The "LOLCANADA" thread...again

The "LOLCANADA" thread...again

So what's new?

I've noticed the Liberals are now ahead in all major polls and Trudeau hasn't even started to campaign yet...i'd be shocked if they lost the election now.

Just shows just how incompetent Conservatives are.

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11 July 2019 at 07:31 PM

3447 Replies


by uke_master k

Leaving out the (comparatively decent) deficit is a good illustration of my point. The deficit is at least a policy. But the author doesn't talk about policies, he says LOL remember that time in 2013 when conservatives half-quoted something out of context that sounds a bit silly. It's hilarious you guys are still bringing this **** up in 2025. But what actually matters is the actual policies and it is worth noting how conservatives so often don't even both saying anything at all about policy, ju

comparatively average*


by housenuts k


These players will be telling their grand kids about the day they beat Canada at home

Great win and moment for Latvia

I blame Trudeau for the loss

Remember when Justin promised to lower grocery prices and go after the big stores for price gouging How’s that going ?

by uke_master k

Maybe stop spreading Twitter accounts like “end wokeness” and you won’t be made fun of so much?


Have you ever been correct about anything? I am trying to thinking of one post or opinion you ever had that was correct and I don't think I can. The fact that you've been beating the drum for the worst Prime minister in Canadian history in the thread for the past and still post shows quite a bit of hubris.

by Shifty86 k


Have you ever been correct about anything? I am trying to thinking of one post or opinion you ever had that was correct and I don't think I can. The fact that you've been beating the drum for the worst Prime minister in Canadian history in the thread for the past and still post shows quite a bit of hubris.

Uke is funny he is critical of you for your right wing ideology yet he is so far left and if you ask him a direct question he deflects or refuses to answer if it makes Justin look bad . Justin never lies he just is working on it

An example If I asked him Did Justin Trudeau lie when he said he was going to do something about grocery prices and if the big stores don't he will find a way to punish them ? The answer is clearly NO and has done nothing to lower grocery prices .

On a new topic or Trumps issue of our border. Here is a few stats I have seen on some news feeds

Of the 50,000 Syrian refugees we took in 70 % still are on social services and the one that scares me is the amount of immigrants here on temporary visas that expire this year is in the millions . I found the number 4.5 million hard to believe . I get why the Americans are worried especially if they do not want to go back

by Shifty86 k


Have you ever been correct about anything? I am trying to thinking of one post or opinion you ever had that was correct and I don't think I can. The fact that you've been beating the drum for the worst Prime minister in Canadian history in the thread for the past and still post shows quite a bit of hubris.

ya buddy I think we all know that “end wokeness” is the kind of twitter account that millions of right wing people exactly like you will lap up. It’s all rather embarrassing. But that’s your feed these days.

by lozen k

Uke is funny he is critical of you for your right wing ideology yet he is so far left

This is odd. I’m supporting the centrist political party. The carbon tax I support was originally a conservative, market-based response to carbon pricing.

Like what exactly do you think my most “far left” ideology even is? That we should uh maybe do a little bit to try to tackle climate change?

The real dynamic was that Canadian conservative parties USED to be in some ways more left wing that American democrats. But with trumpism, not only has American conservatism jumped rightward, but Canadian right has emulated Trump as much as possible leading to a dramatic swing to the right. So technocratic, largely non-partisan, center-left folks like me only appear “far left” for pretty benign opinions by comparison.

by lozen k

Uke is funny he is critical of you for your right wing ideology yet he is so far left and if you ask him a direct question he deflects or refuses to answer if it makes Justin look bad . Justin never lies he just is working on it

An example If I asked him Did Justin Trudeau lie when he said he was going to do something about grocery prices and if the big stores don't he will find a way to punish them ? The answer is clearly NO and has done nothing to lower grocery prices .

he completely ignored the left wing video I brought up that adjusted are debt issues to a poor middle of the g7 pack and put us out of the top which he had been going on about for months :( . When you start ignoring left wing sources its not great. uke is so smart too its a global cancer on both sides

by Montrealcorp k

This video ?
(not hard to put it on if u want us to see it ….)

So yes I agree with what they are saying and I personally said so many time and almost got called racist for it …..until the evidences was becoming to obvious to say yes we had an immigration problem .

Anyway , all I’m saying is if people want to really blame Trudeau for lying about the real debt of Canada because he didn’t include provincial debt , etc it’s fine .
That ain’t how market (which are the ones that buy debts ) works and how

watch this I think you will at least concede the point Canada is not the g7 debt darling you think it is

by MoViN.tArGeT k

he completely ignored the left wing video

lol I'm very sorry that I skim passed most of your posts without reading them, but perhaps you should expect this when you lead off by making a complete fool of yourself by saying "left wing video". The video is completely non-partisan. Andrew Chang does great journalism and little explainers, I've got nothing against them and watched a whole bunch, but to suggest it is "left wing" is just silly. Actually its a great example of how the overwhelming majority of the CBC's programmer is far better explained as just non-partisan jouranlism that critiques both sides and quotes both sides and gets opinions from both sides than "left wing video".

Do better, and maybe you'll be ignored less.

Cbc is considered a left wing source. I just want you to concede on one point of 1000 then ill have my thrill I will leave you alone to be a forum gatekeeper. see you do that debate thing where you clearly know im talking about the channel and not the person featured in it but you ignore that and just go for the dub at least in your mind very well played.
Its convenient when data comes out that says your wrong you always hide behind this rhetoric of left vs right. Cbc's alignment does not matter on this issue bringing up that I said left wing (which was true) is a cop out. it was not important. It was just a fun little dig I did since liberals are infighting

Lolol buddy you said "left wing video" . It isn't. It's completely non-partisan. If you disagree then quote the part of the video you think is "left-wing". The CBC (which is also non-partisan by its mandate) might have some editorial slant, but it's biased is far better described as mostly non-partisan. It quotes both sides, it brings guests form both sides, critiques both sides, etc etc etc. If anything, this video is a great exemplar of how the CBC does a great job regularly critiquing both sides.

by lozen k

Uke is funny he is critical of you for your right wing ideology yet he is so far left and if you ask him a direct question he deflects or refuses to answer if it makes Justin look bad . Justin never lies he just is working on it

An example If I asked him Did Justin Trudeau lie when he said he was going to do something about grocery prices and if the big stores don't he will find a way to punish them ? The answer is clearly NO and has done nothing to lower grocery prices .

Do you understand at least that 2019 grocery prices is something of the past like the prices of the 1970s ?
Regardless of which PM comes forward ?

That is what worldwide inflation means …..

Sorry uke, it’s true the PC went much further right ( it’s basically the reform party now, taking over the old PC ) but liberal are in no way centrist anymore .
That are clearly left now.
I don’t see much difference today between the npd and the liberals today.

by MoViN.tArGeT k

he completely ignored the left wing video I brought up that adjusted are debt issues to a poor middle of the g7 pack and put us out of the top which he had been going on about for months :( . When you start ignoring left wing sources its not great. uke is so smart too its a global cancer on both sides

But that isn’t how the financial works .
U.S. states do have debts (which the video says they don’t) and it isn’t included in the national debts .
And I suspect it’s the same with all the countries the video showed .

by Montrealcorp k

Sorry uke, it’s true the PC went much further right ( it’s basically the reform party now, taking over the old PC ) but liberal are in no way centrist anymore .
That are clearly left now.
I don’t see much difference today between the npd and the liberals today.

I said "center-left". But what is the most crazy insane far left major policy of the last 10 years that you think makes them clearly left? Adding limited dental care in conjunction with the NDP for seniors? Most major policy planks I think are fairly described as center-left.

Would be far more easier to find(not) right wings policies ….?
Center would be more like Chrétien/martin and there aren’t similar at all .

NPD is clearly left and I just see almost no distinction at all between the 2…

Ok. Most of their policies continue the basic spirit of the prior right wing government, such as keeping in place Harper’s corporate tax cuts. Their policies really haven’t been far left wing at all, like I don’t even know what major policy plank people would identify that is that. The NDP has supported the liberals, so they might seem similar for that reason, but if you actually dive into the details of what the NDP want it is far to the left of the liberals in general.

Just the latest policies should hint that isn’t left at all .

Identity policies
Subsidies policies
More social policies ( I’m not necessarily against all of them but still) .
There is nothing right .

There was a clear distinction between Harper and Trudeau .

I don’t know what any of that means. What are “subsidy policies”? You mean the gst holiday and 250 checks? Provincial conservatives in Ontario and Alberta have done similar, and federal conservatives also proposed gst Christmas holiday last election. All the parties do these tricks.

Deficits aren’t right or left. Harper had a deficit every year. Ontario conservatives has huge deficits. Same in the US and around the world, right wing parties aren’t magically immune to deficits. Heck a huge portion of our current troubles is that Trudeau kept in place the corporate tax cuts of Harper, that hurts the deficit and is a right wing policy.

So, uh, no.

by uke_master k

but if you actually dive into the details of what the NDP want it is far to the left of the liberals in general.

Like what?

by uke_master k

ya buddy I think we all know that “end wokeness” is the kind of twitter account that millions of right wing people exactly like you will lap up. It’s all rather embarrassing. But that’s your feed these days.

Who really cares what twitter account posted it? For the record I came across it on Elon's twitter page.

by uke_master k

I don’t know what any of that means. What are “subsidy policies”? You mean the gst holiday and 250 checks? Provincial conservatives in Ontario and Alberta have done similar, and federal conservatives also proposed gst Christmas holiday last election. All the parties do these tricks.

Deficits aren’t right or left. Harper had a deficit every year. Ontario conservatives has huge deficits. Same in the US and around the world, right wing parties aren’t magically immune to

Making deficit (everyone had too lately doesn’t mean they agree with it ) and reducing deficits aren’t the same thing .
Right or wrong, Trudeau never been keen on reducing debt .
And again increase in many social policies , identity policies , subsidies many things , etc .

by uke_master k

Lolol buddy you said "left wing video" . It isn't. It's completely non-partisan. If you disagree then quote the part of the video you think is "left-wing". The CBC (which is also non-partisan by its mandate) might have some editorial slant, but it's biased is far better described as mostly non-partisan. It quotes both sides, it brings guests form both sides, critiques both sides, etc etc etc. If anything, this video is a great exemplar of how the CBC does a great job regularly critiquing both si

who cares i was just doing it to trigger you as a low tier jab 😃 that was my point . and you focused on that for some reason and used the little joke to go on some tyrade. nvm lol use the jab/joke as a reason to dodge the losing issue wp wp
