Donald J. Trump (For everyone else except Victor)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
It's funny because that's exactly what we feel reversed about the left in general. Included your comments above about destroying the very fabric of western countries from within annihilating democracy. We actually do think that's what the left did for decades.
You say "democracy is crumbling" because of republicans when they just won elections and are starting to use their power as intended by the constitution. It's insane, it's living in a complete delusion which is objectively false at every st
You know this is unprecedented and not "as intended". You also know that the Republicans have had majority control 5 times to 2 times over the last 25 years.
You know what you are saying isn't true, yet you just blurt it out. That makes you a pathological liar.
Tell me how the guy running a half cocked inquisition against the government agency that was actively investigating him is a good thing?
This is why no one likes modern libtards. You focus on the guy leading the audit. A guy, I mind you, that has NO POWER more than anyone else. It just happens to be Musk that was appointed to this role. Musk is exposing MASS corruption and waste of our tax dollars being used for political purposes for the Democrats. It's basically a giant money laundering scheme and slush fund and a complete waste of tax dollars.
The fact that Democrats are OPPOSING THIS AUDIT is the final nail in the coffin of their party. It's completely exposed Democrats for what they are. Crooks and liars. The old RINO party turned a blind eye to this because they were also getting rich and living the high life via USAID.
This is what the American people voted for. A complete audit of wasteful spending and a contraction of federal gov't overall.
This is why no one likes modern libtards. You focus on the guy leading the audit. A guy, I mind you, that has NO POWER more than anyone else. It just happens to be Musk that was appointed to this role. Musk is exposing MASS corruption and waste of our tax dollars being used for political purposes for the Democrats. It's basically a giant money laundering scheme and slush fund and a complete waste of tax dollars.
The fact that Democrats are OPPOSING THIS AUDIT is the final nail in the coffin of t
This is not an audit in any way, shape, or form.
You know this is unprecedented and not "as intended". You also know that the Republicans have had majority control 5 times to 2 times over the last 25 years.
You know what you are saying isn't true, yet you just blurt it out. That makes you a pathological liar.
Republicans failed repeatedly at using power to dismantle leftism in the recent past when they had a chance, so the first time the actually try EVERYTHING IN THEIR ****ING POWER as they should always have done to do it, that's "the end of democracy", because you got accostumed to republicans being a fake opposition to globalist leftism and basically on board with your horrific project enough.
And i am "a liar" because you mistakenly think that POTUS can't fire federal employees
Yeah, this is the problem we have. The democrats play with a different set of rules. They actually believe in doing things within a framework of democracy and rule of law. The right doesn't care a whit about anything. They are morally bankrupt.
Projection or severe stupidity. The exact opposite is true.
The OLD right doesn't care. MAGA is the only political movement that cares about the future of our country and has morality to back it up.
Fwiw ALL morality stems from Christianity so you secular types cannot appeal to it. Your worldview is completely subjective with no basis for what logic and truth is or where it comes from.
Projection or severe stupidity. The exact opposite is true.
The OLD right doesn't care. MAGA is the only political movement that cares about the future of our country and has morality to back it up.
Fwiw ALL morality stems from Christianity so you secular types cannot appeal to it. Your worldview is completely subjective with no basis for what logic and truth is or where it comes from.
Lol? i have pre-christian morals, and romans (those who created the word "moral" you know use, which meant just customs) existed even before baby jesus purportedly came around
Saying words doesn't make them true.
You just said an audit isn't an audit when it's most obviously and factually an audit. Take your meds.
An audit is an attempt to determine accuracy of records
What is currently happening is they are looking for line items to parade in front of a base for political points. They've lied multiple times about their findings. That actually breaks the definition of an audit.
Inquisition is a more accurate term for what is happening
"They've lied"...uh huh ok you say so.
And I'm more than fine with it also being an inquisition.
Are you honestly defending how our tax dollars are spent??? If Trump exposed a dog fighting ring ran by AOC and Chuck Schumer you'd argue that the dogs were racist.
I wake up every day now wondering how all of this happened so fast.
I'm not sure if I lived with rose colored glasses on all my life, or if something has really changed. I used to think that people were inherently good, even though we are all guilty of doing bad things. But I honestly don't believe this any more. I think people are inherently bad. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of good folks, but the pendulum has swung from mostly good to mostly bad. You don't have to go any further th
Electing Trump the 1st time was a mistake. Doing it twice was inexcusable and the US deserves what it gets as a result. You simply do not give such a damaged, deranged person the power of the presidency. Super ****ing stupid. Anyone who voted Trump owns the ensuing shitstorm. And they should be held to account.
You're not Christian so you have no authority to interpret it. Have you read the Old Testament? It's morally acceptable to defend yourself with deadly force while at the same time it's considered holy to be a martyr for Christ.
Not shooting someone who is trying to harm you or your family is not being a martyr. It's being a coward and an idiot.
In catholicism there are various legit exceptions for that decided by the church through the centuries. Self defense, even with lethal consequences for the assailant, is absolutely compatible with catholicism. Catholicism does mandate proportionality and requires "necessity" though, if you can stop the assailant doing X, doing more than X is sinful.
Not sure about other christian denominations.
Don't most people who are wrongly accused of a crime and sit in jail for an extended amount of time get some kind of payment?
I think the 1/6ers have an argument (although not that great) that they can claim they did not know political violence was illegal since BLM riots were allowed for a year prior to 1/6 and many politicians and DAs encouraged them. I'm not saying I agree with this - just pointing out that they have an argument.
bigboat, if you call allowing political rioters to not face cha
You might think they have an argument, but you’d be incorrect. Was your father also an idiot?
BG's form of Christianity has no morals.