The "LOLCANADA" thread...again

The "LOLCANADA" thread...again

So what's new?

I've noticed the Liberals are now ahead in all major polls and Trudeau hasn't even started to campaign yet...i'd be shocked if they lost the election now.

Just shows just how incompetent Conservatives are.

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11 July 2019 at 07:31 PM

3404 Replies


by lozen k

there is a recording of Trudeau

by lozen k

the Warnick recordings

Lol. You can just say you screwed up and remembered it wrong. You don't have to try and obfuscate that you were caught red handed being wrong here and quote me articles like I don't already know them and just had to explain what actually happened to you who had forgotten.

by uke_master k

Lol. You can just say you screwed up and remembered it wrong. You don't have to try and obfuscate that you were caught red handed being wrong here and quote me articles like I don't already know them and just had to explain what actually happened to you who had forgotten.

Oh if your saying that there is no direct recordings of Justin Trudeau Yes I am wrong than 100%

My intent was that there are recordings verifying that Justin Trudeau interfered in a criminal investigation but yes there are no recordings of him personally saying it So again I am wrong . So Wrong

On a lighter note I think Healthcare will be a bigger issue next election. I was shocked to find out when moving to BC that their healthcare system is worse than Alberta's. Overall around the country the horror stories we are hearing daily about people that can not get emergency treatment . Last April I had to deal with that personally in Alberta with my brother and thought it was pretty good for the emergency situation . I am out here and 3-4 years to get a family doctor and good luck if you get cancer or something serious

by lozen k

I am out here and 3-4 years to get a family doctor and good luck if you get cancer or something serious

This is very bad. Yes, wait time to family doctors are long. I really like BC's embrace of nurse practitioners which is what I have for my family and she is amazing. But if you get cancer, this is a completely different story. That gets triaged. Ok my cancer was when I was in Ontario not BC but the second I was diagnosed it was all wham bam thank you for the surgeries and radiation ma'am. The system is absolutely very slow in places (hip replacements anyone?) but it can move lightening fast when it needs to.

Justin Trudeau says he will always be there for the Ukraine yet not when they want our decommissioned rockets. Yet he says the Conservatives are not there for Ukraine

by Montrealcorp k

We we’re talking about sexual events .
U have a video ?
It’s my duty to stay on topic .

U want chnage topic go ahead and make your peace .
Maybe I’ll respond if it’s worth it .

I have a question for you on a different topic. Your very critical of Trump for adding 7 trillion to the deficit which I think was 39% of the overall debt which I concur but your not critical of Trudeau who added more debt than all the PM's combined which is over 100% Why is that?

by lozen k

I have a question for you on a different topic. Your very critical of Trump for adding 7 trillion to the deficit which I think was 39% of the overall debt which I concur but your not critical of Trudeau who added more debt than all the PM's combined which is over 100% Why is that?

Actually it’s the other way .
Many times I saw u critize biden and trudeau on the economy while praising trump economic tenure despite they all did big deficit …..

Fwiw I would be curious if u could find a post of mine where I say I support all the debt trudeau created since he became prime minister .
With insight it’s easy to criticize trudeau for spending too much during covid but compare around the world he did ok .
Now pre covid he spends too much .

Fwiw trudeau isn’t as bad as what u make out to be and this is certainly not a leftish source

It criticized mainly trudeau pre covid management and we are extremely far of the 100% data point u imply .

But here -> trudeau isn’t increasing the problem as much as u think .
Debt to gdp is going down and Canada have one of the best if not the best debt to gdp ratio in the G7 .

Taking debt alone is misguided since as the economy grows , so the debt .

But yeah trudeau was far from being perfect precovid .

by Montrealcorp k

Actually it’s the other way .
Many times I saw u critize biden and trudeau on the economy while praising trump economic tenure despite they all did big deficit …..

Fwiw I would be curious if u could find a post of mine where I say I support all the debt trudeau created since he became prime minister .
With insight it’s easy to criticize trudeau for spending too much during covid but compare around the world he did ok .
Now pre covid he spends too much .

Fwiw trudeau isn’t as bad as what u make out to

Actually I have been very critical of Trumps deficits. I have always a true great economy was under Bill Clinton as he also ran a surplus.

I think I have meant you have never or have I seen you be critical of the debt Justin racks up. I do not excuse him under covid but he is still racking up massive deficits and yes he is as bad as I portray some of the future economic outlooks for Canada are not good

by lozen k

Actually I have been very critical of Trumps deficits. I have always a true great economy was under Bill Clinton as he also ran a surplus.

I think I have meant you have never or have I seen you be critical of the debt Justin racks up. I do not excuse him under covid but he is still racking up massive deficits and yes he is as bad as I portray some of the future economic outlooks for Canada are not good

The entire world is under some bad economics outlooks .
You can say trudeau is as bad as u say he is but when u have something like Fraser institute not saying so …. You should take this into consideration .
Trudeau pre covid , yeah sure he deserves many critics .

So Justin had the speaker take responsibility for the invite of a Nazi to the house
I wonder if he will resign for inviting the Nazi to dinner
Trudeaus seem to like Nazis

by lozen k

I wonder if he will resign for inviting the Nazi to dinner

I had no idea he did. Do you have some evidence of this?

by lozen k

Trudeaus seem to like Nazis

Really? Wow! Do you have some evidence of this?

The individual in question's name was submitted by the Ukrainian Canadian Congress. The individual did not attend," said PMO spokesperson Mohammad Hussain in an emailed statement

"The prime minister had no knowledge of this individual before the independent recognition by the former Speaker of the House of Commons," Hussain said.

Lol at lozen getting from complete nothing burger to "Trudeau's like Nazis" in about 2 seconds flat.

by Bobo Fett k

I had no idea he did. Do you have some evidence of this?

Really? Wow! Do you have some evidence of this?

Broken YouTube Link

The invite was from the Prime Minister of Canada

It also covers the fact that all the liberals had to do was remove the carbon tax line from the free trade deal and the Conservatives would support it and the fact Canada will not ship the missiles that they are going to decommission to Ukraine

It seems simple Nazis bad maybe Justin should stop calling conservatives Nazis

by lozen k

The invite was from the Prime Minister of Canada

So no evidence of either one, of course.

The invitation came from the PMO, and we both know there is close to 0% chance that the PM had any direct hand in it, let alone that he knew a Nazi was invited and ensured he was included. And of course it's ridiculous to compare a dinner invite to him attending the House of Commons and getting a standing ovation from MPs.

Is this embarrassing for the PM? Of course. Is it worthy of a 'durr this is the same thing as when the speaker resigned and the Trudeaus like Nazis so the PM should resign'? Of course it isn't. That was pathetic.

by Bobo Fett k

So no evidence of either one, of course.

The invitation came from the PMO, and we both know there is close to 0% chance that the PM had any direct hand in it, let alone that he knew a Nazi was invited and ensured he was included. And of course it's ridiculous to compare a dinner invite to him attending the House of Commons and getting a standing ovation from MPs.

Is this embarrassing for the PM? Of course. Is it worthy of a 'durr this is the same thing as when the speaker resigned and the Trudeau

I would think the government would vet their guests. If you make the speaker resign due to an honest mistake which it was than hold the PMO's office as well .

We disagree again

Oh I will be toasting a drink and dancing when Justin and the carbon tax is gone 😀

by lozen k

I would think the government would vet their guests. If you make the speaker resign due to an honest mistake which it was than hold the PMO's office as well .

We disagree again

Oh I will be toasting a drink and dancing when Justin and the carbon tax is gone 😀

And u will see probably no changes in your life after this ….

by Montrealcorp k

And u will see probably no changes in your life after this ….

You know I was about to type at least the carbon tax will be gone but forgot I live in BC so you may be right 😀

My supply of Tampons may disappear in men's washrooms

by lozen k

If you make the speaker resign due to an honest mistake which it was than hold the PMO's office as well .

Let me know if a Nazi shows up at the House of Commons after being invited by the PMO and gets a standing ovation, then we can talk about holding them to the same standard.

Or on the flip side, maybe if the speaker's only mistake was to invite him to a dinner to which he didn't show up, no one would have called for a resignation.

As for the Trudeaus liking Nazis, still not sure where you got that one from.

Instructive video. Polievres incessant sloganeering normally makes any media interaction with him utterly pointless, but in this case he wiggles around but the persistence finally get him to give a partial answer. Sad to see the official position of the CPC leader to be against medical advice of Canadian pediatric society, but here we are.

by uke_master k

Instructive video. Polievres incessant sloganeering normally makes any media interaction with him utterly pointless, but in this case he wiggles around but the persistence finally get him to give a partial answer. Sad to see the official position of the CPC leader to be against medical advice of Canadian pediatric society, but here we are.

No it’s good to see a leader stand up for parents rights and from kids making decisions they may llater regret

by uke_master k

Instructive video. Polievres incessant sloganeering normally makes any media interaction with him utterly pointless, but in this case he wiggles around but the persistence finally get him to give a partial answer. Sad to see the official position of the CPC leader to be against medical advice of Canadian pediatric society, but here we are.

Instructive Video

The guy is a partisan Liberal hack who only trashes conservatives . Heck he is more biased than the CBC

by lozen k

No it’s good to see a leader stand up for parents rights and from kids making decisions they may llater regret

did he really “stand up”? Danielle smith at least came forward with a clear defense of her anti-trans laws. He waffled and wiggled behind a couple slogans obfuscating what his position even was until the journalists finally pestered enough to get a clear answer. Set the issue aside, it’s a great example of the empty way he speaks about so many things and how hard it is to get a straight answer about actual policy from him.

That interview of Pierre showed us everything wrong with the media and Brian Lilley sums it up . Its a provincial health matter not a federal matter and if Trudeau is as outraged as he says he is than stop transferring $$ for Healthcare to Alberta

To accuse Pierre of the empty ways he speaks and never say a word about Trudeau ??

Trudeau was completely clear about his position on this issue and offered clear moral clarity. Poilievre fumbled badly, basically forced to make a statement by the media - great job media! Trudeau on other issues certainly has had his moments of relying on slogans and not giving clear statements, but this was not one of those cases.

You don’t have to make excuses every time, you can just admit when your boy dun goofed.

by uke_master k

Trudeau was completely clear about his position on this issue and offered clear moral clarity. Poilievre fumbled badly, basically forced to make a statement by the media - great job media! Trudeau on other issues certainly has had his moments of relying on slogans and not giving clear statements, but this was not one of those cases.

You don’t have to make excuses every time, you can just admit when your boy dun goofed.

Politically I think he should have said this is a Provincial Health Matter and left it at that myself. Its a divisive issue that does him no good either way. He actually was stricter than Smith

Gary Mar former health minister on Vassy made an interesting point 3:05 mark . I find her to be one of the honest journalists out there and there are not many in the national media

Broken YouTube Link

Poilievre speaks all the time about his takes on issues that fall under provincial and even municipal jurisdictions. He can have the courage to make clear statements - like Trudeau did.

I have no idea why you think I should care about the opinion of a non-medical doctor sharing the opinion of some other unspecified presumably non-medical doctors person. I guess these folks on panels feel they need to say something but in Gary's case probably just sitting their silently would have been less embarrassing than the "interesting point" given.
