at golf and Trump isnt so much.

Is he lying? Is he intimidated by trump? Are all these pro guys just intimidated bc trump has so much power in the golf world?

I dont see that imtimidation from any other celebreties from any other field. They are actually all shitting on trump more or less publically, right? Who is not? Just the golfers? Why dont we say that about clinton? Or did we say that?

Rick Reilly literally wrote a book on how much DJT cheats at golf and explains how he "won" his club championships.

by washoe k

Yeah, Im can only go by what the pros say about him. If you say they are coerced or trying to be nice thats one thing I cant rebute.

By the way what do you think of John Daly? Is he a trumper and thats why he is saying this? He is saying Clinton is a cheater at golf and Trump isnt so much.

Is he lying? Is he intimidated by trump? Are all these pro guys just intimidated bc trump has so much power in the golf world?

I mean

what about tiger and rory?

by King Spew k

What about just men who play a full round of golf at least two times per week?

I have no idea, I suck at golf and maybe could break 90 in 9 holes. I'll defer to your assessment as you appear to have the most golf knowledge on this forum.

by ec_outlaw k

I mean

so everyone who wears stars and stripes is trumper?

they played a couple times. bruce springsteen is wearing usa too.
remember? born in the usa. has nothing to do with trump.

by washoe k

what about tiger and rory?

Have you ever heard either of them say anything disparaging about any president, politician, or anyone like that? Probably not. They're professionals who are going to say professional things as to not ruffle a lot of feathers.

by ec_outlaw k

Have you ever heard either of them say anything disparaging about any president, politician, or anyone like that? Probably not. They're professionals who are going to say the professional things as to not ruffle a lot of feathers?

yeah I get that.

but a lot of them do. ( non golfers)

bruce, bono, madonna, de niro etc

by Luciom k

Trump lies about tiny insignificant things all the times,

Like how the election was stolen, or he had a perfect conversation with Zelensky. Yeah, little stuff.

by biggerboat k

Like how the election was stolen, or he had a perfect conversation with Zelensky. Yeah, little stuff.

No I mean like how many people went to his inauguration and the like

That Daly clip is hilarious. Who's the bigger cheat? Trump or Bill Clinton. Clinton of course.
